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(Elliwen's Healer Druid spec...)
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Revision as of 02:11, 6 January 2005

As a primary healer, I'd take the talent tree slightly differently:

Restoration: 31 points

Improved MOW 5 points
Nature's Focus 5 points
Improved Healing Touch 5 points
Gift of nature 1 point
Reflection 5 points
Nature's Swiftness 1 point
Subtlety 5 points
Improved Tranquility 2 points
Improved Regrowth 1 point (not worth casting generally, but need the point for Innervate)
Innervate 1 point

Balance: 20 points

Nature's Grasp 1 point (Required to get the higher talents)
Improved Nature's Grasp 4 points (Required to get the higher talents)
Improved Moonfire 5 points
Nature's Reach 2 points
Omen of Clarity 1 point (The besto!)

Remaining 7 points distributed in Improved Starfire, Improved Thorns, and Moonglow... haven't figured out the best distribution for that (probably whatever it takes to get Moonglow...). The heal over time spells, such as Rejuvination and Regrowth are too mana intensive, for what you get (counter intuitive to me... you should get rewarded for having to be patient). I don't bother with the Improved Entangling Roots, because they can only be cast outdoors... useless in an instance.