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Revision as of 13:32, 13 December 2004

I decided to write this one up because there are so many confusions, questions, and the quest is a giant PITA anyway. I get a couple of tells a night by strangers asking me about it.

Before starting: make sure you train ghostwolf.

1. Islen Waterseer

She is on the shore just South of Ratchet. People tend to miss her because of not following the shore line. Behind the very first pirate camp South of Ratchet there is a hill. This hill slopes down to the water, forming a small peninsula - that's where Islen Waterseer is. She sends you to see Brine.

2. Brine

Take the road South from Crossroads. Go past Camp Taurajo. Go all the way to the next 3-way intersection, where the road to Dustwallow Marsh starts.

Side Note: Just South of here you will likely to see a Taureen npc walking the road. He starts the Bael'dun Quest chain.

Go Straight West. There are a good number of mobs here, watch out. At the zone edge there will be a small lake and a tree next to it. On the left (South) side of the lake you can climb up on the hill where you will find Brine in her tent. She will send you to the lake bellow for water. You will get attacked by a quillboar, but it is still easy. Next Brine sends you to Tarren Mills.

3. Tarren Mills

TM is on the other continent. Go to Orgrimmar and take the Zeppelin to Undercity.

Note: If you are not familiar with the zeppelin, there are two zeps stopping at Orgrimmar. The one that stops at the open area and not towards the cliff wall is the one that goes to UC. The other one goes to Grom'Gol in Stranglethorn Vale.

The Zeppelin will drop you off outside of Undercity. Take the road that goes first West then turns South. This will lead you through Silverpine Forest. If you haven't been to the Sepulcher yet make sure you stop by and tag the flight path. It will come handy later. At the very South end of Silverpine there will be some Dalaran wizzards patrolling the road. They can be annoying, go around them.

From Silverpine you enter Hillsbrad Foothills. At the area where you enter there will be some lvl 25-26 mobs so you should keep your eyes open and run fast.

Note: At the very entrance of the zone to you right there will be a tower with an undead npc who gives a delivery quest. You might as well take it since it sends you to to where are you going anyway.

Note for those on pvp servers: Hillsbrad is one of the most contested territories in Azeroth. Ganking is highly likable.

There will be a 3-way intersection just past a ruined tower right next to the road on your left (North). If you reach a bridge you went too far. At the intersection go North. This is home turf now. Tarren Mill is just up the road to the right (East). You get the water from the well.

Make sure you tag the flight path! The bat handler is just right out of town.

Now back to Brine. Next she sends you to Ashenvale. This is where the real "fun" starts.

4. Ruins of Stardust.

There are multiple ways of going here, but the least painful way is as follows.

From The Barrens go to Stonetalon Mountains. It's straight West from Crossroads. Keep on the road till you get to the fork on the road. Take the right fork going North to Windshear Crag. This area has some spiders and lots or Venture Co. mobs. Go to the Northeast corner where you will find the entrance of a tunnel. There are no mobs in the tunnel. The exit is in Ashenvale Forest. Go left (West), staying fairly close to the zone edge. The mobs here are low 20's, bears and deer, only the bears aggro. There is also a lvl 25 named bear. After a short walk you will reach Ruins of Stardust. It's a small lake with an island. The fountain is on the island. The island and the water around it is densely populated with lvl 24 and higher elementals. You can fight your way through them if you yourself are lvl 24 or over. At 20 it's impossible to do it alone. You can still solo this, with a few deaths. Run straight to the island and try to die close to the fountain. The graveyard is just North of there, it's an easy run. In ghost form observe the moving patterns of the mobs closest to the fountain. There will be at least one that is too close. Wait till it gets the farthest away and then resurrect and start collecting water immediately. Do not bother with healing and buffing up. If you are lucky you get your water before dieing agin.

Note: you collect the water clicking on the container in your inventory not the fountain, so have the right bag already open before rezzing.

After the next corpse recovery just run off the island as fast you can. Back to Brine.

5. The Sapta and the Water Elemental

Brine will give you the purest water and send you Back to Islen Waterseer. She will give you the sapta and remaining drops of purest water. Keep them both on you. She will send you to Silverpine Forest. (I told you to tag the flight path there.) From the Sepulcher go back to the main road and go North till you can cut down to the shore on the West. (Ocean shore, not lake shore!)

Note: there are the usual random lowbie mobs here, plus the one very annoying Son of Arugal. Avoid him. He can't swim so you can escape by running into the water.

Once down the shore go south till you reach the cove. There you drink the sapta by the big stone and a bunch of water elementals will appear. One of them - Corrupt Minor Manifestation of Water - is attackable. Kill it. Pick up it's bracers. Put them into the brazier by right-clicking on it. You also need the remaining drops of pure water in your inventory for this to work.

Note: In case you don't succeed defeating the water elemental there is troll npc on a nearby rock who will supply you with replacement sapta so you can try again.

After putting the items in the brazier the Minor Manifestation of Water spawns that you have to talk to. He will give you the Shard of Water. You take it back to Islen Waterseer who will finally (!) give you your water totem.