Difference between revisions of "Poison Resist"

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(Created page with '{{D2 Target nav}} |} ==Any socket== {{D2 Affix bonus}} |- | +(5-15)% !align=left|{{R|=Beryl Jewel}} |1 |2 |- | +(16-30)% !align=left|{{R|=Jade Jewel}} |14 |19 |} *Both prefix...')
(16 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
{{D2 Target nav}}
{{Resistance nav}}
{{Mb|=Poison Resist}} modifies poison damage rate by a percentage; PR -100% is the floor, while PR > 99% makes a unit [[Immune to Poison]].
*Player and [[mercenary]] normally have a ceiling of PR 75%, but this can be increased to PR 95% by applying +% [[Maximum Poison Resist]] (although any excess can offset penalties that might otherwise reduce it below this ceiling). [[Difficulty]] level penalties of PR -40% in Nightmare and PR -100% in Hell (-20% and -50% respectively in [[Classic]] games) also apply to them.
*It is only applied whenever a new source of poison is applied, so removing it afterwards will have no effect on damage rate applied for current length; adding it after a target is poisoned will have no effect either. [https://www.theamazonbasin.com/forums/index.php?/forums/topic/113633-monster-resistances-and-immunities-guide/&do=findComment&comment=1419063]
*It tends to be less important for player and mercenary due to the time it takes for poison damage to apply its total amount, allowing them to use an [[Antidote Potion]] or [[Shrine|Well]], or return to town to be healed, to cure themselves immediately (a player can also use a Resist Poison [[Shrine]]).
*Conversely, this means it is more important to reduce enemy resistance when applying poison damage, using [[Lower Resist]] and -% [[Enemy Poison Resistance]].
==Any socket==
{{D2 Affix bonus}}
{{Skill bonus}}
| +50%
!align=left|[[Antidote Potion]] <sup>1</sup>
<span style=font-size:90%><sup>1</sup> Each potion adds 30 seconds to duration for which bonuses apply (+10% [[Maximum Poison Resist]] is also applied)</span>
====Small Charm====
{{Affix bonus}}
| +(3-5)%
!align=left|{{M|=Beryl Small Charm}}
| +(6-7)%
!align=left|{{M|=Viridian Small Charm}}
| +(8-9)%
!align=left|{{M|=Jade Small Charm}}
| +(10-11)%
!align=left|{{M|=Emerald Small Charm}}
====Large Charm====
{{Affix bonus}}
| +(4-7)%
!align=left|{{M|=Beryl Large Charm}}
| +(8-10)%
!align=left|{{M|=Viridian Large Charm}}
| +(11-12)%
!align=left|{{M|=Jade Large Charm}}
| +(13-15)%
!align=left|{{M|=Emerald Large Charm}}
====Grand Charm====
{{Skill bonus}}
!align=left|[[Rotting Fissure|{{U|=Rotting Fissure Grand Charm}}]]
|No (D2R only)
{{Affix bonus}}
| +(7-15)%
!align=left|{{M|=Beryl Grand Charm}}
| +(16-20)%
!align=left|{{M|=Viridian Grand Charm}}
| +(21-25)%
!align=left|{{M|=Jade Grand Charm}}
| +(26-30)%
!align=left|{{M|=Emerald Grand Charm}}
===Any socket===
{{Affix bonus}}
| +(5-15)%
| +(5-15)%
Line 15: Line 119:
<span style=font-size:90%><sup>1</sup> Both prefixes are in the same [[affix]] group as [[Fire Resist]], [[Lightning Resist]] and [[Cold Resist]] prefixes</span>
{{Affix bonus}}
| +5%
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl helm}}
| +(5-10)%
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl helm}}
| +(11-20)%
!align=left|{{R|=Viridian helm}}
| +(21-30)%
!align=left|{{R|=Jade helm}}
*Both prefixes are in the same affix group as [[D2 Fire Resist#Any socket|Fire Resist]], [[D2 Lightning Resist#Any socket|Lightning Resist]] and [[D2 Cold Resist#Any socket|Cold Resist]] prefixes.
{{Skill bonus}}
{{D2 Skill bonus}}
| +30%
| +30%
|align=left|[[D2 Rune|{{Cb|=Tal Rune}}]] in helm socket
|align=left|[[Tal Rune|{{Cb|=Tal Rune}}]] in socket
{{Skill bonus}}
| +25%
| +25%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique Normal helm#Wormskull|{{U|=Wormskull Bone Helm}}]]
!align=left|[[Wormskull|{{U|=Wormskull Bone Helm}}]]
| +50%
| +50%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique Normal helm#Undead Crown|{{U|=Undead Crown Crown}}]]
!align=left|[[Undead Crown|{{U|=Undead Crown Crown}}]]
| +(40-60)%
|align=left|[[Cure|{{Ub|=Cure}}]] helm
!{{Warn|=Yes}} (D2R only)
| +70%
| +70%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique Elite helm#Andariel's Visage|{{U|=Andariel's Visage Demonhead}}]]
!align=left|[[Andariel's Visage|{{U|=Andariel's Visage Demonhead}}]]
!{{Warn|=Yes}} (LoD only)
{{Affix bonus}}
| +(31-40)%
!align=left|{{R|=Emerald circlet}}
{{D2 Affix bonus}}
{{Affix bonus}}
| +5%
| +5%
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl helm}}
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl Amulet}}
| +(5-10)%
| +(5-10)%
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl helm}}
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl Amulet}}
| +(11-20)%
| +(11-20)%
!align=left|{{R|=Viridian helm}}
!align=left|{{R|=Viridian Amulet}}
| +(21-30)%
| +(21-30)%
!align=left|{{R|=Jade helm}}
!align=left|{{R|=Jade Amulet}}
| +(31-40)%
| +(31-40)%
!align=left|{{R|=Emerald circlet}}
!align=left|{{R|=Emerald Amulet}}
{{D2 Skill bonus}}
{{Skill bonus}}
| +25%
| +25%
!align=left|{{U|=Viper Amulet}}
!align=left|[[The Horadric Staff#Amulet of the Viper|{{U|=Amulet of the Viper}}]]
| -
| -
| +30%
| +30%
!align=left|[[D2 Iratha's Finery#Iratha's Collar|{{S|=Iratha's Collar Amulet}}]]
!align=left|[[Iratha's Collar|{{S|=Iratha's Collar Amulet}}]]
| +(35-50)%
| +(35-50)%
!align=left|[[D2 The Disciple#Telling of Beads|{{S|=Telling of Beads Amulet}}]]
!align=left|[[Telling of Beads|{{S|=Telling of Beads Amulet}}]]
| +75%
| +75%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique amulet#Atma's Scarab|{{U|=Atma's Scarab Amulet}}]]
!align=left|[[Atma's Scarab|{{U|=Atma's Scarab Amulet}}]]
===Body armor===
{{D2 Affix bonus}}
{{Affix bonus}}
| +5%
| +5%
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl Amulet}}
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl body armor}}
| +(5-10)%
| +(5-10)%
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl Amulet}}
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl body armor}}
| +(11-20)%
| +(11-20)%
!align=left|{{R|=Viridian Amulet}}
!align=left|{{R|=Viridian body armor}}
| +(21-30)%
| +(21-30)%
!align=left|{{R|=Jade Amulet}}
!align=left|{{R|=Jade body armor}}
| +(31-40)%
!align=left|{{R|=Emerald Amulet}}
==Body armor==
{{D2 Skill bonus}}
{{Skill bonus}}
| +30%
| +30%
|align=left|[[D2 Rune|{{Cb|=Tal Rune}}]] in body armor socket
|align=left|[[Tal Rune|{{Cb|=Tal Rune}}]] in socket
| +20%
| +20%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique Exceptional body armor#Duriel's Shell|{{U|=Duriel's Shell Cuirass}}]]
!align=left|[[Duriel's Shell|{{U|=Duriel's Shell Cuirass}}]]
| +25%
| +25%
!align=left|[[D2 Natalya's Odium#Natalya's Shadow|{{S|=Natalya's Shadow Loricated Mail}}]]
!align=left|[[Natalya's Shadow|{{S|=Natalya's Shadow Loricated Mail}}]]
| +27%
| +27%
!align=left|[[D2 Hwanin's Majesty#Hwanin's Refuge|{{S|=Hwanin's Refuge Tigulated Mail}}]]
!align=left|[[Hwanin's Refuge|{{S|=Hwanin's Refuge Tigulated Mail}}]]
| +30%
| +30%
|align=left|[[D2 Rune Word body armor#Stealth|{{Ub|=Stealth}}]] body armor
|align=left|[[Stealth|{{Ub|=Stealth}}]] body armor
| +40%
| +40%
!align=left|[[D2 Trang-Oul's Avatar#Trang-Oul's Scales|{{S|=Trang-Oul's Scales Chaos Armor}}]]
!align=left|[[Trang-Oul's Scales|{{S|=Trang-Oul's Scales Chaos Armor}}]]
| +50%
| +50%
!align=left|[[D2 Immortal King#Immortal King's Soul Cage|{{S|=Immortal King's Soul Cage Sacred Armor}}]]
!align=left|[[Immortal King's Soul Cage|{{S|=Immortal King's Soul Cage Sacred Armor}}]]
| +90%
| +90%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique Normal body armor#Venom Ward|{{U|=Venom Ward Breast Plate}}]]
!align=left|[[Venom Ward|{{U|=Venom Ward Breast Plate}}]]
| +100%
| +100%
|align=left|[[D2 Rune Word body armor#Bramble|{{Ub|=Bramble}}]] body armor
|align=left|[[Bramble|{{Ub|=Bramble}}]] body armor
{{D2 Affix bonus}}
{{Affix bonus}}
| +5%
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl body armor}}
| +(5-10)%
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl body armor}}
| +(11-20)%
!align=left|{{R|=Viridian body armor}}
| +(21-30)%
!align=left|{{R|=Jade body armor}}
{{D2 Affix bonus}}
| +(5-10)%
| +(5-10)%
Line 221: Line 337:
<span style=font-size:90%><sup>1</sup> Excluding [[orb]]s</span>
<sup>1</sup> Excluding orbs
{{Skill bonus}}
{{D2 Skill bonus}}
| +30%
| +30%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique Exceptional axe#Guardian Naga|{{U|=Guardian Naga Naga}}]]
!align=left|[[Guardian Naga|{{U|=Guardian Naga Naga}}]]
| +50%
| +50%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique Normal axe#Rakescar|{{U|=Rakescar War Axe}}]]
!align=left|[[Rakescar|{{U|=Rakescar War Axe}}]]
{{D2 Skill bonus}}
{{Skill bonus}}
| +30%
| +30%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique Normal crossbow#Leadcrow|{{U|=Leadcrow Light Crossbow}}]]
!align=left|[[Leadcrow|{{U|=Leadcrow Light Crossbow}}]]
{{D2 Skill bonus}}
{{Skill bonus}}
| +95%
| +95%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique Normal dagger#The Jade Tan Do|{{U|=The Jade Tan Do Kris}}]]
!align=left|[[The Jade Tan Do|{{U|=The Jade Tan Do Kris}}]]
{{D2 Affix bonus}}
{{Affix bonus}}
| +5%
| +5%
Line 284: Line 398:
{{D2 Affix bonus}}
{{Affix bonus}}
| +(31-40)%
| +(31-40)%
Line 294: Line 408:
{{D2 Skill bonus}}
{{Skill bonus}}
| +20%
| +20%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique Normal scepter#Knell Striker|{{U|=Knell Striker Scepter}}]]
!align=left|[[Knell Striker|{{U|=Knell Striker Scepter}}]]
{{D2 Skill bonus}}
{{Skill bonus}}
| +25%
| +25%
!align=left|{{U|=Horadric Staff}}
!align=left|[[The Horadric Staff#Horadric Staff|{{U|=Horadric Staff}}]]
| -
| -
| +50%
| +50%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique Normal staff#Serpent Lord|{{U|=Serpent Lord Long Staff}}]]
!align=left|[[Serpent Lord|{{U|=Serpent Lord Long Staff}}]]
{{D2 Skill bonus}}
{{Skill bonus}}
| +(30-50)%
| +(30-50)%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique Elite spear#Viperfork|{{U|=Viperfork Mancatcher}}]]
!align=left|[[Viperfork|{{U|=Viperfork Mancatcher}}]]
{{D2 Skill bonus}}
{{Skill bonus}}
| +45%
| +45%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique Exceptional sword#Plague Bearer|{{U|=Plague Bearer Rune Sword}}]]
!align=left|[[Plague Bearer|{{U|=Plague Bearer Rune Sword}}]]
| +50%
| +50%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique Normal sword#Blacktongue|{{U|=Blacktongue Bastard Sword}}]]
!align=left|[[Blacktongue|{{U|=Blacktongue Bastard Sword}}]]
| +50%
| +50%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique Exceptional sword#The Vile Husk|{{U|=The Vile Husk Tusk Sword}}]]
!align=left|[[The Vile Husk|{{U|=The Vile Husk Tusk Sword}}]]
{{D2 Skill bonus}}
{{Affix bonus}}
| +5%
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl shield}}
| +(5-10)%
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl shield}}
| +(11-20)%
!align=left|{{R|=Viridian shield}}
| +(21-30)%
!align=left|{{R|=Jade shield}}
{{Skill bonus}}
| +12%
| +12%
|align=left|[[D2 Gem#Emerald|'''Chipped Emerald''']] in shield socket
|align=left|[[Chipped Emerald]] in socket
| +16%
| +16%
|align=left|'''Flawed Emerald''' in shield socket
|align=left|[[Flawed Emerald]] in socket
| +22%
| +22%
|align=left|'''Emerald''' in shield socket
|align=left|[[Emerald]] in socket
| +28%
| +28%
|align=left|'''Flawless Emerald''' in shield socket
|align=left|[[Flawless Emerald]] in socket
| +40%
| +40%
|align=left|'''Perfect Emerald''' in shield socket
|align=left|[[Perfect Emerald]] in socket
{{Skill bonus}}
| +35%
| +35%
|align=left|[[D2 Rune|{{Cb|=Tal Rune}}]] in shield socket
|align=left|[[Tal Rune|{{Cb|=Tal Rune}}]] in socket
| +20%
| +20%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique Normal shield#Wall of the Eyeless|{{U|=Wall of the Eyeless Bone Shield}}]]
!align=left|[[Wall of the Eyeless|{{U|=Wall of the Eyeless Bone Shield}}]]
| +(25-26)%
| +(25-26)%
|align=left|[[D2 Civerb's Vestments#Civerb's Ward|{{Sb|=Civerb's Ward Large Shield}}]] 3 items
|align=left|[[Civerb's Ward|{{Sb|=Civerb's Ward Large Shield}}]] (3 items)
| +35%
| +35%
|align=left|[[D2 Rune Word shield#Ancient's Pledge|{{Ub|=Ancient's Pledge}}]] shield <sup>1</sup>
|align=left|[[Ancients' Pledge|{{Ub|=Ancients' Pledge}}]] shield <sup>1</sup>
| +35%
| +35%
|align=left|[[D2 Rune Word shield#Spirit|{{Ub|=Spirit}}]] shield
|align=left|[[Spirit|{{Ub|=Spirit}}]] shield
!{{Warn|=Yes}} (LoD only)
| +(30-40)%
| +(30-40)%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique Elite shield#Head Hunter's Glory|{{U|=Head Hunter's Glory Troll Nest}}]]
!align=left|[[Head Hunter's Glory|{{U|=Head Hunter's Glory Troll Nest}}]]
| +75%
| +75%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique Exceptional shield#Radamnet's Sphere|{{U|=Radament's Sphere Ancient Shield}}]]
!align=left|[[Radament's Sphere|{{U|=Radament's Sphere Ancient Shield}}]]
<span style=font-size:90%><sup>1</sup> Poison Resist +48% displayed due to +13% [[All Resistances]]</span>
====Shrunken head====
{{Skill bonus}}
| +40%
!align=left|[[Trang-Oul's Wing|{{S|=Trang-Oul's Wing Cantor Trophy}}]]
<sup>1</sup> Poison Resist +48% displayed due to +13% All Resistances.
{{Affix bonus}}
{{D2 Affix bonus}}
| +5%
| +5%
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl shield}}
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl Ring}}
| +(5-10)%
| +(5-10)%
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl shield}}
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl Ring}}
| +(11-20)%
| +(11-20)%
!align=left|{{R|=Viridian shield}}
!align=left|{{R|=Viridian Ring}}
| +(21-30)%
| +(21-30)%
!align=left|{{R|=Jade shield}}
!align=left|{{R|=Jade Ring}}
===Shrunken head===
{{D2 Skill bonus}}
| +40%
!align=left|[[D2 Trang-Oul's Avatar#Trang-Oul's Wing|{{S|=Trang-Oul's Wing Cantor Trophy}}]]
{{Skill bonus}}
{{D2 Skill bonus}}
| +(20-30)%
| +(20-30)%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique ring#Nature's Peace|{{U|=Nature's Peace Ring}}]]
!align=left|[[Nature's Peace|{{U|=Nature's Peace Ring}}]]
!{{Warn|=Yes}} (LoD only)
| +55%
| +55%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique ring#Carrion Wind|{{U|=Carrion Wind Ring}}]]
!align=left|[[Carrion Wind|{{U|=Carrion Wind Ring}}]]
{{D2 Affix bonus}}
{{Affix bonus}}
| +5%
| +5%
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl Ring}}
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl belt}}
| +(5-10)%
| +(5-10)%
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl Ring}}
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl belt}}
| +(11-20)%
| +(11-20)%
!align=left|{{R|=Viridian Ring}}
!align=left|{{R|=Viridian belt}}
| +(21-30)%
| +(21-30)%
!align=left|{{R|=Jade Ring}}
!align=left|{{R|=Jade belt}}
{{D2 Skill bonus}}
{{Skill bonus}}
| +(5-10)%
| +(5-10)%
!align=left|[[D2 Crafted item#Safety|{{C|=Safety boots}}]]
!align=left|[[Safety|{{C|=Safety belt}}]]
| +(40-70)%
| +25%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique Elite boots#Sandstorm Trek|{{U|=Sandstorm Trek Scarabshell Boots}}]]
|align=left|[[Infernal Sign|{{Sb|=Infernal Sign Heavy Belt}}]] (2 items)
| +25%
!align=left|[[Snakecord|{{U|=Snakecord Light Belt}}]]
{{D2 Affix bonus}}
{{Affix bonus}}
| +5%
| +5%
Line 532: Line 678:
{{D2 Skill bonus}}
{{Skill bonus}}
| +(5-10)%
| +(5-10)%
!align=left|[[D2 Crafted item#Safety|{{C|=Safety belt}}]]
!align=left|[[Safety|{{C|=Safety boots}}]]
| +25%
| +(40-70)%
|align=left|[[D2 Infernal Tools#Infernal Sign|{{Sb|=Infernal Sign Heavy Belt}}]] 2 items
!align=left|[[Sandstorm Trek|{{U|=Sandstorm Trek Scarabshell Boots}}]]
| +25%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique Normal belt#Snakecord|{{U|=Snakecord Light Belt}}]]
{{D2 Affix bonus}}
{{Affix bonus}}
| +5%
| +5%
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl belt}}
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl gloves}}
| +(5-10)%
| +(5-10)%
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl belt}}
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl gloves}}
| +(11-20)%
| +(11-20)%
!align=left|{{R|=Viridian belt}}
!align=left|{{R|=Viridian gloves}}
| +(21-30)%
| +(21-30)%
!align=left|{{R|=Jade belt}}
!align=left|{{R|=Jade gloves}}
{{D2 Skill bonus}}
{{Skill bonus}}
| +10%
| +10%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique Normal gloves#The Hand of Broc|{{U|=The Hand of Broc Leather Gloves}}]]
!align=left|[[The Hand of Broc|{{U|=The Hand of Broc Leather Gloves}}]]
| +30%
| +30%
!align=left|[[D2 Unique Exceptional gloves#Venom Grip|{{U|=Venom Grip Demonhide Gloves}}]]
!align=left|[[Venom Grip|{{U|=Venom Grip Demonhide Gloves}}]]
| +50%
| +50%
!align=left|[[D2 Death's Disguise#Death's Hand|{{S|=Death's Hand Leather Gloves}}]]
!align=left|[[Death's Hand|{{S|=Death's Hand Leather Gloves}}]]
===Set bonus===
{{D2 Affix bonus}}
{{Skill bonus}}
| +5%
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl gloves}}
| +(5-10)%
!align=left|{{R|=Beryl gloves}}
| +(11-20)%
!align=left|{{R|=Viridian gloves}}
| +(21-30)%
!align=left|{{R|=Jade gloves}}
==Set bonus==
{{D2 Skill bonus}}
| +15%
| +15%
|align=left|[[D2 Milabrega's Regalia|{{Sb|=Milabrega's Regalia}}]] Full
|align=left|[[Milabrega's Regalia|{{Ub|=Milabrega's Regalia}}]] (Full)
| +25%
| +25%
|align=left|[[D2 Cow King's Leathers|{{Sb|=Cow King's Leathers}}]] 2 items
|align=left|[[Cow King's Leathers|{{Ub|=Cow King's Leathers}}]] (2 items)
===Small Charm===
{{D2 Affix bonus}}
{{Text table}} width=100%
!width=25% align=left|[[Skill]]
| +(3-5)%
!width=65% align=left|Poison Resist %
!align=left|{{M|=Beryl Small Charm}}
!width=10% align=center|Min [[Requirements|Rlvl]]
!align=left|[[Lower Resist]] <sup>1 2</sup>
| {{Warn|=- min(25 + [45 * [110*slvl / slvl+6] /100] , 70) in (2*slvl + 12) /3 yard [[radius]] for 2*slvl + 18 s}}
| +(6-7)%
!align=left|{{M|=Viridian Small Charm}}
| +(8-9)%
!align=left|{{M|=Jade Small Charm}}
| +(10-11)%
!align=left|{{M|=Emerald Small Charm}}
<span style=font-size:90%><sup>1</sup> PR -% is rounded down to 1/5 when a [[unit]] is [[Immune to Poison]], or becomes so due to the [[Poison Enchanted]] bonus<br/>
<sup>2</sup> Not applied to units that [[Curse#Cannot be cursed|cannot be cursed]]</span>
*It is only applied whenever a new source of [[Poison Damage|poison]] is applied, so removing it afterwards will have no effect on damage rate applied for current length; adding it after a target is poisoned will have no effect either. [https://www.theamazonbasin.com/forums/index.php?/forums/topic/113633-monster-resistances-and-immunities-guide/&do=findComment&comment=1419063]
[[File:Poison Dagger.png|center|frame|This [[Regurgitator#Corpse Spitter|Corpse Spitter]] needed to be [[curse]]d with Lower Resist to remove its poison immunity, but once it had been stabbed to apply poison damage it could be cursed with [[Decrepify]] and remain poisoned until death (although any subsequent poison damage would not be applied since it is once again immune).]]
===Large Charm===
*{{Warn|=Since [[1.13c|1.13]], [[Oblivion Knight]]s no longer cast Lower Resist.}}
{{D2 Affix bonus}}
{|{{Number table}} width=75%
!width=25% align=left|[[Pet]]
| +(4-7)%
!align=left|[[Oak Sage]]
!align=left|{{M|=Beryl Large Charm}}
| +(8-10)%
!align=left|[[Heart of Wolverine]]
!align=left|{{M|=Viridian Large Charm}}
| +(11-12)%
!align=left|{{M|=Jade Large Charm}}
| +(13-15)%
!align=left|[[Spirit of Barbs]]
!align=left|{{M|=Emerald Large Charm}}
===Grand Charm===
{{D2 Affix bonus}}
{|{{Number table}} width=75%
!width=25% align=left|[[Pet]]
!align=left|[[Blood Golem]]
| +(7-15)%
!align=left|[[Bone Wall]]
!align=left|{{M|=Beryl Grand Charm}}
| +(16-20)%
!align=left|[[Bone Prison]]
!align=left|{{M|=Viridian Grand Charm}}
| +(21-25)%
!align=left|[[Iron Golem]]
!align=left|{{M|=Jade Grand Charm}}
| +(26-30)%
!align=left|{{M|=Emerald Grand Charm}}
|[[Monster]] PR %
|Monster PR %
|Monster PR %
Consult individual [[monster]] pages for poison resistance of a particular monster, or individual [[area]] pages for poison resistance of all monsters in a particular area.
*PR +75% is applied by the [[Poison Enchanted]] bonus. If this results in PR > 99%, it is only applied if a monster has less than two immunities beforehand (in which case it either becomes [[Immune to Poison]], or increasingly so).
*Onderduiker, [https://www.theamazonbasin.com/forums/index.php?/forums/topic/113633-monster-resistances-and-immunities-guide/ Monster Resistances and Immunities Guide] (D2 Technical)
[[Category:Diablo II]]
[[Category:D2 Basics]]
[[Category:Damage modifiers]]
[[Category:D2 Damage]]

Latest revision as of 04:50, 21 June 2024