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:''This article is about the World of Warcraft class. For the Hellgate: London class, see [[Hunter (Hellgate)]].''
Azeroth is home to a wide variety of beasts. From the new world of Lordaeron to the old world of Kalimdor, all manner of creatures can be found. Some are friendly, some are ferocious - yet they all have one thing in common. Each creature shares a special connection with Hunters. Hunters track, tame, and slay all manner of animals and beasts found in the wild. Whether they rely on bows or firearms, Hunters consider their weapons and pets to be their only true friends.
Azeroth is home to a wide variety of beasts. From the new world of Lordaeron to the old world of Kalimdor, all manner of creatures can be found. Some are friendly, some are ferocious - yet they all have one thing in common. Each creature shares a special connection with Hunters. Hunters track, tame, and slay all manner of animals and beasts found in the wild. Whether they rely on bows or firearms, Hunters consider their weapons and pets to be their only true friends.
One of the easier characters to solo with, especially after lv 10 when one is able to charm a pet. This is meant to be a beginning, so any players that have had experiences with higher level ranged hunters, (rangers), (mine was only lv 23), feel free to add aditional info. Also do not be afraid to disagree on some of my impressions, point here being to give input about the class.
The hunter is one of the easier characters to solo with, especially after lv 10 when one is able to charm a pet.
[http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/spelllist.html?class=Hunter Hunter Spell List]
A quick breakdown on attack power vs dps and agi/crit. (copied from the Hunter forum on the WoW boards)
Does attack power affect ranged attack power?<br>
Attack power from equipment increases ranged attack power.<br>
Attack power from buffs like battleshout do not.<br>
This means that the black dragonscale set does increase ranged dps, but blessing of might does not.<br>
How many attack power for 1 dps?<br>
14 attack power = 1 dps<br>
Raptor Strike - My main close combat skill, a last resort kinda thing if I drew too much aggro. More often then not, by the time the monster had gotten to me, one whirl from RS was enough to kill it.<br>
How many attack power from 1 agility?<br>
Wing Clip - PvP skill, with talent investment able to make target imovable for 3 seconds.<br>
1 agi = 2 attack power<br>
Disengage - Fair chanse of changing aggro to another target. Good when pulling in instances for instance.<br>
How many agility for 1% crit<br>
It’s roughly 53 agility for 1% crit at level 60<br>
'''Beast mastery'''
Aspect of the Monkey - Main aspect when in close quarters, gives % to dodge.
[http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/spelllist.html?class=Hunter Hunter Spell List]
Aspect of the Hawk - Main aspect when ranged skills. Increases ranged attack power.
Aspect of the Cheetah - Good when low lv for transportation. (For instance the trek from Darkshore to IF/SW).
Aspect of the Beast - Makes you show up as a beast on other hunters' tracking.
* Raptor Strike - The hunter's main close combat skill, used mainly as a finishing move or to 'joust' through an enemy while attempting to regain range.<br>
* Mongoose Bite - Damage dealing melee skill, can only be performed after you dodge an attack.<br>
* Wing Clip - Largely a PvP skill, Wing Clip slows the target, allowing the hunter to get back to range. Talents can give a 20% chance to immobilize for 5 seconds.  (Useful in PvE to slow a mob that would run when its life gets low, thus preventing additional mobs being aggroed.)<br>
* Disengage - Lowers your aggro. This skill helps a hunter who has drawn aggro to transfer aggro to a pet or a tank.<br>
* Feign Death - Complete aggro wipe, on a 30 second cooldown. Feign also takes you out of combat (briefly), which allows you to set traps, drink, or change equipment, which you can't otherwise do in combat. Talents can make this (ever so slightly) less likely to be resisted.<br>
* Tracking - One of the best hunter skills. There are very few mobs in the game that can't be tracked by one of the hunters' tracking skills. Mousing over the dots on the minimap will show you the name of that mob. Track Hidden has been improved, but is still spotty for spotting stealthed rogues. If you expect to run into PvP, keep humanoid tracking up.<br>
* Traps - The hunter has 4 traps available, which can be improved through the trap mastery talent. Traps must be set while out of combat, and a hunter can only have one trap laid at a time.<br>
- Immolation Trap - applies a 15-second Fire DoT to the mob.<br>
- Explosive Trap - a Fire trap that explodes and does AoE damage.<br>
- Frost Trap - an Ice trap that has an AoE slowing effect, but does no damage.<br>
- Freezing Trap - an Ice trap that completely immobilizes an enemy for 20 seconds at its highest rank (23 seconds with Trap Mastery talent). Freezing Trap is an amazing skill, since enemies that can't otherwise be crowd controlled with polymorph or sap can still be frozen with freezing trap. Also, it is possible for a hunter to trap a single mob for 2 durations of freezing trap, if they trap the mob, then feign death to get out of combat, and drop another freezing trap so that the mob will trigger it when the first trap wears off. This tactic is dependent on feign not being resisted, but keeping a single mob out of the fight for 40-46 seconds is great when possible.<br>
Eagle Eye - Good for scouting crowded areas, to see which mobs one can pull. Tip: To turn it off, just sit down (Type "X")
Survival Spells requiring talents:<br>
* Counterattack - a melee attack that can only be applied after you parry. Counterattack deals damage and stuns for 5 seconds, and can't be blocked, dodged, or parried, so it's a great skill for PvP.<br>
* Wyvern Sting - a sting that can only be used out of combat, Wyvern Sting is a 12 second 'sleep' effect. After the sleep wears off, there is a 12-second Nature DoT applied to the target (likely to prevent trapping the target after sleeping it).<br>
Revive Pet,<br>
* Hunter's Mark - This spell marks the target with a very noticeable arrow, which makes it a great skill for party play, to help the party know what mob to focus fire on, or which mob you'll be trying to catch in a freezing trap. It adds ranged attack power to everyone attacking the target, and also can be used in PvP to prevent rogues from vanishing.
Feed Pet, <br>           
* Flare - an AoE effect that shows all hidden targets in its radius. Great to expose vanished rogues and stealthed mobs.
Tame Beast,<br>
* Distracting Shot - used to pull aggro to the hunter. If someone else is pulling, this can be used to pull a specific mob to the hunter, often used to pull a mob into a freezing trap
Train Pet - All these are mandatory if you have a pet. You get these for free through the 2 hunter quests the hunter trainer will give you at level 10. The first quest is to tame (charm) 3 particular animals, and the second quest (that gives you feed pet) asks you to visit a pet trainer.
* Concussive Shot - slows the target by 40%, talents add a 20% chance to stun. Note that concussive has higher threat than many shots, so may not be the best shot to use while soloing if your pet has trouble holding aggro.
* Arcane Shot - an instant shot that's great for pulling and adds arcane damage.
* Multi-Shot - a semi-instant shot that hits up to 3 targets. Be careful using this around crowd controlled mobs.
* Volley - Volley is the hunter's only AoE shot (Explosive Trap is our other AoE), and does arcane damage.
Stings: Each hunter can only apply one sting. Also, the only sting that stacks is serpent sting, so if you're partying with other hunters, organize what sting you'll be using.<br>
- Serpent Sting - a nature DoT. More useful now that the debuff limit has been increased, but be careful using this if you might need to control the mob later on, as an active DoT will prevent trapping or sheeping.<br>
- Scorpid Sting - Reduces the strength and agility of the target, lowering its damage. Good vs. physical attackers, can help to keep your pet or party tank from taking too much damage.<br>
- Viper Sting - drains mana from the target. Note that most caster mobs have a large mana pool, so viper may not have a significant impact, unless used in conjunction with the mana drain of another class to keep an empty mana pool from regenerating.
Mend pet is great! It has saved my butt several times when I've been waiting for FA timer etc. That way your pet can tank, and even kill monsters that might kill you, while you build life. Necessary prereq for "Spirit Bond", (talent that tranfers pet hits to 20 life for it's master. ).  
Marksmanship skills requiring talents:
* Aimed Shot - Aimed Shot takes 3 seconds to cast, but adds a significant amount of damage (600 at max rank), and can be devastating when the shot is a critical strike, particularly against low-armor targets.
* Scatter Shot - a close-range 4 second confuse effect, great for PvP to drop a trap and get back to range. Any damage done will cancel the effect.
Track skills: -Track Humanoids, Beasts, Elementals, Undead etc. works well. I usually stay with Track Humanoids when travelling through contested areas with heavy enemy influence, Find Ore/Deposits in pretty safe areas. Track Hidden does not work at all.
==Beast Mastery==
* Eagle Eye - Good for scouting crowded areas, to see which mobs one can pull. Tip: To turn it off, just sit down by typing "x".<br>
* Beast Lore - When cast, the tooltip will show you information about beasts, most importantly whether they are tameable.
* Mend Pet - The hunter's only healing spell, to help you keep your pet on his/her feet. With talents, Mend Pet can also clear debuffs from your pet.
* Scare Beast - a single-target fear, useable on beasts only. In PvP, it can be used on Druids in beast form and other hunters' pets.
Aspects - the hunter has 5 aspects available, only one of which may be active at a time. Most hunters spend the lion's share of their time in Aspect of the Hawk.<br>
- Aspect of the Hawk - Main aspect, increases ranged attack power.<br>
- Aspect of the Monkey - Increases dodge percentage, great for melee and PvP.<br>
- Aspect of the Cheetah - Increases your run speed by 30%, great for getting around before you have a mount. Caution must be used when traveling through areas with hostile mobs, since any hit will daze you for 4 seconds.<br>
- Aspect of the Wild - Gives your entire party added Nature Resist (60 resist at max).
- Aspect of the Pack - Basically an Aspect of the Cheetah for your entire party, including the daze effect upon being hit. Good for traveling inside an instance, when mounts and travel forms can't be used.<br>
Aspect of the Beast - Makes you show up as a beast on other hunters' tracking, can be used to 'hide' from other hunters in PvP.<br>
A list of tameable pets is listed on the WoW Community forums [http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-hunter&t=155&p=1&tmp=1#post155 here].
Beast Mastery Spells requiring talents:
* Spirit Bond - passively increases the health regeneration of you and your pet.
* Intimidation - a 3 second stun
* Bestial Wrath - doubles your pet's damage and makes it immune to crowd control for 15 seconds. Cooldown of 2 minutes.
A good page to check out the colour of various pets is [http://www.tkasomething.com/species.php here], for the fashionable hunter.
Pet Control Skills: These skills are mandatory if you have a pet, and are acquired through the hunter class quests that start at level 10 from the hunter trainer. The first quest is to tame (charm) 3 particular animals, and once you complete that quest, you'll get a second quest (that gives you feed pet and the rest of the pet skills) once you visit a pet trainer in a main city.<br>
* Revive Pet - to ressurect your pet when it dies.<br>
* Feed Pet - you need to keep your pet happy by feeding it food that it likes. Keep a close watch on your combat log, to be sure that the food you're feeding your pet is giving it 35 happiness per tick. If you're getting less happiness, you need to switch to a higher level of food. Your pet will require food of higher level as it levels. Different species eat different foods, check the Pet screen to see what your pet's diet is.<br>           
* Tame Beast - to tame new pets. You can only have one 'active' pet at a time, so you'll need to stable your current pet, or permanantly abandon it in order to train a new one.<br>
* Beast Training - to train your pet with new skills, see the Pet Skills section below.<br>
* Dismiss Pet - for when you want your pet to temporarily unsummon. Useful for times when your pet might not follow you, like making jumps in instances, or when you won't need your pet for a while and don't want it to lose happiness from standing around.<br>
* Call Pet - to call your pet to your side when it's currently unsummoned.
Note! You will get rank 2 Growl, (a pet skill that makes mobs more aggressive towards your pet), for free. Higher ranks of growl can be learned from the [http://hunter.worldofwar.net/modules.php?op=modload&name=Sections&file=index&req=viewarticle&artid=3&page=1 pet trainer], which in some towns hangs out with the Hunter trainer. The train pet skill is located in your general, (racial and so on), skill page. Train Pet will be available once the second hunter quest is completed.
In addition to Growl, pets can also learn Cower, Claw, and Bite. Different pets have different abilities, and you can learn them by stabling your "main" pet, taming a pet with the ability you want, and fighting with it for a while (you need to turn off the autocast and manually active the skill), until you've learned it (message in combat, or check your spellbook under Train Pet). Once you have learned a pet skill, that ability is available to train on your primary pet and all future pets. A list of which pets to tame for particular skills is [http://www.goodintentionsguild.info/hunters.html here].
==Taming Pets==
Scare Beast - As there are a lot of mobs of the beast class, this may be a useful skill if ones resources are wearing thin, and or one wants to finish off another first.  
As listed above, hunters can tame pets after completing their class quests, which start at level 10.
A list of tameable pets is listed on the WoW Community forums [http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-hunter&t=155&p=1&tmp=1#post155 here].
A good page to check out the colour of various pets is [http://www.tkasomething.com/species.php here], for the fashionable hunter.
'''Ranged attacks'''
Scorpid Sting - Good vs. physical attackers, (bow/gun/melee). Decreases agility/str for 20 seconds.
==Pet Skills==
Serpent Sting - DOT, (Nature dmg), usually my third attack after Aimed- and Concussive- Shot. Some monster classes were immune.
You will get rank 2 Growl for free. Higher ranks of growl can be learned from the [http://hunter.worldofwar.net/modules.php?op=modload&name=Sections&file=index&req=viewarticle&artid=3&page=1 pet trainer], who can normally be found near the Hunter trainer. The train pet skill is located in your general skill page, where your racial spells, professions and skills like dual-wield and throw are listed.
Aimed Shot - Usually my opening shot. Adds 70 dmg to base at Rank 1. (Gained from talent tree).
Pet skills cost training points (except Growl, which is free to train). To see your pet's current training points, check the Pet Details. Training Points are equal to Loyalty Level * (Pet Level - 10), so even level 60 pets can gain points by gaining loyalty levels. A level 60 pet at the highest loyalty level will have 300 Training Points.
Arcane Shot - Usually my fourth attack. Deals additional arcane dmg. Fires instantly.
In addition to Growl, pets can also learn other skills. Passive skills are available from the Pet Trainer, and active skills (other than growl) are available from training other animals. Note that some active skills can only be learned by particular species of pet.
Concussive Shot - Slows and stuns, (can add talent points to get 20% to stun).
Passive Skills (no limit other than training point cost):
Great Stamina
Natural Armor
Resistances - Fire, Frost, Arcane, Nature, Shadow. Each school of resist is trained separately.
Multi-Shot - Shoots up to three missilles. Demands tactical use to not draw too much attention to yourself. Not that vise to use solo.
Active Skills (limited to 4 per pet):
* Growl - a taunt that your pet can use to hold aggro on a mob, allowing you to fight from range.
* Cower - decreases aggro on your pet, used in solo play to shift aggro to the hunter when the pet is in trouble.
* Claw - fast casting added damage. Can use up a pet's focus if left on auto-attack.
* Bite - slow casting added damage.
* Dash - a sprint that you can use to have the pet quickly approach and engage a target.
* Prowl - pet will go into stealth. Pet moves slower while in stealth mode, but the first attack from stealth has added damage. Useful for ambushing in PvP.
* Screech - only trainable by owls, bats, and carrion birds, screech is an AoE attack power debuff, so it's great for PvP.
* Furious Howl - this wolf-only skill is an AoE party buff that adds damage to the next attack, great for raiding.
* Scorpid Poison - a stackable nature DoT, obviously used only by Scorpids.
* Lightning Breath - Trainable to Wind Serpents, Lightning Breath is a ranged single-target nature damage spell.
Flare - Yet to be tested, will do so today.
Hunter's Mark - Great skill for party play! Shows which mob to pull next, (and adds ranged attack power). Awesome spell to tag Rogues with in PvP.
A list of which pets to tame for particular skills is [http://www.goodintentionsguild.info/hunters.html#petabilities here].
This [http://petcalc.tripod.com/ tool] can be used to plan your pet's skills. If you want to make a change, you can visit a Pet Trainer to have your pet's training points reset. Like a talent reset, this gets progressively more expensive the more times you do it.
==Role in party==
Keep in mind any skills you may want at the top of the talent tree. Most builds focus on heavy Marksmanship investment to get Trueshot Aura, or heavy Beast Mastery to get Spirit Bond. Investing in Survival is wise if you plan to do a lot of PvP, since you won't be able to rely on keeping attackers at range, but the top skill (Lacerate) is generally seen as not worth the investment, so that frees up points to use in the other trees. You can use [http://wowvault.ign.com/View.php?view=Talents.View&category_select_id=11 this page] to plan your talents.
Hunters can pull in parties, [http://www.nuklearpower.com/hunter.php This] is an interesting article on party placement during pulls.
Even if not pulling, a hunter makes a great group leader, with being able to use tracking to spot patrols, and having the ability to use hunter's mark to direct the group. Freezing trap is great crowd control when someone else is pulling, just pick and mark your mob (make sure it's a non-caster mob that will run to engage you), and immediately after the pull is started (by someone else), use distracting shot to pull the mob to your trap, away from the group. If you keep your pet from engaging, you may be able to double-trap the mob if your feign works.
Hunter pets work great as main tanks for groups up to about Uldaman, and even after that, a pet whose master is specced in Beast Mastery and who has spent their training points on Stamina or Armor (or both!) can do a great job at tanking with healing support. Even non-BM specced pets can do off-tanking duty in Dire Maul and the other end-game instances.
'''Role in party:'''
In groups, you'll generally want to keep your pet's growl off. Pets are great at grabbing aggro on an unexpected add, or on a mob that's breaking from the main group and going for the healer.
Hunters mark, pulling, Concussive Shot, draw aggro with pet, (Growl). In addition to general damage dealing of course. If caster class accompanied with grunts, I found out that while rest of the party took care of the meleers, I'd send my pet to engage the caster, this seemed to work pretty well. [http://www.nuklearpower.com/hunter.php This] is an interesting article on party placement during pulls.
Soloing is an area where hunters shine, since they have a built-in tank to help them out. You'll generally want your pet to get an unresisted growl in before you start shooting (you can put up a hunter's mark in the meantime). In general, you'll want to keep doing steady damage, and won't want to pull aggro off your pet, so you won't typically use shots like aimed and concussive, because of the extra damage/threat they cause. Scorpid sting can be good to keep low health/armor pets alive a little longer, and for hardier pets, you can use serpent to take the target down a little faster, or use your mana on arcane and (if you're sure you won't accidentally pull adds) multi-shot.
I usually scout/check area thoroughly first, if sure I will not draw aggro from several I send my pet to draw aggro with Growl, while he approaches I throw Hunters Mark. Then as mentioned above use a sequence of shots. The time it takes to build Aimed Shot is usually enough to stick monster to pet for the duration until kill. Some situations require one to pull first before engaging pet, usually it's wise not to use skills that causes great dmg then, so it is possible to derail aggro over to pet.
Some hunter gear, for various builds and at various levels, is listed [ here].
'''Top 40 Hunter Weapons Post 1.10 Normalization (Pre-Naxxramas)'''
Note: This does not take into account any other equipment worn, not even quiver bonuses. Only the weapon's DPS.
===PvP Talent Build (Marksmanship/Survival/Beast Mastery) - Sjur===
1.  Huhuran's Stinger
2.  Ashjre'thul, Crossbow of Smiting
Note! This build is adjusted for playing on the PvP server, and I've not taken chance to hit into consideration, (regarding talents that give % to hit, (attack power). Hopefully some input regarding hitting warriors/paladins will be posted somewhere soon.
3. Blessed Qiraji Musket
4.  Grand Marshal's Repeater or Hand Cannon
'''Beast Mastery Talents (11 points)'''
5.  Dragonbreath Hand Cannon
6.  Rhok'Delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers
Improved Aspect of the Hawk - 5/5 points
7. Heartstriker
Increases the Ranged Attack Power bonus of your Aspect of the Hawk by 20%.
Bestial Discipline - 5/5 points
8. Blastershot
Increases the maximum Focus of your pets by ?.
Bestial Swiftness - 1/1 point
9.  Crossbow of Imminent Doom
Increases the outdoor movement speed of your pets by 30%.
10. Gurubashi Dwarven Destroyer
'''Marksmanship Talents (30 points)'''
11. Polished Ironwood Crossbow
12. Mandokir's Sting
Improved Concussive Shot - 5/5 points
13. Silithid Husked Launcher
Gives your Concussive Shot a 20% chance to stun the target for 3 seconds.
Lethal Shots - 5/5 points
14. Hoodoo Hunting Bow
Increases your critical strike chance with ranged weapons by 5%.
Improved Hunter's Mark - 5/5 points
15. Striker's Mark  
Increases the Ranged Attack Power bonus of your Hunter's Mark spell by 15%.
Barrage - 2/2 points
16. Crystal Slugthrower
Increases the damage done by your Multi-Shot and Volley spells by 10%.
Aimed Shot - 1/1 point
17. Deep Strike Bow
An aimed shot that increases ranged damage by 70.
Mortal Shots - 5/5 points
18. Dwarven Hand Cannon
Increases your ranged weapon critical strike damage bonus by 50%.
Hawk Eye - 3/3 points
19. Core Marksman Rifle
Increases the range of your ranged weapons by 6 yards.
Scatter Shot - 1/1 point
20. Ancient Bone Bow
A short-range shot that deals 50% weapon damage and confuses the target for 4 seconds. Any damage caused will remove the effect.
Improved Scorpid Sting - 3/3 points
21. Xorothian Firestick
Reduces the Stamina of targets affected by your Scorpid Sting by 30% of the amount of Strength reduced.
22. Stoneshatter
'''Survival Talents (10 points)'''
23. Bloodseeker
24. Dark Iron Rifle
Precision - 5/5 points
25. Flawless Arcanite Rifle
Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 5%.
Improved Wing Clip - 5/5 points
26. Carapace Spine Crossbow
Gives your Wing Clip ability a 20% chance to immobilize the target for 5 seconds.
27. Bow of Taut Sinew
Reasoning: After thinking it over and seeing the use of pet in PvP, I decided that the need for speed on pet was important enough to invest the 11 points needed for increased speed, (30%), though I had to sacrifuce some skills/investment in Survival skills.
28. Grand Marshal's Bullseye
29. Blackcrow
30. Heartseeking Crossbow
31. Outrider's/Outrunner's Bow
32. Willey's Portable Howitzer
===PvE Current Talent Build (Marksmanship/Beast Mastery) - Solitude Dragon===
33. Satyr's Bow
34. Riphook
'''Beast Mastery Talents (14 points)'''
35. Screeching Bow
36. Shell Launcher Shotgun
Endurance Training - 5/5 points
37. Eaglehorn
Increases the Health of your pets by 10%.
Improved Aspect of the Hawk - 5/5 points
38. Hurricane
Increases the Ranged Attack Power bonus of your Aspect of the Hawk by 20%.
Improved Aspect of the Monkey - 3/3 points
39. Steelarrow Crossbow
Increases the Dodge bonus of your Aspect of the Monkey by 3%.
Bestial Swiftness - 1/1 point
40. Megashot Rifle
Increases the outdoor movement speed of your pets by 30%.
Keep in mind any skills you may want at the top of the talent tree. Most builds focus on heavy Marksmanship investment to get Trueshot Aura, or heavy Beast Mastery to get Bestial Wrath. Investing in Survival is wise if you plan to do a lot of PvP, since you won't be able to rely on keeping attackers at range, but Wyvern Sting is generally seen as not worth the investment, so that frees up points to use in the other trees. PvP builds often include enough Marksmanship talents to get Scatter Shot. You can use [http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classes/hunters/talents.html this tool] to plan your talents.
'''Marksmanship Talents (37 points)'''
===PvP Talent Build (Marksmanship/Survival/Beast Mastery) - Sjur===
Removed - Outdated.
Improved Concussive Shot - 5/5 points
Gives your Concussive Shot a 20% chance to stun the target for 3 seconds.
Lethal Shots - 5/5 points
Increases your critical strike chance with ranged weapons by 5%.
Improved Arcane Shot - 5/5 points
Reduces the cooldown of your Arcane Shot by 1 second.
Barrage - 2/2 points
Increases the damage done by your Multi-Shot and Volley spells by 10%.
Improved Serpent Sting - 5/5 points
Increases the damage done by your Serpent Sting by 10%.
Mortal Shots - 5/5 points
Increases your ranged weapon critical strike damage bonus by 50%.
Scatter Shot - 1/1 point
A short-range shot that deals 50% weapon damage and confuses the target for 4 seconds. Any damage caused will remove the effect.
Hawk Eye - 3/3 points
Increases the range of your ranged weapons by 6 yards.
Ranged Weapon Specialization - 5/5 points
Increases the damage you deal with ranged weapons by 5%.
Trueshot Aura - 1/1 point
Increases the Ranged and Melee Attack Power of party members within 30 yards by 30.
'''Warning:''' This build can get you into a lot of trouble if you don't manage your aggro properly. Specially with slow, high-end weaponry. 2.7 or higher and you'll need to keep more alert than usual.
===PvE Talent Build Post Talent Change (Marksmanship/Beast Mastery) - Solitude Dragon===
The 4 points in survival are essentially due to the fact that I couldn't think of anyplace else to put them. I figured 2% damage and 2% crit damage on humanoids and beasts isn't half bad.
'''Beast Mastery Talents -  15 points'''
Improved Aspect of the Hawk - rank 5/5
Endurance Training - rank 5/5
Improved Aspect of the Monkey - rank 5/5
'''Marksmanship Talents -  32 points'''
Improved Concussive Shot - rank 5/5
Lethal Shots - rank 5/5
Improved Arcane Shot - rank 5/5
Barrage - rank 2/2
Mortal Shots - rank 5/5
Scatter Shot - rank 1/1
Hawk Eye - rank 3/3
Ranged Weapon Specialization - rank 5/5
Trueshot Aura - rank 1/1
'''Survival Talents -  4 points'''
Monster Slaying - rank 2/3
Humanoid Slaying - rank 2/3
===PvP Talent Build (Marksmanship/Survival) - Solitude Dragon===
If I ever decide to actually start to PvP, this would be the build I'd go for (post hunter talent changes).
'''Marksmanship Talents -  26 points'''
Improved Concussive Shot - rank 5/5
Lethal Shots - rank 5/5
Improved Arcane Shot - rank 5/5
Barrage - rank 2/2
Mortal Shots - rank 5/5
Scatter Shot - rank 1/1
Hawk Eye - rank 3/3
'''Survival Talents -  25 points'''
Monster Slaying - rank 2/3
Humanoid Slaying - rank 3/3
Improved Wing Clip - rank 5/5
Trap Efficiency - rank 2/2
Survivalist - rank 5/5
Surefooted - rank 3/3
Improved Feign Death - rank 2/2
Killer Instinct - rank 3/3
===Possible End-game Build - Rhyssa (martini)===
The theory behind this build is to spec out of BM and into survival to get imp. freezing trap, and imp. wing clip. I haven't tried the build yet, but I'm expecting a decrease of pet survivability in solo PvE to trade off for the more versatile Hunter in group PvE (traps) and PvP (traps, wing clip). And I expect to miss having Bestial Swiftness for my bear, when I finally get around to respeccing.
'''Marksmanship Talents (33 points)'''
Improved Concussive Shot - 5/5 points
Gives your Concussive Shot a 20% chance to stun the target for 3 seconds.
Lethal Shots - 5/5 points
Increases your critical strike chance with ranged weapons by 5%.
Barrage - 2/2 points
Increases the damage done by your Multi-Shot and Volley spells by 10%.
Improved Arcane Shot - 5/5 points
Reduces the cooldown of your Arcane Shot by 1 second.
Aimed Shot - 1/1 point
An aimed shot that increases ranged damage by 70.
Mortal Shots - 5/5 points
Increases your ranged weapon critical strike damage bonus by 50%.
Hawk Eye - 3/3 points
Increases the range of your ranged weapons by 6 yards.
Scatter Shot - 1/1 point
===Various Builds - martini (Rhyssa)===
A short-range shot that deals 50% weapon damage and confuses the target for 4 seconds. Any damage caused will remove the effect.
Ranged Weapon Specialization - 5/5 points
[http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classes/hunters/talents.html?0000000000000000500511301000002300052512323151 Surv/Marks] - Rhyssa's current build, made mostly to play with the new Survival tree and with Wyvern, which I never use, so I'll probably spec out of it eventually.
Increases the damage you deal with ranged weapons by 5%.
Trueshot Aura - 1/1 point
[http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classes/hunters/talents.html?5000000000000000500512305130512300052300000000 Surv/Marks] - Probably what I'll go back to when I respec Rhyssa.
Increases the Ranged and Melee Attack Power of party members within 30 yards by 30.
'''Survival Talents (18 points)'''
[http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classes/hunters/talents.html?5500300152521011500511302000000300000000000000 BM/Marks build] - purely theory, but is what I'm working towards for my hunter on Tich.
Improved Raptor Strike - 5/5 points
[http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classes/hunters/talents.html?5000000000000000500512305130512300052300000000 Typical 5/31/15 PvE build]
Reduces the cooldown of your Raptor Strike by 1 second.
Improved Wing Clip - 5/5 points
[http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classes/hunters/talents.html?0000000000000000500511305100000320052310323150 PvP Surv/Marks build]
Gives your Wing Clip ability a 20% chance to immobilize the target for 5 seconds.
Entrapment - 5/5 points
Gives your Immolation Trap, Frost Trap, and Explosive Trap a 25% chance to entrap the target, preventing them from moving for 5 seconds.
Improved Freezing Trap - 3/3 points
[[Category:World of Warcraft]]
Increases the duration of your Freezing Trap by 6 seconds.

Latest revision as of 15:41, 30 June 2011

This article is about the World of Warcraft class. For the Hellgate: London class, see Hunter (Hellgate).

Azeroth is home to a wide variety of beasts. From the new world of Lordaeron to the old world of Kalimdor, all manner of creatures can be found. Some are friendly, some are ferocious - yet they all have one thing in common. Each creature shares a special connection with Hunters. Hunters track, tame, and slay all manner of animals and beasts found in the wild. Whether they rely on bows or firearms, Hunters consider their weapons and pets to be their only true friends.

The hunter is one of the easier characters to solo with, especially after lv 10 when one is able to charm a pet.

A quick breakdown on attack power vs dps and agi/crit. (copied from the Hunter forum on the WoW boards)

Does attack power affect ranged attack power?
Attack power from equipment increases ranged attack power.
Attack power from buffs like battleshout do not.
This means that the black dragonscale set does increase ranged dps, but blessing of might does not.

How many attack power for 1 dps?
14 attack power = 1 dps

How many attack power from 1 agility?
1 agi = 2 attack power

How many agility for 1% crit
It’s roughly 53 agility for 1% crit at level 60

Hunter Spell List


  • Raptor Strike - The hunter's main close combat skill, used mainly as a finishing move or to 'joust' through an enemy while attempting to regain range.
  • Mongoose Bite - Damage dealing melee skill, can only be performed after you dodge an attack.
  • Wing Clip - Largely a PvP skill, Wing Clip slows the target, allowing the hunter to get back to range. Talents can give a 20% chance to immobilize for 5 seconds. (Useful in PvE to slow a mob that would run when its life gets low, thus preventing additional mobs being aggroed.)
  • Disengage - Lowers your aggro. This skill helps a hunter who has drawn aggro to transfer aggro to a pet or a tank.
  • Feign Death - Complete aggro wipe, on a 30 second cooldown. Feign also takes you out of combat (briefly), which allows you to set traps, drink, or change equipment, which you can't otherwise do in combat. Talents can make this (ever so slightly) less likely to be resisted.
  • Tracking - One of the best hunter skills. There are very few mobs in the game that can't be tracked by one of the hunters' tracking skills. Mousing over the dots on the minimap will show you the name of that mob. Track Hidden has been improved, but is still spotty for spotting stealthed rogues. If you expect to run into PvP, keep humanoid tracking up.
  • Traps - The hunter has 4 traps available, which can be improved through the trap mastery talent. Traps must be set while out of combat, and a hunter can only have one trap laid at a time.

- Immolation Trap - applies a 15-second Fire DoT to the mob.
- Explosive Trap - a Fire trap that explodes and does AoE damage.
- Frost Trap - an Ice trap that has an AoE slowing effect, but does no damage.
- Freezing Trap - an Ice trap that completely immobilizes an enemy for 20 seconds at its highest rank (23 seconds with Trap Mastery talent). Freezing Trap is an amazing skill, since enemies that can't otherwise be crowd controlled with polymorph or sap can still be frozen with freezing trap. Also, it is possible for a hunter to trap a single mob for 2 durations of freezing trap, if they trap the mob, then feign death to get out of combat, and drop another freezing trap so that the mob will trigger it when the first trap wears off. This tactic is dependent on feign not being resisted, but keeping a single mob out of the fight for 40-46 seconds is great when possible.

Survival Spells requiring talents:

  • Counterattack - a melee attack that can only be applied after you parry. Counterattack deals damage and stuns for 5 seconds, and can't be blocked, dodged, or parried, so it's a great skill for PvP.
  • Wyvern Sting - a sting that can only be used out of combat, Wyvern Sting is a 12 second 'sleep' effect. After the sleep wears off, there is a 12-second Nature DoT applied to the target (likely to prevent trapping the target after sleeping it).


  • Hunter's Mark - This spell marks the target with a very noticeable arrow, which makes it a great skill for party play, to help the party know what mob to focus fire on, or which mob you'll be trying to catch in a freezing trap. It adds ranged attack power to everyone attacking the target, and also can be used in PvP to prevent rogues from vanishing.
  • Flare - an AoE effect that shows all hidden targets in its radius. Great to expose vanished rogues and stealthed mobs.
  • Distracting Shot - used to pull aggro to the hunter. If someone else is pulling, this can be used to pull a specific mob to the hunter, often used to pull a mob into a freezing trap
  • Concussive Shot - slows the target by 40%, talents add a 20% chance to stun. Note that concussive has higher threat than many shots, so may not be the best shot to use while soloing if your pet has trouble holding aggro.
  • Arcane Shot - an instant shot that's great for pulling and adds arcane damage.
  • Multi-Shot - a semi-instant shot that hits up to 3 targets. Be careful using this around crowd controlled mobs.
  • Volley - Volley is the hunter's only AoE shot (Explosive Trap is our other AoE), and does arcane damage.

Stings: Each hunter can only apply one sting. Also, the only sting that stacks is serpent sting, so if you're partying with other hunters, organize what sting you'll be using.
- Serpent Sting - a nature DoT. More useful now that the debuff limit has been increased, but be careful using this if you might need to control the mob later on, as an active DoT will prevent trapping or sheeping.
- Scorpid Sting - Reduces the strength and agility of the target, lowering its damage. Good vs. physical attackers, can help to keep your pet or party tank from taking too much damage.
- Viper Sting - drains mana from the target. Note that most caster mobs have a large mana pool, so viper may not have a significant impact, unless used in conjunction with the mana drain of another class to keep an empty mana pool from regenerating.

Marksmanship skills requiring talents:

  • Aimed Shot - Aimed Shot takes 3 seconds to cast, but adds a significant amount of damage (600 at max rank), and can be devastating when the shot is a critical strike, particularly against low-armor targets.
  • Scatter Shot - a close-range 4 second confuse effect, great for PvP to drop a trap and get back to range. Any damage done will cancel the effect.

Beast Mastery

  • Eagle Eye - Good for scouting crowded areas, to see which mobs one can pull. Tip: To turn it off, just sit down by typing "x".
  • Beast Lore - When cast, the tooltip will show you information about beasts, most importantly whether they are tameable.
  • Mend Pet - The hunter's only healing spell, to help you keep your pet on his/her feet. With talents, Mend Pet can also clear debuffs from your pet.
  • Scare Beast - a single-target fear, useable on beasts only. In PvP, it can be used on Druids in beast form and other hunters' pets.

Aspects - the hunter has 5 aspects available, only one of which may be active at a time. Most hunters spend the lion's share of their time in Aspect of the Hawk.
- Aspect of the Hawk - Main aspect, increases ranged attack power.
- Aspect of the Monkey - Increases dodge percentage, great for melee and PvP.
- Aspect of the Cheetah - Increases your run speed by 30%, great for getting around before you have a mount. Caution must be used when traveling through areas with hostile mobs, since any hit will daze you for 4 seconds.
- Aspect of the Wild - Gives your entire party added Nature Resist (60 resist at max). - Aspect of the Pack - Basically an Aspect of the Cheetah for your entire party, including the daze effect upon being hit. Good for traveling inside an instance, when mounts and travel forms can't be used.
Aspect of the Beast - Makes you show up as a beast on other hunters' tracking, can be used to 'hide' from other hunters in PvP.

Beast Mastery Spells requiring talents:

  • Spirit Bond - passively increases the health regeneration of you and your pet.
  • Intimidation - a 3 second stun
  • Bestial Wrath - doubles your pet's damage and makes it immune to crowd control for 15 seconds. Cooldown of 2 minutes.

Pet Control Skills: These skills are mandatory if you have a pet, and are acquired through the hunter class quests that start at level 10 from the hunter trainer. The first quest is to tame (charm) 3 particular animals, and once you complete that quest, you'll get a second quest (that gives you feed pet and the rest of the pet skills) once you visit a pet trainer in a main city.

  • Revive Pet - to ressurect your pet when it dies.
  • Feed Pet - you need to keep your pet happy by feeding it food that it likes. Keep a close watch on your combat log, to be sure that the food you're feeding your pet is giving it 35 happiness per tick. If you're getting less happiness, you need to switch to a higher level of food. Your pet will require food of higher level as it levels. Different species eat different foods, check the Pet screen to see what your pet's diet is.
  • Tame Beast - to tame new pets. You can only have one 'active' pet at a time, so you'll need to stable your current pet, or permanantly abandon it in order to train a new one.
  • Beast Training - to train your pet with new skills, see the Pet Skills section below.
  • Dismiss Pet - for when you want your pet to temporarily unsummon. Useful for times when your pet might not follow you, like making jumps in instances, or when you won't need your pet for a while and don't want it to lose happiness from standing around.
  • Call Pet - to call your pet to your side when it's currently unsummoned.

Taming Pets

As listed above, hunters can tame pets after completing their class quests, which start at level 10.

A list of tameable pets is listed on the WoW Community forums here.

A good page to check out the colour of various pets is here, for the fashionable hunter.

Pet Skills

You will get rank 2 Growl for free. Higher ranks of growl can be learned from the pet trainer, who can normally be found near the Hunter trainer. The train pet skill is located in your general skill page, where your racial spells, professions and skills like dual-wield and throw are listed.

Pet skills cost training points (except Growl, which is free to train). To see your pet's current training points, check the Pet Details. Training Points are equal to Loyalty Level * (Pet Level - 10), so even level 60 pets can gain points by gaining loyalty levels. A level 60 pet at the highest loyalty level will have 300 Training Points.

In addition to Growl, pets can also learn other skills. Passive skills are available from the Pet Trainer, and active skills (other than growl) are available from training other animals. Note that some active skills can only be learned by particular species of pet.

Passive Skills (no limit other than training point cost): Great Stamina Natural Armor Resistances - Fire, Frost, Arcane, Nature, Shadow. Each school of resist is trained separately.

Active Skills (limited to 4 per pet):

  • Growl - a taunt that your pet can use to hold aggro on a mob, allowing you to fight from range.
  • Cower - decreases aggro on your pet, used in solo play to shift aggro to the hunter when the pet is in trouble.
  • Claw - fast casting added damage. Can use up a pet's focus if left on auto-attack.
  • Bite - slow casting added damage.
  • Dash - a sprint that you can use to have the pet quickly approach and engage a target.
  • Prowl - pet will go into stealth. Pet moves slower while in stealth mode, but the first attack from stealth has added damage. Useful for ambushing in PvP.
  • Screech - only trainable by owls, bats, and carrion birds, screech is an AoE attack power debuff, so it's great for PvP.
  • Furious Howl - this wolf-only skill is an AoE party buff that adds damage to the next attack, great for raiding.
  • Scorpid Poison - a stackable nature DoT, obviously used only by Scorpids.
  • Lightning Breath - Trainable to Wind Serpents, Lightning Breath is a ranged single-target nature damage spell.

A list of which pets to tame for particular skills is here.

This tool can be used to plan your pet's skills. If you want to make a change, you can visit a Pet Trainer to have your pet's training points reset. Like a talent reset, this gets progressively more expensive the more times you do it.

Role in party

Hunters can pull in parties, This is an interesting article on party placement during pulls.

Even if not pulling, a hunter makes a great group leader, with being able to use tracking to spot patrols, and having the ability to use hunter's mark to direct the group. Freezing trap is great crowd control when someone else is pulling, just pick and mark your mob (make sure it's a non-caster mob that will run to engage you), and immediately after the pull is started (by someone else), use distracting shot to pull the mob to your trap, away from the group. If you keep your pet from engaging, you may be able to double-trap the mob if your feign works.

Hunter pets work great as main tanks for groups up to about Uldaman, and even after that, a pet whose master is specced in Beast Mastery and who has spent their training points on Stamina or Armor (or both!) can do a great job at tanking with healing support. Even non-BM specced pets can do off-tanking duty in Dire Maul and the other end-game instances.

In groups, you'll generally want to keep your pet's growl off. Pets are great at grabbing aggro on an unexpected add, or on a mob that's breaking from the main group and going for the healer.


Soloing is an area where hunters shine, since they have a built-in tank to help them out. You'll generally want your pet to get an unresisted growl in before you start shooting (you can put up a hunter's mark in the meantime). In general, you'll want to keep doing steady damage, and won't want to pull aggro off your pet, so you won't typically use shots like aimed and concussive, because of the extra damage/threat they cause. Scorpid sting can be good to keep low health/armor pets alive a little longer, and for hardier pets, you can use serpent to take the target down a little faster, or use your mana on arcane and (if you're sure you won't accidentally pull adds) multi-shot.


Some hunter gear, for various builds and at various levels, is listed here.

Top 40 Hunter Weapons Post 1.10 Normalization (Pre-Naxxramas)

Note: This does not take into account any other equipment worn, not even quiver bonuses. Only the weapon's DPS.

1. Huhuran's Stinger

2. Ashjre'thul, Crossbow of Smiting

3. Blessed Qiraji Musket

4. Grand Marshal's Repeater or Hand Cannon

5. Dragonbreath Hand Cannon

6. Rhok'Delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers

7. Heartstriker

8. Blastershot

9. Crossbow of Imminent Doom

10. Gurubashi Dwarven Destroyer

11. Polished Ironwood Crossbow

12. Mandokir's Sting

13. Silithid Husked Launcher

14. Hoodoo Hunting Bow

15. Striker's Mark

16. Crystal Slugthrower

17. Deep Strike Bow

18. Dwarven Hand Cannon

19. Core Marksman Rifle

20. Ancient Bone Bow

21. Xorothian Firestick

22. Stoneshatter

23. Bloodseeker

24. Dark Iron Rifle

25. Flawless Arcanite Rifle

26. Carapace Spine Crossbow

27. Bow of Taut Sinew

28. Grand Marshal's Bullseye

29. Blackcrow

30. Heartseeking Crossbow

31. Outrider's/Outrunner's Bow

32. Willey's Portable Howitzer

33. Satyr's Bow

34. Riphook

35. Screeching Bow

36. Shell Launcher Shotgun

37. Eaglehorn

38. Hurricane

39. Steelarrow Crossbow

40. Megashot Rifle


Keep in mind any skills you may want at the top of the talent tree. Most builds focus on heavy Marksmanship investment to get Trueshot Aura, or heavy Beast Mastery to get Bestial Wrath. Investing in Survival is wise if you plan to do a lot of PvP, since you won't be able to rely on keeping attackers at range, but Wyvern Sting is generally seen as not worth the investment, so that frees up points to use in the other trees. PvP builds often include enough Marksmanship talents to get Scatter Shot. You can use this tool to plan your talents.

PvP Talent Build (Marksmanship/Survival/Beast Mastery) - Sjur

Removed - Outdated.

Various Builds - martini (Rhyssa)

Surv/Marks - Rhyssa's current build, made mostly to play with the new Survival tree and with Wyvern, which I never use, so I'll probably spec out of it eventually.

Surv/Marks - Probably what I'll go back to when I respec Rhyssa.

BM/Marks build - purely theory, but is what I'm working towards for my hunter on Tich.

Typical 5/31/15 PvE build

PvP Surv/Marks build