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The Boon Channeler is a prot-specced boon healer that uses Mesmer Inspiration to regain mana and prevent damage. It heals effectively, removes conditions like nobodys business and it can take care of the occasional critical hex. The build was developed for PvP but works very well in PvE.





10 Inspiration Magic
11 Protection Prayers [10 levels, Minor Rune]
15 Divine Favor [11 levels, Superior Rune, Prophet's Scalp Design]


The number after the skill is what the critical portion of the spell will do at the specified attribute level.

Skills Rationale

Reversal is the standard heal spell if the target has no conditions. It's an extremly fast cast, and when the target is hit for a large (30+) attack after the cast, extremely effective

Min: 70+48+1+1 = 120 | 17 hp/E
Med: 70+48+31+31 = 180 | 25 hp/E
Max: 70+48+63+63 = 224 | 32 hp/E

A heal for targets under 2 or more conditions. It's only better than Mend Condition when the target has 3 or more conditions, but it can do a thing Mend cannot - target yourself. Excellent self-healing - especially in the arenas where condition-inflicting warriors are common.

Min: 70+48 = 118 | 17 hp/E
Med: 70+48+53 = 171 | 24 hp/E [2 conditions is very common]
Max: 70+48+53+53+53+53 = 330 | 47 hp/E [5 conditions is not maximum, but more than 5 is extremely rare]

If your teammate has a condition, this is one of the most efficent spells in the game. It casts and recharges faster than Orison of Healing, removes the condition, and makes your bed.

Min: 70+48 = 118 | 17 hp/E
Max: 70+48+53 = 171 | 24 hp/E

Fast cast hex removal. The recharge time is a bit long, but if you time the cast right you can remove the nasty hex before it's covered by another. You should only mainly deadly hexes like Backfire, Life Transfer and Spiteful Spirit. It's easy to react to a Lightning Surge being cast on you with this, removing it and evading the knockdown.

Min/Max: 70+48 = 118 | 17 hp/E

Cast this just before entering battle - roughly when you're 1 aggro range from the enemy. Channeling, when used with good positioning, gives you enough mana back to cast rather indiscriminately. It's a delight when you're bodyblocked - you can just cast and cast and cast. Keep it shielded by {{Divine Boon]] (cast channeling, THEN boon), as boon is a faster cast that will also heal you and steal mana when removed. Channeling range is roughly 2/5th of your aggro circle.

The most dramatic spell in the mana engine. Find a target - either the called target, for more disruption, or one you think to be ripe in mana if you're hurting. Enemy Sprits, Pets, Minions and NPC's will always give you a full load, but avoid wasting casts on them if you can.

Ele spikers are extremely common these days. Stop them in their tracks using this - a substantial reduction that also gives you energy. If your team uses winter, sub this for Mantra of Frost. It's not integral to the build, but having the stance helps. When playing in the arenas, cast it with 5 seconds left until game starts.

The spell that drives the build. Lose 2 mana per monk spell, gain 35 hp/E for those 2. Make sure that Boon is always the 'highest' enchantment on your enchantment stack - the near-instant cast, low cost and no recharge makes it an ideal shield.

If you find yourself under extremely hard focus you can spam this and RoF on yourself to reach perverse hp/S.

Min: 48 = 48 | 9 hp/E
Max: 70+48 = 118 | 17 hp/E

Suggested Equipment

Full Wanderer set [+5 armor vs Elemental Damage]
Superior Vigor Rune

Weapon List: 1. Protection Prayers 20/20 staff with 2 +5 def upgrades
2. Protection Prayers 20/20 staff with 2 +30 life upgrades
3. +15 Energy -1 Energy Regeneration focus
4. 20/20 Inspiration focus