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Hellgate: London is an Action RPG / FPS game developed by Flagship Studios played in a post-apocalyptic setting.

Confirmed features

A number of features have been confirmed to be in the game through interviews and demos, however note that even these can change until the game is completed.

Game modes

  • Free offline single player, akin to Diablo II.
  • Free online multiplayer.
  • Paid online multiplayer.

Community support

  • Guild support.
  • Friend list support.


  • Focus is on primarly on PvE, but some forms of PvP will likely be in, and more focus put on this if there's an "outcry" about it.
"We know that players want to test their characters against each other." – Bill Roper [1]
  • As a party is made, it can be given a name, maximum members, and possibly other settings.
"You can make your group and give it a name, a description, a maximum number of characters, so it's all set up for what you want to do." – Bill Roper [2]
  • Out-of-party characters can search for adventuring parties to join from town terminals.
"People who are looking for a group can go to a terminal and see you're doing what they want to do." – Bill Roper [3]
  • Members can join parties already in battle at a later point, if the party is advertising itself.
"The big difference there is that if you've got eight people in your group and four guys have to drop out for some reason, you're not screwed. Your game isn't over. You don't have to restart, you can advertise your group." – Bill Roper [4]
  • Monster difficulty is adapting to the number of party members and adjusted as members come and go.
"... in which case the game will scale down the number of enemies in the instance proportionally to correspond to your new party's size." – SchackNews [5]
  • Monster levels set to the average party level. Not adjusted if members will later leave.
"However, it will not scale the enemies' actual levels to match your party's new average level." – ShackNews [6]


  • To do...


  • Crafting to create items is not as emphasized as in some MMO's due to the diversity and focus on monster drops, but may be in to some extent.
"It's not something that's heavily configured into the game like some MMOs." – Bill Roper [7]

External links