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Shadow Priest Guide

This is a guide for shadow priest's pretty much outlining my build for a troll shadow priest I plan to play on the Horde PvP server. The talents are listed in the order I will take them as well.

Talents This is a list of talents in the order I will take them.

Spirit Tap - 5/5 points Gives you a 100% chance to gain a 100% bonus to your Spirit after killing a target. For the duration, your Mana may regenerate at a 50% rate while casting. Lasts 15 seconds. This is a great talent in the beginning of the game, and remains usefull throughout playing in PvE. It does work in PvP as well, but you are proboably less likely to get a kill shot in pvp. Still not much to pick from when going for 30+ shadow.

Improved Shadow Word: Pain - 2/2 points Increases the duration of your Shadow Word: Pain spell by 6 seconds. Make the most commonly casted damage spell more effecient, excellent.

Blackout - 3/5 points Gives your Shadow damage spells a 6% chance to stun the target for 3 seconds. This is awesome in PvE and PvP, more usefull than spirit tap, but in the beginning of the game you will be casting holy smite more than shadow stuff.

Mind Flay - 1/1 point Assault the target's mind with Shadow energy, causing 75 damage over 3 seconds and slowing the target to 50% of their movement speed. This is your damage spell. Spammable, excellent DpM, decent DpS.

Blackout - 5/5 points Gives your Shadow damage spells a 10% chance to stun the target for 3 seconds. Finish off blackout.

Improved Psychic Scream - 2/2 points Reduces the cooldown of your Psychic Scream ability by 4 seconds. Usefull spell, cooldown isn't much but it is nice. Requirement for Silence as well.

Shadow Focus - 5/5 points Reduces your target's chance to resist your Shadow spells by 10%. You can buy anything you want over this, Improved Mind Blast or Shadow Affinity are common other picks. As well as Shadow Reach.

Vampiric Embrace - 1/1 point Afflicts your target with Shadow energy that causes all party members to be healed for 20% of any Shadow damage you deal for 1 minute. Great PvE spell. Does something in PvP as well, but not as usefull. Still its only 1 point.

Silence - 1/1 point Silence the target, preventing them from casting spells for 5 seconds. Great PvP spell. Some uses in PvE as well, but not as usefull.

Shadow Weaving - 5/5 points Your Shadow damage spells have a 100% chance to cause your target to be vulnerable to Shadow damage. This vulnerability increases the Shadow damage dealt to your target by 4% and lasts 15 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times. Not as good as darkness, but you need it for darkness, so...

Darkness - 3/5 points Increases your Shadow spell damage by 6%. More damage is good.

Shadowform - 1/1 point Assume a Shadowform, increasing your Shadow damage by 20% and reducing Physical damage done to you by 20%. However, you may only cast Shadow and Discipline spells while in this form. Good form that can help you last longer in PvP and deal more damage as well.

Unbreakable Will - 5/5 points Increases your chance to resist Stun, Fear, and Silence effects by 15%. Only choice for early spending in discipline IMO.

Improved Power Word: Shield - 3/3 points Reduces the duration of your Power Word: Shield's Weakened Soul effect by 15 seconds. Needed for PvP. This is your only "heal" in shadow form as well.

Improved Power Word: Fortitude - 2/2 points Increases the effect of your Power Word: Fortitude spell by 30%. More HP is good for everyone for everything.

Darkness - 5/5 points Increases your Shadow spell damage by 10%. Lets finish up darkness now that we got the key things out of discipline.

Martyrdom - 2/2 points Gives you a 100% chance to gain the Focused Casting effect that lasts for 6 seconds after being the victim of a critical strike. The Focused Casting effect prevents you from losing casting time when taking damage. Slim pickins left, this does something I guess.

Focused Casting - 1/1 point While active, you no longer lose casting time from taking damage. Lasts 8 seconds. Might have some PvP uses.

Mental Agility - 2/5 points Reduces the mana cost of your instant cast spells by 4%. Again, few choices.

Improved Mana Burn - 2/2 points Reduces the casting time of your Mana Burn spell by 1 second. Decent damage spell for PvP with cast time reduction.

Mental Agility - 3/5 points Reduces the mana cost of your instant cast spells by 6%. 1 more point here for level 60.