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== External Guides ==
== External Guides ==
'''[http://worldofwarcraft.gameamp.com/game_map/game_map/81.php Annotated Map] from gameamp.com'''
'''[http://worldofwarcraft.gameamp.com/game_map/game_map/93.php Annotated Map LBRS] from gameamp.com'''<br>
'''[http://worldofwarcraft.gameamp.com/game_map/game_map/81.php Annotated Map UBRS] from gameamp.com'''
== Quests ==
== Quests ==
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55 (59) [http://www.thottbot.com/?q=1235 Put Her Down] - This quest is obtained from Helendis Riverhorn in the Burning Steppes.  The possible rewards are the mail [http://www.thottbot.com/?i=5948 Jadescale Breastplate], or the leather [http://www.thottbot.com/?i=5920 Traphook Jerkin] or the cloth [http://www.thottbot.com/?i=5935 Astoria Robes].
55 (59) [http://www.thottbot.com/?q=1235 Put Her Down] - This quest is obtained from Helendis Riverhorn in the Burning Steppes.  The possible rewards are the mail [http://www.thottbot.com/?i=5948 Jadescale Breastplate], or the leather [http://www.thottbot.com/?i=5920 Traphook Jerkin] or the cloth [http://www.thottbot.com/?i=5935 Astoria Robes].
55 (59) [http://www.thottbot.com/?q=4021 Message to Maxwell] - This quest is obtained from Bijou in Blackrock Spire.  This is a follow-on to the Bijou's Belongings quest.
57 (60) [http://www.thottbot.com/?q=1697 Doomrigger's Clasp] - This quest is obtained from Mayara Brightwing in the Burning Steppes.
57 (60) [http://www.thottbot.com/?q=1697 Doomrigger's Clasp] - This quest is obtained from Mayara Brightwing in the Burning Steppes.
55 (59) [http://www.thottbot.com/?q=4021 Message to Maxwell] - This quest is obtained from Bijoue in Blackrock Spire.  This is a follow-on to the Bijou's Belongings quest.
56 (61) [http://www.thottbot.com/?q=3851 Maxwell's Mission] - This quest is obtained from Marshal Maxwell in the Burning Steppes.  There are probably pre-reqs to this step, perhaps in BRD.  This quest is to kill the three bosses in lower [[Blackrock Spire]].  The possible rewards are leather Intellect shoulders [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=6427 Halcyon's Muzzle], mail gloves [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=6448 Voone's Vice Grips], leather agility belt [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=6447 Vosh'gajin's Strand], plate belt [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=6410 Omokk's Girth Retainer], cloth wrist [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=6424 Wyrmthalak's Shackles].
56 (61) [http://www.thottbot.com/?q=3851 Maxwell's Mission] - This quest is obtained from Marshal Maxwell in the Burning Steppes.  There are probably pre-reqs to this step, perhaps in BRD.  This quest is to kill the three bosses in lower [[Blackrock Spire]].  The possible rewards are leather Intellect shoulders [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=6427 Halcyon's Muzzle], mail gloves [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=6448 Voone's Vice Grips], leather agility belt [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=6447 Vosh'gajin's Strand], plate belt [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=6410 Omokk's Girth Retainer], cloth wrist [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=6424 Wyrmthalak's Shackles].
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59 Bijou's Reconnaissance Report Horde
59 Bijou's Reconnaissance Report Horde
Blackrock Spire  Bijou
Blackrock Spire  Bijou
Blackrock Spire or 
Blackrock Spire
6400 XP  
6400 XP  
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6400 XP  
6400 XP  
59 The Pack Mistress Horde
55 (59) [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?q=1490 The Pack Mistress] Horde
Blackrock Spire  Galamav the Marksman
Blackrock Spire  Galamav the Marksman
<Kargath Expeditionary Force>
<Kargath Expeditionary Force>
Badlands or  or 
6400 XP  
6400 XP  
60 The Darkstone Tablet Horde
[http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?n=39917 Halycon] is a wolf boss in LBRS with a rather disappointing loot table. A second boss, [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?n=304461 Gizrul the Slavener], will spawn after she is slain. Gizrul is notable for being the only mob that drops [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=15647 Wildheart Spaulders].
57 (60) [http://www.thottbot.com/?q=1055 The Darkstone Tablet] Horde
Blackrock Spire  Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave
Blackrock Spire  Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave
<Kargath Expeditionary Force>
<Kargath Expeditionary Force>
Badlands or 
8300 XP  
8300 XP  
61 Warlord's Command Horde
This tablet is a gear-clickable white item in the Rookery of UBRS. For some reason, it is not doable in a raid (despite the fact that UBRS is a raid instance) and you must be in a 5-man group to be able to loot the quest item.
55 (61) [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?q=1359 Warlord's Command] Horde
Blackrock Spire  Warlord Goretooth
Blackrock Spire  Warlord Goretooth
<Kargath Expeditionary Force>
<Kargath Expeditionary Force>
Badlands or  or  or  or 
8550 XP  
8550 XP  
This is the first step of the Onyxia key quest line for Horde.  You must talk to Goretooth and listen to him tell you a story.  Keep clicking through and he will eventually give you a note that starts this quest.
63 Oculus Illusions Horde
The quest involves killing three LBRS bosses (Omokk, Voone, and Wyrmthalak) and obtaining a set of documents. The documents are a gear-clickable item that can spawn close to each of the boss locations.  When one set of documents is clicked, another set randomly respawns in any of the three locations.
Blackrock Spire Myranda the Hag
Western Plaguelands
7250 XP
63 For The Horde! Horde
55 (63) [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?q=4575 For The Horde!] Horde
Blackrock Spire  Thrall
Blackrock Spire  Thrall
Orgrimmar or  or 
10900 XP
This quest is part of the Horde Onyxia key line that starts with Warlord's Command.  You must kill an UBRS boss named Rend, loot his head, and turn it in to Thrall.  Once you do, Thrall casts a really nice buff ("Warchief's Blessing" - +300hp, 10% increase in attack speed, generate an additional 10 mana/tick) on every Horde PC in Orgrimmar and Crossroads.
56 (63) [http://www.thottbot.com/?q=5021 Oculus Illusions] Horde
Blackrock Spire  Myranda the Hag
Western Plaguelands
7250 XP
This quest is part of the Horde Onyxia key line that starts with Warlord's Command.  You must loot 20 dragon eyes that drop from Dragonkin mobs in UBRS.
Line 147: Line 159:
'''Plate''' <br>
* [http://www.thottbot.com/?i=9169 Reiver Claws] - Gloves 398 Armor. +9 Str, +15 Stam. 1% Crit Strike
'''Recipes''' <br>
* [http://www.thottbot.com/?i=16100 Recipe: Greater Fire Protection Potion] - Absorbs 1950 to 3250 fire damage. Lasts 1 hour.
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== Walkthrough ==
== Walkthrough ==
Here is a Lower Blackrock Spire (LBRS) 5-man walkthrough.  This includes shortcuts to complete all the quests in the shortest possible time.
Blackrock Spire is a zone located inside Blackrock Mountain.  The easiest way to get there is to take the chain that leads down to Blackrock Depthes but instead head up and follow the ledge around to the east.  You should be able to jump onto a balcony and the portal is right there.
As you zone into blackrock spire there is a short ramp leading to a large room.  Pull the orcs immediatly to the right.  Your goal is to head up the ramp on the right, turn right at the top of the ramp and drop down to the next section.  Pull as little or as much as you want to on the way.  After you drop down you need to wait for a patrol of 2 orcs before you attempt this next very large pull (raider, 2 dogs, 3 other orcs).
With that 2 orc patrol cleared we need to handle this overwhelmingly large pull.  The strategy is very dependant on your groups makeup.  Some notes worth mentioning before you start this fight:
* The dogs are non elite and easy to kill, so should die quickly
* Warlocks (not always one there) can open portals to summon more mobs so they are your #1 priority
* Spellbinders (maybe the wrong name) cast a very very damaging arcane missles spell.  They can make a good mind control target since they deal great DPS.
* Use all of your CC options, rocket helm, mind control hat, priest mind control, freezing trap, sap, polymorph.  There are a lot of mobs and you need to control them.
That is the hardest pull for quite some time, so things should be getting easier.  After it is cleared go through the hallway they were guarding.  As this hallway ends you should note that if you look right you can see some ogres on a far off ledge, that is Urok's area.  Also if you head right and jump off the ledge there should be some smaller ledge steps on the way down.  You can use this to skip to the orc city quickly, however this walkthrough will take a different path to finish all the quests.
So back at the hallway, stick left and you can pull the raider and 2 dogs in your way without any adds.  Just pull them back and take them out.  Stick left again and you should go around a corner and up a rock ramp.  At the top of this ramp if you look behind, you will see a Scarshield Infiltrator.  He will show his true form as you approach and will give you the quest for the key to Upper Blackrock Spire (UBRS).  Also at the top of this ramp if you stay left you can skip that other pull here.  Just continue down and you should see another large group guarding a rope bridge.  They are on a slightly raised portion of ground, sticking to the left hand wall again it is possible to jump up to there sort of climbing a slightly inclined bit near the wall.  Speed boosts like aspect of the pack can make that jump easy.  If you need to run around to them just be carefull as it is easy to get aggro.
Clear that set of orcs and you have another choice here.  The walkthrough will take you across the bridge, however a shortcut to the troll section is to jump down to the area beneath the bridge.  Also you may see a trogg looking guy named Warosh.  He was once a powerfull ogre but he challenged Urok and needs your help to get his Mojo back.  You can grab his quest when he runs by.
Across this bridge is a set of 3 or 4 orcs immediatly on the other side.  Again handle these like the others putting warlocks at top priority and other casters after them.  Once they die there is another rope bridge to your right.  Cross it and clear the 4 orcs over there.  Now you have a choice to make.  If you want to attempt to kill Urok you can clear the sleeping orcs and grab a roughshod pike.  However Urok is a very difficult fight with a 5 man group.  Mages and warlocks make the fight much easier since you need a lot of good CC.  In any case I wouldn't attempt Urok until you are totally finished with everything else in the zone.
After you have gotten your pike, or if you have skipped it you need to clear the group to the right standing around those boxes.  Then you can skip the other orcs by just slipping by the big hole in the floor there.  Next we head to the Ommok and his Ogres.
The lowdown on these ogres:
* Reavers are your basic melee mob.  They hit hard but not much else.  They might use Mortal Strike but I'm not certain
* Ogre Magus are the standard caster.  They have an aoe Arcane Missle like spell and a bloodlust buff that can be dispelled.  Also if you mind control them you cna bloodlust your own group.
* Mystics are the last type of ogre here.  They have a few healing spells (including a dispellable HoT) and some lightning spells like chain lightning.
You just need to clear these ogres down this hallway.  There is a rare spawn that could spawn here called the Spirestone Butcher.  He isn't too tough as I recall, but I haven't fought him much.  You will eventually come to a small bridge.  Most people avoid fighting on the bridge because it is a long way down.  After the bridge is clear you enter Ommok's room.  There are a few ogres to clear sticking the the right hand wall.  Eventually you will be left with just Ommok and his 2 friends (a magus and a mystic).  Good CC helps here to handle the adds while you fight Ommok.  If you must use Mind Control the mystic is a good pick for his healing spells, or if you have a backup healer the magus can cast bloodlust on your melees.  Ommok isn't too much harder than a reaver, just a fair bit of HP.  With him and his adds clear you should check around his area for the Inconspicous Blackrock Documents if on the Warlord's Command quest.
Well you have finished with ogres so you need to head out the way you went in.  As soon as you leave the hallway from the ogres hang a very sharp left.  You should be able to squeeze between a pillar and the wall.  After passing the pillar turn left again and you should be looking down a ramp at a few trolls.
So now that you are in the troll section here are their capabilities:
* Shadow Priests are the worst here.  They cast Hex a spell that turns you into a frog.  Also they can cast a huge mana burn.
* Witchdoctors drop some pretty annoying totems that you will proboably want to get rid of.  Other than their totems they don't have many abilities.
* There are a few ranged type trolls here that have some good throwing attacks.  They can be a bit hard to pull to your group, but are not too deadly.
* Berserker use mortal strike and berserk when low on life.  They are the big melee dps, but not so big on HP.
Ok so clear the troll group at the bottom of the ramp and head into the door they were guarding.  In this kitchen like room you have a choice of 2 paths to take.  You can head up a ramp that is on the other side of the room to a boss that drops some rogue gloves, but not for any quest.  Or you can head down the ramp leading to Voone that is needed for warlord's command.  This walkthrough will now follow the path to the boss that drops the rogue gloves.
Ok after clearing enough of the kitchen, go up the ramp here.  In this next room there are a few trolls that have to be cleared before taking on this shadow priest boss.  Clear them out and you should be left with 2 shadow priests and the boss.  Hex is a huge ability in this fight.  The boss can cast an AoE Hex so non essential folks should stay back a bit.  Also if you can't CC the adds you have 2 more Hex casters to worry about.  The boss can also hit pretty hard, so losing your healer to a hex is a big deal.  Dispose of that boss and continue on toward Voone.
Ok so either you killed the side boss here or not.  Now is the time to move down the large ramp from the kitchen.  Move down this ramp to the center section where there are 4 paths and clear the mobs there.  Next you should proboably head up the ramp the other way to get the quest from Bijou.  She lost some of her equipment in the Orc city and wants you to return it.  We will work on her quest later, so move back down the ramp.  At the center section of the ramp again you need to ehad south as the the north ramp is broken.  Then head west when the ramp forks again.  Down here you may encounter a patrol, if not just slip by very quickly following the left hand wall to a room with a  few trolls in it.  Fight them in here but be mindfull of runners.  There is another room back here to the north with 3 more trolls.  Again runners can cause problems if they head into Voone's room.
The next room contains Voone.  He is a troll so you know he is awesome!  He has 2 attacks to watch out for.  He has a mortal strike that can crit for 3000+ and also has a thorwing attack (that he can use in melee) that crits around 3000 as well.  If he uses these in rapid succession your tank dies, there is nothing you can do about it.  Just keep the tank topped off and load him up with HP buffs.  Unless you get some bad luck you should be able to handle it.  After voone dies check his room for the documents.  They may be here for the warlord's command quest.
Now the quickest thing to do is just to head back up the ramps and leave the troll section.  When you get to where you killed the first group of trolls stop.  You should be able to look down from the edge of this ramp and see a section with a pool of lava and alot of orcs hanging around some tents.  Jump down near the lava sort of in this corner between the 2 camps full of tents.  There is one patrol with a single orc that you will need to eliminate after jumping.
Now that you are in the orc section here is some info on them:
* Grunts are your basic melee basher.  They use mortal strike, but it rarely hits for a lot.
* Darkweavers cast a few shadow nukes and you will often need to pull them with silence or hide out of LoS to get them to come close.
* There are 2 types of orcs that cast primarily fire spells.  They cast a fire aoe, a fireball and a fire curse that does a big chunk of damage every 60 seconds.
* Also every orc can cast a magic debuff that makes the next fire damage attack deal 1000 extra damage.  Dispell that if you can and watch out if you have it on you.
Ok so you will need to head south through the orc section.  Just slowly pull all the orcs in your way till you get to a section with a few wagons.  If you stick left you can skip most of the mobs in that area.  Also sticking left will quickly bring you to the spiders section.  Before you get to the spiders there are a few things you want to make sure you have done.  You should have found Bijou's belongings somewhere in the orc town between where you dropped down and the spider section.  You might need to clear that corner we skipped to find them.  They have a few spawn spots.  Also there is a small cul-de-sac right before spiders with some Pyromancers in it.  If you have a tailoring mage you will proboably want to clear them as they drop a pattern for a nice epic mage robes.  The robe is BoP but the pattern is not.
Also before you take on spiders you can choose to suicide and run back to return Bijou's Belongings.  This saves you another run just to see her again, it should be clear enough that you can turn those in and get back here without encountering any foes.
The spider section is short but difficult.  The spider pulls are typically 2 big spiders and 4 small spiders.  The small spiders should always be your focus if they are up.  If you have a mage to aoe that helps as well.  The big spiders should be CCed if possible with polymorph or hibernate.  The spiders also cast an AoE stun called crystallize.  It can be dispelled so a priest is handy here.  Clear the first spider pull and you will next have a boss to deal with.
The boss Mother Smolderweb is not too much tougher than any other spider pull.  Especially since she comes solo.  Her only special attack is her poison that will cause you to cast an AoE root on all your friends.  After the fight you can use the venom sacks on the spiderlings to remove the poison.  Also there is a quest that requires you to go to burning steppes with this poison still on you and talk to Ragged John.  This quest is not worth it!  However if you must do it you should leave and talk to him immediatly as this poison is too annoying to continue with it on.
Next there is a patrolling spider, pull him down to where you fought mother and handle this solo spider with ease.  Also there is a spider pull to the left up top but you can sneak by if everyone stays as far right as possible.  If you want pull it for safety.  There is one last pull just out of the room on the top level.  Before you leave you can go around and pick up your eggs for the Nasty quest.  When opening eggs make sure that only one person opens them at a time since as many as 8 spiderlings can spawn from an egg sac.  Sometimes no spiderlings spawn so its a bit of a gamble.
After this spider section you have a small platform full of ogres.  This is Urok's ledge that you saw back at the beginning of the instance.  Clear as much or as little of these ogres as you need to continue on the path that is about a 180deg turn from the spider path.  Also you might want to clear them for the documents in case they spawned at this location.
After the ogres you have 2 bug pulls that can be handled easily with AoE or a bit more difficulty without it.  AoE is not needed if you don't have it, just speeds things up.
Now you are entering another orc section.  Here is the information.
* Raiders with dogs are much like the raiders from earlier in the instance.
* Summoners can summon people in your party to them, the main problem with that is interrupting heals.
* Evokers are the biggest threat, they have a fire AoE called flamecrack that does massive damage, knockback and stun.  It cannot be interrupted except by stuns and mezzes.
* Warmongers call for help at low life, fight them far away from any other mobs that could add.
* Veterans are a basic melee brute.
So you cleared the bugs and there should be a raider patrol just at the ramp there.  Clear that and continue in and turn to your right.  There is another raider patrol to clear here before you pull anything else.  Once both patrols are accounted for head straight to that group of orcs at the end of the hall.  Kill them and you are ready for Halycon.  If you have the worg pup quest you can catch a pup in your cage here while fighting Halycon.  AoE can help on the pups as well.  Halycon has a high dodge rate so doesn't die too fast to melee damage but once the pups are gone not a lot of healing is needed.  As soon as Halycon dies she calls another dog to attack you from behind.  He is an easier fight than Halycon so as long as you still have mana left you should be fine.  With the dogs dead head out of Halycons nook and there should be a ramp on the left.
Have your puller pull the things up the ramp down since many are warmongers that will call for help.  The puller should pull following the left wall till about half the room is clear.  Once you have that clear you can all move up.  You can skip 2 pulls in this room.  The one on the right in the middle section and the one in the top left corner.  Pull and clear the rest and move on out of here.  You should end up on a large bridge.  You are almost to Wyrmthalak now.
This last section is a smorgasbord of mobs that you have already encountered.  There are 2 patrols that you should watch out for but just clear your way around this room killing everything till you reach wyrmthalak.  Wyrmthalak is a tough fight.  He has a knockback that will cause your tank to lose aggro so you will need a tank that can taunt.  Also he calls in 2 adds at low health.  Abilities like polymorph, blind and freezing trap will help when they arrive.  Because of his knockback you should pull him back to the little cave-like overhang behind him so you don't get knocked off.  Check his location for the documents if you need them.
With him dead you could go back and start up the Urok event with your pike and head.  The Urok event is very dependant on CC.  You will always have 3 ogres up at a time.  When one dies another will come.  Preferably you should CC 2 of the ogres while fighting a third.  Fear works great on these guys as well since you have cleared everything around.  Every 15 seconds or so you can click on the pike on the skull pike to randomly cause one of the ogres you are fighting to take a ton of damage.  If this breaks a CCed ogre just finish it off since it will be almost dead.  Keep doing this to kill ogres until Urok spawns.  Urok is vulnerable to CC spells so you should immediatly sheep/seduce/fear him while you finish off the other 2 ogres you have in camp.  Keep him CCed until you are all ready to take him on and he won't be too difficult.
Thats it finally you are finished with LBRS!!!
[[Category:World of Warcraft]]

Latest revision as of 05:23, 18 May 2011

The Blackrock Spire is located on the Blackrock Mountain which can be reached from either Burning Steppes or the Searing Gorge.

External Guides

Annotated Map LBRS from gameamp.com
Annotated Map UBRS from gameamp.com



55 (59) Bijou's Belongings - This quest is obtained from Bijou in Blackrock Spire.

55 (59) Put Her Down - This quest is obtained from Helendis Riverhorn in the Burning Steppes. The possible rewards are the mail Jadescale Breastplate, or the leather Traphook Jerkin or the cloth Astoria Robes.

57 (60) Doomrigger's Clasp - This quest is obtained from Mayara Brightwing in the Burning Steppes.

55 (59) Message to Maxwell - This quest is obtained from Bijoue in Blackrock Spire. This is a follow-on to the Bijou's Belongings quest.

56 (61) Maxwell's Mission - This quest is obtained from Marshal Maxwell in the Burning Steppes. There are probably pre-reqs to this step, perhaps in BRD. This quest is to kill the three bosses in lower Blackrock Spire. The possible rewards are leather Intellect shoulders Halcyon's Muzzle, mail gloves Voone's Vice Grips, leather agility belt Vosh'gajin's Strand, plate belt Omokk's Girth Retainer, cloth wrist Wyrmthalak's Shackles.

55 (63) General Drakkisath's Demise - This quest is obtained from Marshal Maxwell in the Burning Steppes. The pre-req to this quest is to get an item from the Wyrmkin boss, Wyrmthalak in LBRS. The possible rewards are a +2% crit trinket Blackhand's Breadth, or +2% spell crit trinket Eye of the Beast, or a defensive trinket Mark of Tyrrany.


59 Bijou's Reconnaissance Report Horde Blackrock Spire Bijou Blackrock Spire 6400 XP

59 Operative Bijou Horde Blackrock Spire Lexlort <Kargath Expeditionary Force> Badlands 6400 XP

59 Bijou's Belongings Horde Blackrock Spire Bijou Blackrock Spire 6400 XP

55 (59) The Pack Mistress Horde Blackrock Spire Galamav the Marksman <Kargath Expeditionary Force> Badlands 6400 XP

Halycon is a wolf boss in LBRS with a rather disappointing loot table. A second boss, Gizrul the Slavener, will spawn after she is slain. Gizrul is notable for being the only mob that drops Wildheart Spaulders.

57 (60) The Darkstone Tablet Horde Blackrock Spire Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave <Kargath Expeditionary Force> Badlands 8300 XP

This tablet is a gear-clickable white item in the Rookery of UBRS. For some reason, it is not doable in a raid (despite the fact that UBRS is a raid instance) and you must be in a 5-man group to be able to loot the quest item.

55 (61) Warlord's Command Horde Blackrock Spire Warlord Goretooth <Kargath Expeditionary Force> Badlands 8550 XP

This is the first step of the Onyxia key quest line for Horde. You must talk to Goretooth and listen to him tell you a story. Keep clicking through and he will eventually give you a note that starts this quest.

The quest involves killing three LBRS bosses (Omokk, Voone, and Wyrmthalak) and obtaining a set of documents. The documents are a gear-clickable item that can spawn close to each of the boss locations. When one set of documents is clicked, another set randomly respawns in any of the three locations.

55 (63) For The Horde! Horde Blackrock Spire Thrall <Warchief> Orgrimmar 10900 XP

This quest is part of the Horde Onyxia key line that starts with Warlord's Command. You must kill an UBRS boss named Rend, loot his head, and turn it in to Thrall. Once you do, Thrall casts a really nice buff ("Warchief's Blessing" - +300hp, 10% increase in attack speed, generate an additional 10 mana/tick) on every Horde PC in Orgrimmar and Crossroads.

56 (63) Oculus Illusions Horde Blackrock Spire Myranda the Hag Western Plaguelands 7250 XP

This quest is part of the Horde Onyxia key line that starts with Warlord's Command. You must loot 20 dragon eyes that drop from Dragonkin mobs in UBRS.


56 (58) The Final Tablets - This quest is obtained from Prospector Ironboot in Tanaris. It is a follow-on to a quest to collect tablets in the Eastern Plaguelands. It is currently the end of the series but may some day lead to further quest(s), perhaps in Zul'gurub?

59 En-Ay-Es-Tee-Why Horde and Alliance Blackrock Spire Kibler Burning Steppes 6400 XP

60 Urok Doomhowl - This quest is obtained from Warosh in Blackrock Spire. The reward is the Prismcharm trinket that can be used to give +20 to all resists for 30 sceonds.

57 (60) Seal of Ascension - this quest is obtained from Vaelan in Blackrock Spire. This quest is part of the quest to obtain the key to the Upper portion of the Spire.

55 (60) Eye of the Emberseer - This quest is obtained from Duke Hydraxis in Azshara. This leads to a quest in Molten Core.

60 (61) Seal of Ascension - This quest is optained from Vaelan in Blackrock Spire. This is part of the quest to obtain the key to the upper spire. This part is obtained when all of the parts of the key are found.

57? (62) The Matron Protectorate - This quest is obtained from Awbee in Blackrock Spire. This is part of the quest to obtain the key to Onyxia's lair(??).

In the cave with all the Cobalt dragonkin (Mazthoril) (in Winterspring), make your way to the end and stand on the glowing blue rune on the ground. It'll port you to the top of the mountain to talk to the NPC (Haleh).

There's a level 60 elite dragon that roams that back cave around the rune, so watch it. Fortunately, once you stand on the rune, it ports you quickly.

62 Finkle Einhorn, At Your Service! Horde and Alliance Blackrock Spire Finkle Einhorn Blackrock Spire 7050 XP

61 The Demon Forge Horde and Alliance Blackrock Spire Lorax Winterspring x5 8550 XP

62 Breastplate of the Chromatic Flight Horde and Alliance Western Plaguelands Catalogue of the Wayward Western Plaguelands

62 Cap of the Scarlet Savant Horde and Alliance Winterspring Malyfous's Catalogue Winterspring

62 Breastplate of Bloodthirst Horde and Alliance Winterspring Malyfous's Catalogue Winterspring

62 Legplates of the Chromatic Defier Horde and Alliance Western Plaguelands Catalogue of the Wayward Western Plaguelands or

60 Hot Fiery Death Horde and Alliance Blacksmithing Human Remains Blackrock Spire 6600 XP

60 Fiery Plate Gauntlets Horde and Alliance Winterspring Forge Winterspring 8300 XP


Item List





  • Reiver Claws - Gloves 398 Armor. +9 Str, +15 Stam. 1% Crit Strike






Here is a Lower Blackrock Spire (LBRS) 5-man walkthrough. This includes shortcuts to complete all the quests in the shortest possible time.

Blackrock Spire is a zone located inside Blackrock Mountain. The easiest way to get there is to take the chain that leads down to Blackrock Depthes but instead head up and follow the ledge around to the east. You should be able to jump onto a balcony and the portal is right there.

As you zone into blackrock spire there is a short ramp leading to a large room. Pull the orcs immediatly to the right. Your goal is to head up the ramp on the right, turn right at the top of the ramp and drop down to the next section. Pull as little or as much as you want to on the way. After you drop down you need to wait for a patrol of 2 orcs before you attempt this next very large pull (raider, 2 dogs, 3 other orcs).

With that 2 orc patrol cleared we need to handle this overwhelmingly large pull. The strategy is very dependant on your groups makeup. Some notes worth mentioning before you start this fight:

  • The dogs are non elite and easy to kill, so should die quickly
  • Warlocks (not always one there) can open portals to summon more mobs so they are your #1 priority
  • Spellbinders (maybe the wrong name) cast a very very damaging arcane missles spell. They can make a good mind control target since they deal great DPS.
  • Use all of your CC options, rocket helm, mind control hat, priest mind control, freezing trap, sap, polymorph. There are a lot of mobs and you need to control them.

That is the hardest pull for quite some time, so things should be getting easier. After it is cleared go through the hallway they were guarding. As this hallway ends you should note that if you look right you can see some ogres on a far off ledge, that is Urok's area. Also if you head right and jump off the ledge there should be some smaller ledge steps on the way down. You can use this to skip to the orc city quickly, however this walkthrough will take a different path to finish all the quests.

So back at the hallway, stick left and you can pull the raider and 2 dogs in your way without any adds. Just pull them back and take them out. Stick left again and you should go around a corner and up a rock ramp. At the top of this ramp if you look behind, you will see a Scarshield Infiltrator. He will show his true form as you approach and will give you the quest for the key to Upper Blackrock Spire (UBRS). Also at the top of this ramp if you stay left you can skip that other pull here. Just continue down and you should see another large group guarding a rope bridge. They are on a slightly raised portion of ground, sticking to the left hand wall again it is possible to jump up to there sort of climbing a slightly inclined bit near the wall. Speed boosts like aspect of the pack can make that jump easy. If you need to run around to them just be carefull as it is easy to get aggro.

Clear that set of orcs and you have another choice here. The walkthrough will take you across the bridge, however a shortcut to the troll section is to jump down to the area beneath the bridge. Also you may see a trogg looking guy named Warosh. He was once a powerfull ogre but he challenged Urok and needs your help to get his Mojo back. You can grab his quest when he runs by.

Across this bridge is a set of 3 or 4 orcs immediatly on the other side. Again handle these like the others putting warlocks at top priority and other casters after them. Once they die there is another rope bridge to your right. Cross it and clear the 4 orcs over there. Now you have a choice to make. If you want to attempt to kill Urok you can clear the sleeping orcs and grab a roughshod pike. However Urok is a very difficult fight with a 5 man group. Mages and warlocks make the fight much easier since you need a lot of good CC. In any case I wouldn't attempt Urok until you are totally finished with everything else in the zone.

After you have gotten your pike, or if you have skipped it you need to clear the group to the right standing around those boxes. Then you can skip the other orcs by just slipping by the big hole in the floor there. Next we head to the Ommok and his Ogres.

The lowdown on these ogres:

  • Reavers are your basic melee mob. They hit hard but not much else. They might use Mortal Strike but I'm not certain
  • Ogre Magus are the standard caster. They have an aoe Arcane Missle like spell and a bloodlust buff that can be dispelled. Also if you mind control them you cna bloodlust your own group.
  • Mystics are the last type of ogre here. They have a few healing spells (including a dispellable HoT) and some lightning spells like chain lightning.

You just need to clear these ogres down this hallway. There is a rare spawn that could spawn here called the Spirestone Butcher. He isn't too tough as I recall, but I haven't fought him much. You will eventually come to a small bridge. Most people avoid fighting on the bridge because it is a long way down. After the bridge is clear you enter Ommok's room. There are a few ogres to clear sticking the the right hand wall. Eventually you will be left with just Ommok and his 2 friends (a magus and a mystic). Good CC helps here to handle the adds while you fight Ommok. If you must use Mind Control the mystic is a good pick for his healing spells, or if you have a backup healer the magus can cast bloodlust on your melees. Ommok isn't too much harder than a reaver, just a fair bit of HP. With him and his adds clear you should check around his area for the Inconspicous Blackrock Documents if on the Warlord's Command quest.

Well you have finished with ogres so you need to head out the way you went in. As soon as you leave the hallway from the ogres hang a very sharp left. You should be able to squeeze between a pillar and the wall. After passing the pillar turn left again and you should be looking down a ramp at a few trolls.

So now that you are in the troll section here are their capabilities:

  • Shadow Priests are the worst here. They cast Hex a spell that turns you into a frog. Also they can cast a huge mana burn.
  • Witchdoctors drop some pretty annoying totems that you will proboably want to get rid of. Other than their totems they don't have many abilities.
  • There are a few ranged type trolls here that have some good throwing attacks. They can be a bit hard to pull to your group, but are not too deadly.
  • Berserker use mortal strike and berserk when low on life. They are the big melee dps, but not so big on HP.

Ok so clear the troll group at the bottom of the ramp and head into the door they were guarding. In this kitchen like room you have a choice of 2 paths to take. You can head up a ramp that is on the other side of the room to a boss that drops some rogue gloves, but not for any quest. Or you can head down the ramp leading to Voone that is needed for warlord's command. This walkthrough will now follow the path to the boss that drops the rogue gloves.

Ok after clearing enough of the kitchen, go up the ramp here. In this next room there are a few trolls that have to be cleared before taking on this shadow priest boss. Clear them out and you should be left with 2 shadow priests and the boss. Hex is a huge ability in this fight. The boss can cast an AoE Hex so non essential folks should stay back a bit. Also if you can't CC the adds you have 2 more Hex casters to worry about. The boss can also hit pretty hard, so losing your healer to a hex is a big deal. Dispose of that boss and continue on toward Voone.

Ok so either you killed the side boss here or not. Now is the time to move down the large ramp from the kitchen. Move down this ramp to the center section where there are 4 paths and clear the mobs there. Next you should proboably head up the ramp the other way to get the quest from Bijou. She lost some of her equipment in the Orc city and wants you to return it. We will work on her quest later, so move back down the ramp. At the center section of the ramp again you need to ehad south as the the north ramp is broken. Then head west when the ramp forks again. Down here you may encounter a patrol, if not just slip by very quickly following the left hand wall to a room with a few trolls in it. Fight them in here but be mindfull of runners. There is another room back here to the north with 3 more trolls. Again runners can cause problems if they head into Voone's room.

The next room contains Voone. He is a troll so you know he is awesome! He has 2 attacks to watch out for. He has a mortal strike that can crit for 3000+ and also has a thorwing attack (that he can use in melee) that crits around 3000 as well. If he uses these in rapid succession your tank dies, there is nothing you can do about it. Just keep the tank topped off and load him up with HP buffs. Unless you get some bad luck you should be able to handle it. After voone dies check his room for the documents. They may be here for the warlord's command quest.

Now the quickest thing to do is just to head back up the ramps and leave the troll section. When you get to where you killed the first group of trolls stop. You should be able to look down from the edge of this ramp and see a section with a pool of lava and alot of orcs hanging around some tents. Jump down near the lava sort of in this corner between the 2 camps full of tents. There is one patrol with a single orc that you will need to eliminate after jumping.

Now that you are in the orc section here is some info on them:

  • Grunts are your basic melee basher. They use mortal strike, but it rarely hits for a lot.
  • Darkweavers cast a few shadow nukes and you will often need to pull them with silence or hide out of LoS to get them to come close.
  • There are 2 types of orcs that cast primarily fire spells. They cast a fire aoe, a fireball and a fire curse that does a big chunk of damage every 60 seconds.
  • Also every orc can cast a magic debuff that makes the next fire damage attack deal 1000 extra damage. Dispell that if you can and watch out if you have it on you.

Ok so you will need to head south through the orc section. Just slowly pull all the orcs in your way till you get to a section with a few wagons. If you stick left you can skip most of the mobs in that area. Also sticking left will quickly bring you to the spiders section. Before you get to the spiders there are a few things you want to make sure you have done. You should have found Bijou's belongings somewhere in the orc town between where you dropped down and the spider section. You might need to clear that corner we skipped to find them. They have a few spawn spots. Also there is a small cul-de-sac right before spiders with some Pyromancers in it. If you have a tailoring mage you will proboably want to clear them as they drop a pattern for a nice epic mage robes. The robe is BoP but the pattern is not.

Also before you take on spiders you can choose to suicide and run back to return Bijou's Belongings. This saves you another run just to see her again, it should be clear enough that you can turn those in and get back here without encountering any foes.

The spider section is short but difficult. The spider pulls are typically 2 big spiders and 4 small spiders. The small spiders should always be your focus if they are up. If you have a mage to aoe that helps as well. The big spiders should be CCed if possible with polymorph or hibernate. The spiders also cast an AoE stun called crystallize. It can be dispelled so a priest is handy here. Clear the first spider pull and you will next have a boss to deal with.

The boss Mother Smolderweb is not too much tougher than any other spider pull. Especially since she comes solo. Her only special attack is her poison that will cause you to cast an AoE root on all your friends. After the fight you can use the venom sacks on the spiderlings to remove the poison. Also there is a quest that requires you to go to burning steppes with this poison still on you and talk to Ragged John. This quest is not worth it! However if you must do it you should leave and talk to him immediatly as this poison is too annoying to continue with it on.

Next there is a patrolling spider, pull him down to where you fought mother and handle this solo spider with ease. Also there is a spider pull to the left up top but you can sneak by if everyone stays as far right as possible. If you want pull it for safety. There is one last pull just out of the room on the top level. Before you leave you can go around and pick up your eggs for the Nasty quest. When opening eggs make sure that only one person opens them at a time since as many as 8 spiderlings can spawn from an egg sac. Sometimes no spiderlings spawn so its a bit of a gamble.

After this spider section you have a small platform full of ogres. This is Urok's ledge that you saw back at the beginning of the instance. Clear as much or as little of these ogres as you need to continue on the path that is about a 180deg turn from the spider path. Also you might want to clear them for the documents in case they spawned at this location.

After the ogres you have 2 bug pulls that can be handled easily with AoE or a bit more difficulty without it. AoE is not needed if you don't have it, just speeds things up.

Now you are entering another orc section. Here is the information.

  • Raiders with dogs are much like the raiders from earlier in the instance.
  • Summoners can summon people in your party to them, the main problem with that is interrupting heals.
  • Evokers are the biggest threat, they have a fire AoE called flamecrack that does massive damage, knockback and stun. It cannot be interrupted except by stuns and mezzes.
  • Warmongers call for help at low life, fight them far away from any other mobs that could add.
  • Veterans are a basic melee brute.

So you cleared the bugs and there should be a raider patrol just at the ramp there. Clear that and continue in and turn to your right. There is another raider patrol to clear here before you pull anything else. Once both patrols are accounted for head straight to that group of orcs at the end of the hall. Kill them and you are ready for Halycon. If you have the worg pup quest you can catch a pup in your cage here while fighting Halycon. AoE can help on the pups as well. Halycon has a high dodge rate so doesn't die too fast to melee damage but once the pups are gone not a lot of healing is needed. As soon as Halycon dies she calls another dog to attack you from behind. He is an easier fight than Halycon so as long as you still have mana left you should be fine. With the dogs dead head out of Halycons nook and there should be a ramp on the left.

Have your puller pull the things up the ramp down since many are warmongers that will call for help. The puller should pull following the left wall till about half the room is clear. Once you have that clear you can all move up. You can skip 2 pulls in this room. The one on the right in the middle section and the one in the top left corner. Pull and clear the rest and move on out of here. You should end up on a large bridge. You are almost to Wyrmthalak now.

This last section is a smorgasbord of mobs that you have already encountered. There are 2 patrols that you should watch out for but just clear your way around this room killing everything till you reach wyrmthalak. Wyrmthalak is a tough fight. He has a knockback that will cause your tank to lose aggro so you will need a tank that can taunt. Also he calls in 2 adds at low health. Abilities like polymorph, blind and freezing trap will help when they arrive. Because of his knockback you should pull him back to the little cave-like overhang behind him so you don't get knocked off. Check his location for the documents if you need them.

With him dead you could go back and start up the Urok event with your pike and head. The Urok event is very dependant on CC. You will always have 3 ogres up at a time. When one dies another will come. Preferably you should CC 2 of the ogres while fighting a third. Fear works great on these guys as well since you have cleared everything around. Every 15 seconds or so you can click on the pike on the skull pike to randomly cause one of the ogres you are fighting to take a ton of damage. If this breaks a CCed ogre just finish it off since it will be almost dead. Keep doing this to kill ogres until Urok spawns. Urok is vulnerable to CC spells so you should immediatly sheep/seduce/fear him while you finish off the other 2 ogres you have in camp. Keep him CCed until you are all ready to take him on and he won't be too difficult.

Thats it finally you are finished with LBRS!!!