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[[Dire Maul West Strategy]]
[[Dire Maul West Strategy]]
[[Category:World of Warcraft]]

Latest revision as of 05:22, 18 May 2011


East Side
West Side
North Side


All quests involving Dire Maul are listed below and sorted by faction.

Alliance Quests

54 (57) Lethtendris's Web - This quest is obtained from Latronicus Moonspear in Feathermoon in Feralas. To complete it you must kill Lethtendris in Dire Maul East.

54 (61) Elven Legends - This quest is obtained from Scholar Runethorn in Feralas. To complete it you need to get to the library (either from north or west) and click the skeleton on the ground near Lorekeeper Lydros. After completing it Lydros will allow you to do the Libram quests.

Horde Quests

54 (57) Lethtendris's Web - This quest is obtained from Talo Thornhoof in Camp Mojache. To complete it you must kill Lethtendris in Dire Maul East.

54 (61) Elven Legends - This quest is obtained from Sage Korolusk in Camp Mojache. To complete it you need to get to the library (either from north or west) and click the skeleton on the ground near Lorekeeper Lydros. After completing it Lydros will allow you to do the Libram quests.

Neutral Quests

54 (58) Pusillin and the Elder Azj'Tordin - This quest starts at Azj'Tordin in feralas NE of Camp Mojache. You need to recover a Book of Incantations from Pusillin in Dire Maul East.

56 (60) Shards of the Felvine - This questline starts in Moonglade at Rabine Saturna. You can grab the shard without the quest and grab the quest line later. The Felvine Shard is on the ground right behind Alzzin the Wildshaper the last boss of Dire Maul East.

56 (61) The Madness Within - This quest starts at the Shen'dralar Ancient inside the west wing. She is on the top level above Teldris. To complete the quest you will need to kill the prince. He is only attackable after killing the demon, and si the last boss of west wing.

56 (61) The Treasure of the Shen'dralar - Follow up to "The Madness Within", you just go to the library for your reward.

58 (60) A Broken Trap This quest is obtained at a broken trap inside the north wing. Setting the trap will take Guard Slip'kik out of the way so you can get maximum tribute. You need 1xFrost Oil and 1xThorium Widget to complete this quest.

56 (60) The Gordok Ogre Suit - This quest is obtained from Knot Thimblejack inside the north wing. This quest is repeatable. You need an ogre suit to bypass the captain for maximum tribute. To do this quest you will need to bring him 4xBolts of Runecloth, 8xRugged Leather, 2xRune Thread, and 1xOgre Tannin. After a tailor or leatherworker has done this quest, talk to Knot and he will teach you how to make an ogre suit for roughly half the materials.

58 (60) Free Knot! - This quest requires a Gordok Shackle Key. The key is a random drop from most any ogre. Once you have the key talk to Knot Thimblejack and he will have some dialog to options about the key, after that you can get this quest to set him free. After doing the quest he will leave so make sure oyu get your ogre suit made first if you need him for that. The reward is a box of random tailoring and leather working stuff. It always has a BoP pattern for tailoring or leatherworking.

56 (60) Unfinished Gordok Business - This quest is obtained from Captain Kromcrush inside the north wing. You can only get this quest if you become the ogre king and keep the captain alive.

58 (60) The Gordok Taste Test This quest starts from Stomper Kreeg <The Drunk> after you become the ogre king. He gives you some beer to try for free. You can buy more from his shop.

58 (60) Libram of Focus - Lorekeeper Lydros will give you this quest if you have completed "Elven Legends" already. It takes 1xLibram of Focus, 1xPristine Black Diamond, 4xLarge Brilliant Shard, 2xSkin of Shadow

58 (60) Libram of Protection - Lorekeeper Lydros will give you this quest if you have completed "Elven Legends" already. It takes 1xLibram of Protection, 1xPristine Black Diamond, 2xLarge Brilliant Shard, 1xFrayed Abomination Stiching

58 (60) Libram of Rapidity - Lorekeeper Lydros will give you this quest if you have completed "Elven Legends" already. It takes 1xLibram of Rapidity, 1xPristine Black Diamond, 2xLarge Brilliant Shard, 2xBlood of Heroes

Class Quests

Dire Maul has a quest which produces a reward which is unique to the class performing the quest. In order to complete the quest each toon must acquire a special class specific book. The book must be taken to the Library within Dire Maul. The library is reachable through either the North or West entrances. The North entrance provides the easiest access.

Additionally, a Mage may obtain a level 60 version of the Conjure Water spell through a quest that takes part in Dire Maul.

Complete information may be found on the Dire Maul Class Quest page.


East Side

Alzzin the Wildshaper lvl 58 - boss

Alzzin's Minion level 56

Death Lash lvl 58

Fel Lash lvl 56

Hydroling lvl 57

Hydrospawn lvl 57 - boss

Ironbark the Redeemed lvl 58

Lethtendris lvl 57 - boss

Pimgib lvl 54-56 - boss - ?? maybe Lethtendris' pet ??

Old Ironbark lvl 58

Phase Lasher lvl 46-55

Pusillin lvl 56-57 - boss

Warpwood Crusher lvl 54-56

Warpwood Guardian lvl 54-58

Warpwood Stomper lvl 52-58

Warpwood Tangler lvl 52-56

Warpwood Treant lvl 51-55

Whip Lasher lvl 49-54

Wildspawn Betrayer lvl 47-56

Wildspawn Felsworn lvl 47-56

Wildspawn Hellcaller lvl 51-57

Wildspawn Imp lvl 51-56

Wildspawn Rogue lvl 51-57

Wildspawn Satyr lvl 47-56

Wildspawn Shadowstalker lvl 51-56

Wildspawn Trickster lvl 55-57

Zevrim Thornhoof lvl 55-57 - boss

West Side

Arcane Aberration lvl 55-60 - Immune to Arcane spells.

Arcane Feedback lvl 56-60 - Immune to Arcane spells.

Arcane Torrent lvl 56-60 - Immune to Arcane spells.

Cadaverous Worm lvl 59-60

Eldreth Apparition lvl 55-58

Eldreth Darter lvl 58-59

Eldreth Phantasm lvl 54-59

Eldreth Seether lvl 58-59

Eldreth Sorcerer lvl 58-59

Eldreth Spectre lvl 53-59

Eldreth Spirit lvl 55-58

Eye of Immolthar lvl 59-61

Ferra lvl 58-60

Highborn Summoner lvl 55

Illyanna Ravenoak lvl 58-60 - boss

Immol'thar lvl 60-61 - boss

Lord Hel'nurath lvl 61-62 - boss

Magister Kalendris lvl 56-60 - boss

Mana Burst 54-60

Mana Remnant lvl 52-59

Petrified Guardian lvl 55-59 (not 100% certain)

Petrified Treant lvl 55-59 (not 100% certain)

Ironbark Protector lvl 59 - ?? East or West ??

Prince Tortheldrin lvl 60-61 - boss

Residual Monstrosity lvl 54-60

Rotting Highborn lvl 54-59

Shen'dralar Ancient lvl 60

Shen'dralar Zealot lvl 59

Skeletal Highborne lvl 54-58

Tendris Warpwood lvl 55-60 - boss

Tsu'zee lvl 55-59 - boss

Xorothian Dreadsteed lvl 62 - boss

North Side

Gordok Brute lvl 52-60 - Hard hitting melee mob. They have an uppercut attack that can knock back a short distance.

Gordok Mage-Lord lvl 52-58 - Caster mob that uses flamestrike, polymorph and frostbolt. Can pack a melee punch but much less armor and hp than the brutes.

Gordok Mastiff lvl 52-59 - These non-elites come in groups. Either a pack of 3 or more dogs, or maybe with an ogre leading them around. They can see stealth at a very long range, even further than they can see non stealthed. It is easier to drop stealth and sneak by than attempt sneaking anywhere near these dogs. Although they are non elites they hit really hard and snare, so can be a difficult mob to AoE.

Guard Mol'dar lvl 59 - This is a pretty trivial boss located in the courtyard of the room where you first zone in. If going for maximum tribute you want to leave this guy alive, however he drops a key you will need to complete the instance. You can either kill him and reset the instance for the key or have a rogue pick the lock later on. His only move to watch for is a charge that has a big knockback. Preferably pull him to some safe corner to fight in and make sure there are no mobs really close to be knocked into.

Carrion Swarmer lvl 52-58 These very weak non-elites are found at a few spots in the instance. AoE can finish them fast, but they pose no danger even without it. Watch out even when you are the king these guys are still hostile.

Stomper Kreeg <The Drunk> lvl 54-59 - This lazy ogre is sort of funny to watch but pointless to kill. You should leave him alive for maximum tribute, also his drops are just the same chance at a book that everyone else gives you as well as some beer. He has some effects that he uses in combat to make you drunk, but nothing difficult to overcome. If going for maximum tribute you don't need to be near him at all, if he is in your way you can sneak by when he goes to sleep.

Guard Fengus lvl 59 - This is another easy boss. I can't recall any special moves, maybe someone else can detail the fight a bit more. If going for maximum tribute slip by when he patrols by. Make sure to the loot the courtyard key from the box in the center of the courtyard to continue on.

Gordok Reaver lvl 57-61 - This is a pretty similar mob to the brutes in melee power. They trade their uppercut for a cleave.

Gordok Warlock lvl 55-60 - These ogres have doomguard pets that can be annoying. They also cast Curse of Tongues, Immolation, Shadow Bolt and Banish. Banish is undispellable so it can cause big problems sometimes.

Doomguard Minion lvl 54-60 - These non-elite demons are the pets of Gordok Warlocks. Kill these first as their Rain of Fire, Cripple and War Stomp are all very annoying.

Wandering Eye of Killrog lvl 55-60 - There are 2 eye patrols in the warlock section. You need to get them at the first possible opportunity. If left alive they summon Netherwalkers.

Netherwalker lvl 60 - These demons are summoned in pairs by the wandering eyes. They might look like a simple voidwalker, but they are very tough and cast an AoE. I haven't fought these often (I'm good at killing eyes) so if anyone has more experience post your advice here.

Guard Slip'kik lvl 59 - These smart ogre patrols around the warlock section near Knot. If you are going for maximum tribute you will proboably need to repair the frost trap to keep him occupied so you can slip by. I've never ever fought this ogre, so no idea what he does if you fight him. Someone else can put that here.

Knot Thimblejack lvl 50 - This goblin gives you the quest for the ogre suit needed to bypass Kromcrush. Also if you have a shackle key you can set him free for a special pattern.

Gordok Bushwacker lvl 59 - This ogre spawns to attack you once you loot the tannin from the basket at the end of the warlock section. The tannin is needed to make an ogre suit.

Captain Kromcrush lvl 61 - This big ogre hits pretty hard (uses Mortal Strike I believe) and also uses Intimidating shout a lot. If you are going to kill him make sure you have a lot of room for fear. If only the warrior is in melee then Intimidating shout will not send him running, he will just be feared in place.

Gordok Captain lvl 58-60 - These big melee ogres cast fear and use a shadow shock spell. When you fight them make sure you have plenty of room in case you are feared. Use tremor totems or fear ward if you have them as well. They come in groups so good CC will be necessary or else you might have a lot of fear getting thrown around.

Cho'Rush the Observer lvl 60 - This boss spawns with King Gordok. If going for max tribute you need to keep him alive while you kill the king. If you dont care about tribute just kill him then the king.

King Gordok lvl 62 - This is a really tough boss. He has a huge knockback/charge attack. He can mortal stike and hits very hard, he can also enrage. If you are keeping the observer alive this will be a tough fight and it never is a push over. Make sure your tank gets firm aggro and the dps need to lighten up and not pull any aggro off the tank.

Gordok Spirit lvl 60 - These Ogres watch you as you fight the King, nothing special about them at all.

Mizzle the Crafty lvl 60 - After the king dies Mizzle comes out to crown you the new ogre king and show you your tribute.

Gordok Tribute - This is where you receive your bonus items for skipping bosses as they give the new king his tribute.

Outside Instances

Gordok Mauler lvl 47-54 - These guys have an uppercut knockback attack. For the most part you will just avoid everything outside the instances.

Gordok Ogre-Mage lvl 46-53 - These guys have a frost bolt and a sheep spell. Maybe more stuff I don't fight them very often.

Gordok Enforcer lvl 46-54 - More melee ogres outside the instance, like usual you can proboably just avoid these.

Gordok Hyena lvl 43-54 - Watch out as these packs of dogs see stealth at a very long range.

Griniblix the Spectator lvl 57-58 - This NPC shouts to zone when rare bosses spawn in the arena.

Mushgog lvl 60 - This is a rare spawn arena boss. I've never fought him before, but his drops are the same as the others 2 random BoE blue items.

Skarr the Unbreakable lvl 58 - This is a rare spawn arena boss. He is a tough melee fighter with a knockback. Shouldn't pose too much of a problem unless you have to pvp a few other groups for the spawn. He drops 2 random BoE blues for your trouble.

The Razza lvl 56-60 - This chimera is a pretty tough boss. He has some high damage and it can be a challenge with only 1 healer. This is in the pvp arena as well so you may have to deal with other players fighting you for it. He drops 2 random BoE blues as well.


First how do you even get to Dire Maul. It is located in central Feralas just north of the road. As you enter the area you will see a variety of elite ogres and some stealth seeing dog packs. Head up the ramp and into the very large hallway. All wings can be accessed from the courtyard so that is the usual location to aim for. Follow this large hallway till it intersects with another. There will be some paths there to the north that will open into the courtyard. The center of the courtyard has a PvP arena that has some rare spawn bosses that can be a fun challenge to take on as other players will likely attack you trying to get the spawn for themselves. The wings are in their respective directions. North center for north wing, West center for west, and East center for East. North and West wings require the Crescent Key to open the door to get in. West wing also needs the key to finish the instance inside.

Also there is a side door to east, however it saves little time and skips the imp for the key so it is rarely used. Just head to the East down the big hallway at the T intersection right before entering the courtyard. You should see a tunnel to the north that leads to east.

Dire Maul East Strategy

Dire Maul North Strategy

Dire Maul West Strategy