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A noble profession for those that like to work with their hands, Traders craft items and then sell what they craft to eager folks that need items that they make. Credits can flow into a shrewd Trader's hands if they follow the desires of the market.
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A noble profession for those that like to work with their hands, Traders craft items and then sell what they craft to eager folks that need items that they make. Credits can flow into a shrewd Trader's hands if they follow the desires of the market.  
Traders tend to specialize in one of four fields: Domestic Goods, Structures, Munitions, or Engineering.  
Traders tend to specialize in one of four fields: Domestic Goods, Structures, Munitions, or Engineering.
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* Resource Acquisition  
* Resource Acquisition  
* Crafting  
* Crafting  
==Domestic Goods==
The Trader-Domestic Goods profession consists of chefs (who make drinks & food) and tailors (who make clothing & tailor components, e.g. synth cloth). Every chef and tailor is (automatically) also a Master Merchant.
Caveat: The information in this document was collected from many sources, including:
http://www.theamazonbasin.com/~zendragon/swg/tailor/outfits_list.html - list (no pictures) of outfits ZenLhaso put together from various sources, some of which no longer exist; http://tkfashion.swgentertainer.com/ - pictures of clothing items - ignore all other information as it is out-of-date (e.g., enhancement info); http://zero.hastypastry.net/~shirow/swgtailor/ (aka, swgtailor.com); Sony SWG Forum: lots of sub-forums (http://forums.station.sony.com/swg/).
All decay has been removed from all items in the game.
There is no experimentation on clothing, so the quality of the Tailor's crafting tools & crafting stations is not very much of a concern.
Tailors can make clothing items with sockets, although none of the pre-NGE armour attachment skill tapes & clothing attachment skill tapes that used to be put in the sockets work - & they weren't converted to any of the new modifiers. Each clothing item can have up to a maximum of 4 sockets - how many the clothing item has is random. The Tailor only makes the clothing item - the owner of the clothing item is the person who puts the skill tapes into the clothing item. The Tailor's clothing items will not see any sockets until the Tailor acquires the Tailoring 3 skill. Jewelry does not have any sockets. And backpacks do not accept skill tapes of any kind. Wearing a "tailor crafting apron" may increase your sockets. You can also get an actively-applied inspiration buff from an Entertainer-Dancer which gives a 10% bonus to assembly - this may or may not help - the jury is out - some Tailors believe it helps while others don't.
Nobody can craft the bio-components (i.e., BE tissues) for clothing. Pre-NGE BE clothing & tissues didn't convert. What’s in the game is the last. Any BE tissues from pre-NGE can be used to make BE clothing; however, the only BE tissue that appears to work is the "terrain negotiation" tissue. The jury is out on the other BE tissues - some players believe they work while others don't.
All of the clothing schematics & colour palettes remained the same as they were pre-NGE - there are no new clothing items that Tailors can make & no new colours to make them in.
There is a ton of looted/reward/quested clothing now - most have stats, and special names - a few have new artwork. Ani_cul, 11/15/10:31 a.m. However, at the moment Tailors can't make clothing with the new looted item stat & skill mods. ItemCreator, 11/16, 10:43 a.m.
The quality of all resources used by Tailors to make their clothing & tailor components = JUNK. The resources that come from creatures (bone, hide, & meat) drop off of creatures as random loot - & the rate is low. The other resources are obtained from using harvesters when the resource can be found on one of the planets.
Many of the Tailor components are used in other professions - e.g., armoursmiths use synth cloth.
Tailors sell their items on the Galaxy Bazaar, on a vendor, by special order, or by a hybrid of the previous methods.
Ithorians have their own clothes that only Ithorians can wear - each piece of Ithorian clothing has the word "Ithorian" in its name. Ithorians can also wear belts & normal backpacks. Other species can't wear Ithorian clothing. Ithorians also have their own chef hats.
Wookiees have their own clothes that only Wookiees can wear - the c/a crafting tool has a special category containing the Wookiee clothing. Other species can't wear Wookiee clothing.
Twileks can't wear headgear that doesn't say "lekku" or "Twilek" in it. Other species can't wear Twilek headgear.
All species can wear chef aprons and chef hats.
Their are some gender restrictions with regards as to which gender can wear something - e.g., only males can wear smocks.
A popular program for keeping track of your sales is "Merchant's Friend" - ask WeeScott for it.
The Trader-Structures profession consists of architects (who make buildings & furniture) and shipwrights (who make ships & their assorted parts). Every architect and shipwright is (automatically) also a Master Merchant.
The information below was collected from many sources, including: Sony SWG Forum: Galactic Career Paths: Trader: Structures.
The blue pillow & red pillow schematics are not working. 1/12/06, 8:17 a.m.
The fastest way to grind through Trader-Structures is - do survey tools until you can do personal harvesters - do personal harvesters until you can do gungan heads - do gungan heads until you are done. 12/23/05. “The typical grinding ratio is 2 XP/resource unit. That should hold true for most crafted items with a few exceptions. Pawlin, 12/20/05, 9:56 a.m.”
After the last box of the 4th Phase of Trader-Structures & you have your Master Architect title - there are 6 more levels to finish - 3 last levels of Tier IV merchant, Master Architect, Master Shipwright, & Master Merchant (in that order). You’ll be done when you get the Master Merchant badge.
Architects can no longer wear armour as they don’t have any armour certification. However, they don’t need it as they can go anywhere & be ignored by everyone & everything IF they don’t attack anybody/anything.
Architects can’t also be Master Artisans; therefore, Architects have only 6 artisan experimentation points. This has lots of implications; for example, crafting stations use Artisan Experimentation Points & because Architects only have 6 artisan experimentation points they can no longer make +45.00 crafting stations. The same is also true of crafting tools - Architects can no longer make +15.00 crafting tools.
It’s been a long-running issue that when several crafting stations are near each other, they sometimes negate themselves (moving around the room will cause a station to activate/deactivate) - the result is that you won’t see all of your schematics in your crafting tool when you use it. To avoid this issue, make sure that your crafting stations have some distance between them.
All houses use junk quality resources - their components use junk quality resources also.
No structures can be placed on Mustafar. However, it does have resources that can be sampled & surveyed.
Put your self-powered harvester deed in your toolbar - ready/execute them like any other special with your harvester targeted. When you redeed the harvester, you will get it back. Elyssa, 12/24/05
Harvesters are bugged: “Harvester Issues: We have been working on understanding why the 50% increase in harvester extraction rates hasn’t kicked in. We’ve also been working on looking into occurrences of missing Hopper items. There hasn’t been any news on the 50% increase in extraction rates, but the team is looking into it. We’ve been able to reproduce the missing items in the hopper, but not every time. The folks working on this issue are narrowing it down & we hope to have a solid fix soon. If you think you know a way to reproduce this 100% of the time, please let us know. Thunderheart, SWG Forums:Galactic News Network:Development Discussion:Community Update:FridayDecember16th, 12/16/05, 3:46 p.m.” The “missing items in the hopper” = Many (not all) harvesters are being emptied when the server resets. The servers reset on schedule, every Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday, at 0400 PST. Usually, if there’s to be an abnormal server reset there will be posts about it on the Launchpad & the Announcements forum. Until the Devs can fix this, I suggest you empty your harvesters prior to every reset. BobJones, 12/24/05
Architects have no native painting schematics - they only come as various loot/quest/veteran rewards and as part of the Bestine Museum cycle. Elyssa, 12/24/05. There’s a total of 3 Mustafar paintings - find an Architect & give them the glowy parts. The Architect will create the schematic with his/her cube. The schematics are “No Trade” & can be used 10 times. Additionally, you cannot make manufacturing schematics for these paintings.
When packing up a house, remove all vendors in the house. “It was tested by accident what happens when you pack up a house with vendors in it. Bad things happen. The vendor & all the items in it are tied to the location. Just like all bazaars, in cities or player shops. If you buy a thing that is listed somewhere else, you have to go there to get it. It “physically” exists in that other location. Vendors & the items in them are all about location, location, location. If you pick up your vendor, it’s like giving it a lobotomy. The info still exists, there’s just no longer a way to access it. All the items are essentially destroyed. Put into a limbo where they can never be recovered. The pathway to retrieve them was literally ripped out of the dirt. Packing up a house with vendors in it is the same as removing a vendor with items listed or in the stockroom. Or redeeding a house with vendors in it. Or back in the old days, letting a house burn down with vendors in it. Gone. Those items are gone once you do that. They ceased to exist when you broke their tie to their location. The Devs would have to completely redesign the vendor system to enable vendors to be packed up with a house and moved to a new location. Mystyrys, 12/23/05, 4:30 p.m.”
Bazaar terminals only show the items for sale on public bazaar terminals - those items are limited to 20k in value & last 7 days. The “vendor search” searches all the player vendors in player houses & can search the whole galaxy - this is where you'll find the more expensive items & most stuff stocked by players.
Using “vendor search” - Go to a public bazaar terminal in any city (e.g., Theed).Click the “vendor location” button at the top (towards the right).Select the item category you want. Filter down to a sub-category & or actual item type if desired/possible (e.g., Resources then Inorganic Mineral). (You can enter a keyword in the name filter or a price range in the price filters to narrow it down as well. Also it helps to put in a maximum price filter of some large number like 9,000,000 in order to filter out the items people have on their vendors for sale for 999999999 as storage.) Expand to either the “this planet" or "entire galaxy" level (“this Region” doesn’t seem to do anything).Once you’ve found the item(s) you want to buy, hit the “create waypoint” button at the bottom of the right pane to create a waypoint in your datapad named “waypoint to vendor” for the planet the vendor is on. Rename that waypoint quickly so you don’t end up with a zillion waypoints all named “waypoint to vendor.” Remember that there are multiple pages usually so don’t forget to hit the next page button. Example Search: Select Resources -> Inorganic Mineral then type “ore” in the name filter & set a min price of 10k & max price of 200k will filter for bulk grind ore. Pawlin, 12/21/05, 10:21 a.m. To find asteroid resources, select the “resource” category & search for “space.”
More on using “vendor search”: (1) Also note that not all player vendors will appear on the search. It is a feature that can be enabled or disabled by the player who places a vendor, though most people will have it enabled. Some people disable the vendor search if they have higher prices & still get plenty of traffic due to location (like being in a large shop or mall) where they can get away with less Advertising. The bazaar search is a form of marketing after all, which may not always be helpful to the merchant. (2) The “Crafted Item Name Filter” is supposed to only work for crafted items. Apparently this works some of the time for non-crafted items, seems very buggy. (3) The vendor search places all factory crates in one category, regardless of what the crates contain. These can be found by filtering under “Misc Items” --> “Factory Crates.” Since all crates will only have crafted items in them, you can use the crafted item name filter to narrow down to the type of items you are looking for in crates. Certain items are rarely sold as singles, so you may have to look here to find what you are looking for - a common example of this are components like master artisan electronics components which are almost always sold only by the crate. (4) Similarly, you may also want to filter for “Wearable Containers” - this may be helpful for finding things often sold as sets, like armour. Most reputable merchants will provide a descriptive name for the container because there is no way to know the exact contents as a buyer, this relies on a good deal of trust in the vendor (“Let the buyer beware!”). Kelderek, 12/21/05, 2:16 p.m.
The Trader-Munitions profession consists of armoursmiths (who make armour) and weaponsmiths (who make bombs, guns, & knives). Every armoursmith and weaponsmith is (automatically) also a Master Merchant.
The following information is from the SOE SWG Forum, by LeviticusD,12/21/05, 9:33 a.m.:
Armour - Who Wears What:
* assault - bounty hunter; commando
* battle - officer; spy
* reconnaissance - medic; smuggler
Armour - What Looks Are Available:
*assault - chitin; composite; ithorian sentinel; wookiee kashyyykian hunting
*battle - bone; ithorian defender; marauder; padded; RIS (?); wookiee kashyyykian black mountain
*reconnaissance - ithorian guardian; mabari; tantel; ubese; wookiee kashyyykian ceremonial
Factional armour existed prior to NGE - don't know if it's still available.
There are hindrances to rate of fire, accuracy, & movement included in the armour. Hindrances are directly tied to the general protection rating of the armour & can’t be reduced experimentally. However, Masters of an elite combat profession will find that they should have no hindrances when using armour.  Hands & feet have been removed as valid hit locations, so boots & gloves are now merely cosmetic. You must wear a full suit (7 pieces for most types) in order to have full protection. There are no more “hit” locations (i.e., chest,  bracer,  leggings, etc.) but the amount of protection is cumulative. You must wear a full suit to recieve the max cumulative protection.
What the heck do these numbers mean? The 4-digit number on your armour is technically the independent variable in a quadratic equation for percentile resists mapping the domain [0, 10000] onto the image [0, 60]. In layman’s terms, that means that the armour rating signifies a percentile resist (as in the old system) ranging from 0-60%. Because the equation is concave quadratic, you get diminishing returns for higher resists. The actual function is:  60 * (AR/10000) + { [ (10000 - AR) / 10000 ]  *  (AR/200) } Which reduces to: 0.011 * AR  -  5E-7 * AR * AR Some hard numbers: 1000  =  10.5% 2000  =  20.0% 3000  =  28.5% 4000  =  36.0% 5000  =  42.5% 6000  =  48.0% 7000  =  52.5% 8000  =  56.0% 9000  =  58.5% 10000  =  60%.
There are two primary damage types -- energy & kinetic. Additionally, some weapons add “elemental” damage of acid, electricity, heat, or cold. Currently, however, the quantity of “elemental” damage compared to kinetic or energy makes worrying about any of them pointless. As before, the majority of creatures use kinetic melee attacks. Those that do ranged attacks often do energy damage. The majority of ranged weapons are energy-based, although there are a significant number of good kinetic ranged weapons.
In this system, layers are optional, & very expensive. Pre-NGE they weren’t as popular because of the decay & price. In the post-NGE world, they are almost a necessity in making armour for a full template combat toon.
Layers add to a resist but reduce the resist of its “opposite,” so there is a bit of a yin/yang effect. An Armoursmith can now add up to 12 layers for a piece of advanced armour, so the effect can be major (up to +1200/-1200). Kinetic layers will reduce energy resists - energy layers will reduce kinetic. Acid & electricity are opposed, as are heat & cold. Advanced layers increase 2 otherwise opposed resists at the expense of the other 4.
Because elemental damage is so minor & irrelevant at this point, the primary layer types one might expect to find are kinetic (for creature hunters), energy (for bounty hunters), & primus (adds to both kinetic & energy, useful for anyone, especially in PvP).
In the CU, most mass-produced armour was unlayered. Because the resource requirements & factory time commitments for layered armour are so high, the layered armour was largely a specialty item, & commanded a price much higher than unlayered armour (double or even triple). Layered armour in the NGE, while more the norm than before, still require lots of time & resources & demand higher prices.
Here are the caps for different armour builds using perfect resources as originally posted by WittyNewt. The actual cap differs for each server as they have different resource caps. The goal is to try & get as close to these numbers as possible.
* Components
unlayered armour (assault)
unlayered reconaissance is 5000K 7000E 6000B (assault)
unlayered battle is 6000 for all (assault)
unlayered assault is 7000K 5000E 6000B (assault)
* Common layer builds
energy layered recon 3800K 8200E 6000B (battle)
primus layered recon 5600K 7600E 5400B (battle)
energy layered battle 4800K 7200E 6000B (reconnaissance)
kinetic layered battle 7200K 4800E 6000B (reconnaissance)
primus layered battle 6600K 6600E 5400B (reconnaissance)
kinetic layered assault 8200K 3800E 6000B (assault)
primus layered assault 7600K 5600E 5400B (assault)
energy layered assault 5800K 6200E 6000B (assault)
* Some combination layer builds
energy+primus 2+2 recon 4700K 7900E 5700B (nice build cf full energy recon - drop 1% energy, 1.5% base, pick up 5% kinetic)
kinetic+primus 2+2 assault 7900K 4700E 5700B (nice build cf full kinetic asst - drop 1% kinetic, 1.5% base, pick up 5% energy)
energy+primus 2+2 battle 5700K 6900E 5700B (nice build cf full en - drop 1% energy, 1.5% base, pick up 5% kinetic)
heat+electricity+primus+energy 1+1+1+1 battle 5850K 6450E 6150H 5550C 5550A 6150EL
Bear in mind the numbers above here are the caps. You cannot get higher than those for the positive layer protections - when you get close to this you should expect your negative layer protections to be no lower than this - e.g., primus layered battle energy & kinetic cap is 6600 & base will be 5400 at this energy/kinetic value - if you have less than 6600 then your base will be higher than 5400.
As stated above, the way armour is calculated has changed in the NGE. In the CU there were hit zones that each attack was assigned to. Therefore, when you wore a helmet, you recieved the full protection of the helmet for any attack that was assigned (randomly) to “hit” the head. If the attack “hit” a different area that you didn’t have armour on, you recieved no protection. In the NGE, there are no more “hit zones.” Armour now is added cumulatively by the number of peices you wear. So before, you wear only a helmet you recieve full protection on the head & no protection every where else. In the NGE, you equip only a helmet ALL attacks are reduced by the amount of protection that the helmet gives. When another piece, say a bicep, is added, ALL attacks are reduced by the amount of protection of the [helmet + the amount of resists gained by the bicep]. The number visible on the individual armour peices stand for the amount of protection you would recieve if you wore a whole set with the those same stats.
So which pieces provide the most protection? Rounding for simplicity:
* chest = 36% (35.71%)
* pants = 21% (21.43%)
* helmet = 14% (14.27%)
* arm pieces = 7% each (7.15%)
So for protection, in order of importance, is: the chest, then the pants, then the helm, & finally the arm peices. For combined peices such as ubese & mabari, the chest piece is adjusted to make up for the missing arm pieces (For ubese, you would add the 2 biceps so you would have 36% + (7% * 2) = 50%; mabari includes all the arm pieces accounting for 64%).
A “mini-suit” of chest+helm+legs would give you protection equal to 71% of the total resists you would gain from a full suit. So if you had a capped unlayered battle”mini-suit” (6k resists to all) your actual protection is 6000 * .71 = 4260 (roughly). That is a significant drop off in protection, & I suggest wearing complete suits.
So what about mixed resists suits? You can figure what the resists would be if you had some pieces higher or lower that the other peices, but for the most part, the important thing to remember is that having higher (or lower) resists on the chest have a lot bigger impact on the overall resists that an arm piece with higher (lower) resists.
The Trader-Engineer profession consists of droidsmiths (who make droids), weaponsmiths (who make bombs, guns, & knives; it's also unclear as to whether or not the Trader-Engineer is 100% weaponsmith - he/she may only be able to make some of the weaponsmith items), and Master Artisan (components, vehicles, various miscellaneous items). Every droidsmith, weaponsmith, and Master Artisan is (automatically) also a Master Merchant.
The Trader profession is scheduled for a major revamp in the next few months. It was supposed to be in Publish 29 (Marech?), but has been postponed. Dev Thunderheart said that details will follow as they become available. (1/11/06)
Every Trader has Master Merchant.
Every Trader has the basic surveying ability - Traders just get the extra range & resource collection. You will receive the “Elder” title (awarded in recognition of your status in the game as a valued veteran player) . . . The “Elder” titles are based off of Master Badges that you have earned. Any Master Profession Badge that you currently have will be available to you as an Elder Title. Thunderheart, General FAQ V. 1.2, 11/11
Item decay has been completely removed from the game. Thunderheart, General FAQ V. 1.2, 11/11
In-game items & collectibles that are non-combat related won’t be affected at all. Player housing, vehicles, collectibles, & other items will remain completely intact & transition with your character. Thunderheart, General FAQ V. 1.2, 11/11
There are 3 ways to earn XP: combat, crafting, & social activities. Crafting something will earn you crafting XP. When you have earned enough experience points for a skill within your profession you are granted that skill. Thunderheart, General FAQ V. 1.2, 11/11
You will no longer be learning skills as you develop your character. Instead, you will now be leaning abilities as you progress through your chosen profession path. The same abilities are accessible to all players of a given profession (i.e., only Traders can learn the abilities of shipwright). Thunderheart, General FAQ V1.2, 11/11
You will be able to try each type of Trader if you wish. If you do so, you will use up a respec for each time you select a new profession, even if your choices are different specializations within Trader. Thunderheart, General FAQ V1.2, 11/11
All crafters will keep their current vendors if transitioning to the Trader profession. All Traders will continue to be able to add items to the vendors for sale & sell items from them. However, if you go from a crafting profession & re-allocate your skill points into one of the combat professions, you will lose the ability to sell items from your current vendors (i.e, you keep the items stored but can no longer sell from them). Under the new profession system, only Traders will be able to sell goods & items. Thunderheart, General FAQ V1.2, 11/11
The Trader-DomesticGoods profession consists of chefs (who make drinks & food) and tailors (who make clothing). Every chef and tailor is (automatically) also a Master Merchant.
engineering - droidsmith; weaponsmith - may not be 100% - haven’t been able to find out; master artisan
munitions - armoursmith; weaponsmith
structures - architect; shipwright
Everyone has Master Merchant.
Crafting stations will remain the same. However, only Traders will now be able to use them as they are the only profession now capable of crafting. Thunderheart, General FAQ V1.2, 11/11
Buildings, furniture
Guns, knives and bombs?
*[http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/en_US/players/guides.vm Game Guides] (Sony Online Entertainment)
?? Droids??
*[http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/players/guides.vm?id=70009 Star Wars Galaxies: Trader Guide] (Sony Online Entertainment)

Latest revision as of 19:27, 8 October 2011