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Revision as of 06:57, 4 May 2006

Shoulder Boots Head Legs Chest '
(Neutral) (Neutral) (Friendly) (Friendly) (Honoured)
Druid Scarabs (x5) Bone/Gold Silver/Stone Clay/Gold Crystal/Stone Bronze/Ivory
Idol (x2) Strife Rebirth Life War Rebirth
BoP (x1) Bindings of Dominance Bindings of Dominance Vek'lor's Diadem Skin of the Great Sandworm Husk of the Old God
Hunter Scarabs (x5) Crystal/Ivory Bone/Stone Bronze/Ivory Bone/Silver Clay/Gold
Idol (x2) War Life Strife Sun Life
BoP (x1) Bindings of Command Bindings of Command Vek'lor's Diadem Skin of the Great Sandworm Carapace of the Old God
Mage Scarabs (x5) Bronze/Stone Crystal/Silver Bronze/Ivory Bone/Silver Clay/Gold
Idol (x2) Death Sun Night Sage Sun
BoP (x1) Bindings of Dominance Bindings of Dominance Vek'nilash's Circlet Ouro's Intact Hide Husk of the Old God
Priest Scarabs (x5) Ivory/Silver Bronze/Gold Bone/Silver Clay/Gold Crystal/Stone
Idol (x2) Rebirth Death Sage Life Death
BoP (x1) Bindings of Command Bindings of Command Vek'nilash's Circlet Ouro's Intact Hide Husk of the Old God
Rogue Scarabs (x5) Clay/Silver Bone/Crystal Clay/Gold Crystal/Stone Bronze/Ivory
Idol (x2) Sun Strife War Night Strife
BoP (x1) Bindings of Command Bindings of Command Vek'lor's Diadem Ouro's Intact Hide Carapace of the Old God
Shaman Scarabs (x5) Crystal/Gold Bronze/Clay Crystal/Stone Bronze/Ivory Bone/Silver
Idol (x2) Life Sage Rebirth Strife Sage
BoP (x1) Bindings of Dominance Bindings of Dominance Vek'lor's Diadem Skin of the Great Sandworm Carapace of the Old God
Warlock Scarabs (x5) Bronze/Bone Clay/Ivory Bone/Silver Clay/Gold Crystal/Stone
Idol (x2) Sage Night Death Rebirth Night
BoP (x1) Bindings of Dominance Bindings of Dominance Vek'nilash's Circlet Skin of the Great Sandworm Husk of the Old God
Warrior Scarabs (x5) Clay/Stone Ivory/Gold Crystal/Stone Bronze/Ivory Bone/Silver
Idol (x2) Night War Sun Death War
BoP (x1) Bindings of Command Bindings of Command Vek'nilash's Circlet Ouro's Intact Hide Carapace of the Old God