Difference between revisions of "Poison Length Reduced"

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*Poison Length Reduced by % reduces [[Poison Damage|poison length]] applied after it has been equipped; equipping it after being poisoned won't affect poison length.
{{Mb|=Poison Length Reduced by %}} modifies the length for which poison damage is applied by a percentage; PLR -100% is the floor, while PLR > 99% always reduces poison length to a single frame.  
*Resist difficulty level penalties apply to player and [[mercenary]], applying PLR -40% in Nightmare and PLR -100% in Hell. There is a PLR -100% floor for all units and 75% ceiling for players and mercenaries. [http://web.archive.org/web/20080125084439/http://www.diabloii.net/strategy/x-articles/taopoison2.shtml#Poison%20Control]
*Player and [[mercenary]] normally have a ceiling of PLR 75%, although any excess can offset penalties that might otherwise reduce it below this ceiling. [[Difficulty]] level penalties of PLR -40% in Nightmare and PLR -100% in Hell (-20% and -50% respectively in [[Classic]] games) also apply to them.
*-% [[Enemy Poison Resistance]] counters PLR: a player or mercenary equipping PLR 75% will be reduced to 25% by -50% EPR. [http://www.theamazonbasin.com/d2/forums/index.php?showtopic=76262&st=15&p=846039&#entry846039]
*It is only applied whenever a new source of poison damage is applied, so removing it afterwards will have no effect on current length; adding it after a target is poisoned will have no effect either. [https://www.theamazonbasin.com/forums/index.php?/forums/topic/113633-monster-resistances-and-immunities-guide/&do=findComment&comment=1419063]
*The only monsters capable of equipping PLR are the Ancients. Since there is no ceiling for monsters, if [[Korlic|{{Ub|=Korlic}}]] or [[Talic|{{Ub|=Talic}}]] equip PLR >99% then poison length is always reduced to a single frame. [http://www.theamazonbasin.com/d2/forums/index.php?s=&showtopic=76262&view=findpost&p=846170]
*It can be countered by -% [[Enemy Poison Resistance]]: for example, a player or mercenary equipping PLR 75% will be reduced to 25% by -50% EPR. [https://www.theamazonbasin.com/forums/index.php?/forums/topic/113633-monster-resistances-and-immunities-guide/&do=findComment&comment=1418457]
*Although a combination of Poison Resist and PLR can significantly reduce total poison damage (PR 75% and PLR 75% reduces it to 1/16, PR 95% and PLR 75% reduces it to 1/80), PLR can normally be neglected since poison tends to be reapplied before its length expires in the heat of battle. Using an [[Antidote Potion]], Resist Poison [[Shrine]] or [[Shrine|Well]], or returning to town to be healed cures poison immediately after battle when poison length is long enough to result in significant total poison damage.
*It tends to be of little importance for player and mercenary because monsters don't wait for poison length to expire before reapplying it; consequently they are likely to remain poisoned throughout a battle. Afterwards, they can use an [[Antidote Potion]] or [[Shrine|Well]], or return to town to be healed, to cure themselves immediately (a player can also use a Resist Poison [[Shrine]]) and prevent poison running its full course.
*[[Cleansing]] applies PLR min(30+[60*[(110*lvl)/(lvl+6)]/100],90)% every two seconds to remaining poison length. As a result, it does not add to equipped PLR and it is applied afterwards separately. [http://www.theamazonbasin.com/d2/forums/index.php?showtopic=83164&view=findpost&p=915517] Unlike equipped PLR, difficulty level Resist penalties and 75% ceiling do not apply. [http://www.theamazonbasin.com/d2/forums/index.php?showtopic=83164&view=findpost&p=915517]
*[[Fade]] does not reduce poison length.
{{Affix bonus}}
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| 50%
|align=left|[[Cure|{{Ub|=Cure}}]] helm
!{{Warn|=Yes}} (D2R only)
| 50%
|align=left|[[Flickering Flame|{{Ub|=Flickering Flame}}]] helm
|No (D2R only)
{{Affix bonus}}
{{Affix bonus}}
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==Body armor==
===Body armor===
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==Set bonus==
===Set bonus===
{{Skill bonus}}
{{Skill bonus}}
|align=left|[[Berserker's Arsenal|{{Sb|=Berserker's Arsenal}}]] Full
|align=left|[[Berserker's Arsenal|{{Ub|=Berserker's Arsenal}}]] (Full)
{{Text table}} width=100%
!width=25% align=left|[[Skill]]
!width=65% align=left|Poison Length Reduced by %
!width=10% align=center|Min [[Requirements|Rlvl]]
|min(30 + [60 * [110*slvl / slvl+6] /100] , 90) to self and [[ally|allies]] in (4*slvl + 28) /3 yard [[radius]]
*Cleansing applies every two seconds to any remaining poison length. As a result, it does not add to PLR from the [[item]]s listed above and it is applied separately afterwards. [https://www.theamazonbasin.com/forums/index.php?/forums/topic/120090-open-wounds/&do=findComment&comment=1487707]
*[[Difficulty]] level penalties and the 75% ceiling do not apply. [https://www.theamazonbasin.com/forums/index.php?/forums/topic/120090-open-wounds/&do=findComment&comment=1487707]
[[Monster]]s normally have no poison length reduction. The only possible exceptions are [[Rite of Passage (quest)|the Ancients]], whose items can spawn with PLR [[affix|suffixes]]:  [[Korlic|{{Ub|=Korlic}}]] and [[Talic|{{Ub|=Talic}}]] can spawn with PLR > 99%, which always reduces poison length to a single frame. [https://www.theamazonbasin.com/forums/index.php?/forums/topic/113633-monster-resistances-and-immunities-guide/&do=findComment&comment=1418588]
*[http://www.theamazonbasin.com/d2/forums/index.php?showtopic=83164 Open Wounds] (Technical Discussion)
*[https://www.theamazonbasin.com/forums/index.php?/forums/topic/120090-open-wounds/ Open Wounds] (D2 Technical)
*Bkelly, [http://web.archive.org/web/20080125084439/http://www.diabloii.net/strategy/x-articles/taopoison.shtml The Tao of Poison] (web.archive.org)
*Bkelly, [http://web.archive.org/web/20080125084439/http://www.diabloii.net/strategy/x-articles/taopoison.shtml The Tao of Poison] (Internet Archive)
*Onderduiker, [http://www.theamazonbasin.com/d2/forums/index.php?showtopic=76262 Monster Resistances and Immunities Guide] (Technical Discussion)
*Onderduiker, [https://www.theamazonbasin.com/forums/index.php?/forums/topic/113633-monster-resistances-and-immunities-guide/ Monster Resistances and Immunities Guide] (D2 Technical)
[[Category:Damage modifiers]]
[[Category:Damage modifiers]]

Latest revision as of 06:45, 8 June 2024