Difference between revisions of "User:KurganXXL/Bielebogg"

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Latest revision as of 08:06, 4 May 2014


Bielebogg solo'd his way to sixty with his boar Bob. His first and only pet. His gear is admittedly substandard for a 60, but, hey, I play with what I find without searching out specific items. He'll get retired from the guild soon as he's not one for groups. Grumpy at heart he is. At 300 Leatherworking, his salvation may be that I'd like to have him specialize at some point. But not today :) ===Head=== Clayridge Helm - Link Mail
242 Armor
+16 Agility
+15 Spirit

===Neck=== Lady Alizabeth's Pendant - Link +8 Stamina
+15 Spirit
===Shoulder=== Merciless Epaulets of the Whale - Link Mail
220 Armor
+11 Spirit
+12 Stamina
Durability 43 / 60

===Back=== Darktide Cape - Link 28 Armor
+6 Agility

===Chest=== Turtle Scale Breastplate - Link Mail
238 Armor
+9 Stamina
+9 Intellect
+9 Spirit
Reinforced Armor +40
Durability 70 / 100
Requires Level 37
===Shirt=== Fine Cloth Shirt - Link


===Wrist=== Myrmidon's Bracers - Link Mail
115 Armor
+5 Agility
+5 Intellect
+5 Spirit
Durability 27 / 35
===Hands=== Brazen Gauntlets - Link Mail
183 Armor
+12 Strength
+12 Agility
+2 Stamina

===Waist=== Ancient Belt of the Boar - Link Mail
132 Armor
+8 Spirit
+8 Strength
Durability 25 / 35
===Legs=== Turtle Scale Leggings - Link Mail
226 Armor
+11 Stamina
+10 Intellect
+11 Spirit
Reinforced Armor +40
Durability 57 / 75
Requires Level 42
===Feet=== Ironheel Boots - Link Mail
171 Armor
+10 Strength
+9 Stamina

===Finger0=== Jaina's Signet Ring - Link Finger
+3 Strength
===Finger1=== Seedtime Hoop - Link Finger
+4 Strength
===Trinket0=== Shard of Afrasa - Link Trinket
===Trinket1=== Argent Dawn Commission - Link Unique
===MainHand=== Moon Cleaver of the Bear - Link One-Hand
47 - 89 Damage
Speed 2.20
(30.9 damage per second)
+6 Stamina
+6 Strength
Durability 74 / 75
===SecondaryHand=== Aurora Sphere - Link Held In Off-hand
+7 Intellect
+4 Spirit

===Ranged=== Master Hunter's Rifle - Link Gun
35 - 66 Damage
Speed 2.60
(19.4 damage per second)

===Ammo=== Accurate Slugs - Link Projectile
Adds 13 damage per second