Difference between revisions of "Hellgate Special Attributes"

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(10 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 86: Line 86:
|'''Avenger's''' || +5-6% Critical Chance Bonus
|'''Avenger's''' || +5-6% Critical Chance Bonus
!!! style="color:blue" | '''Critical Chance Multiplier'''
|'''Equalized''' || +21% Critical Chance Multiplier
|'''Balanced''' || +24% Critical Chance Multiplier
!!! style="color:blue" | '''Critical Chance Multiplier (Beasts)'''
!!! style="color:blue" | '''Critical Chance Multiplier (Beasts)'''
Line 308: Line 314:
|'''Powered''' || +1 to Electric Damage (Thorns)
|'''Powered''' || +1 to Electric Damage (Thorns)
|'''Electrostatic''' || +?? to Electric Damage (Thorns)
|'''Electrostatic''' || +2 to Electric Damage (Thorns)
|'''Energized''' || +?? to Electric Damage (Thorns)
|'''Energized''' || +?? to Electric Damage (Thorns)
Line 342: Line 348:
|'''Fevered''' || +1 to Fire Damage (Thorns)
|'''Fevered''' || +1 to Fire Damage (Thorns)
|'''??''' || +?? to Fire Damage (Thorns)
|'''Febrile''' || +5 to Fire Damage (Thorns)
|'''Pyretic''' || +11 to Fire Damage (Thorns)
|'''Pyretic''' || +11 to Fire Damage (Thorns)
Line 349: Line 355:
|'''Explosive''' || +5% Chance to Cast Fire Nova On Kill
|'''Explosive''' || +5% Chance to Cast Fire Nova On Kill
|'''Scaring''' || +19% Chance to Cast Fire Nova On Kill
Line 464: Line 472:
|'''Reinforcing''' || +36-43% Minion Armor
|'''Reinforcing''' || +36-43% Minion Armor
|'''Buttressing''' || +45-49% Minion Armor
|'''Buttressing''' || +45-54% Minion Armor
!!! style="color:blue" | '''Minion Damage'''
!!! style="color:blue" | '''Minion Damage'''
Line 486: Line 494:
|'''Spry''' || +9-10% Movement Speed Bonus
|'''Spry''' || +9-10% Movement Speed Bonus
|'''Nimble''' || +11-14% Movement Speed Bonus
|'''Nimble''' || +11-15% Movement Speed Bonus
|'''Quicksilver''' || +16-20% Movement Speed Bonus
|'''Quicksilver''' || +16-20% Movement Speed Bonus
Line 550: Line 558:
|'''Supercharged''' || +26-29 to Power Points
|'''Supercharged''' || +26-29 to Power Points
|'''Hypercharged''' || +?? to Power Points
|'''Hypercharged''' || +38 to Power Points
!!! style="color:blue" | '''Power Regeneration'''
!!! style="color:blue" | '''Power Regeneration'''
Line 745: Line 753:
|'''Loathsome''' || +15-17% Toxic Damage
|'''Loathsome''' || +15-17% Toxic Damage
|'''Tainted''' || +20% Toxic Damage
!!! style="color:blue" | '''Toxic Damage (Thorns)'''
!!! style="color:blue" | '''Toxic Damage (Thorns)'''
Line 798: Line 808:
|'''Quickdrawn''' || +12-13% Use Rate of Tactical Skills
|'''Quickdrawn''' || +12-13% Use Rate of Tactical Skills
|'''??''' || +??% Use Rate of Tactical Skills
|'''Snapshot''' || +18% Use Rate of Tactical Skills
Line 819: Line 829:
[[Category:Hellgate: London]]

Latest revision as of 14:12, 18 May 2011


Special attributes can appear as White, Blue, or Orange depending on the Item Level.

White special attributes can appear on Enhanced or better items.
Blue special attributes can appear on Rare or better items.
Orange special attributes can appear on Legendary items.


Refined +2-5 to Accuracy
Eagle's +6-9 to Accuracy
Falcon's +12-15 to Accuracy
Zephyr's +19-20 to Accuracy
All Attributes
Bold +2-5 to All Attributes
Courageous +6-10 to All Attributes
Fearless +11-17 to All Attributes
All Skills (Blademaster)
Gladiator's +1 to All Blademaster Skills
All Skills (Engineer)
Pioneer's +1 to All Engineer Skills
All Skills (Evoker)
?? +1 to All Evoker Skills
All Skills (Guardian)
Hero's +1 to All Guardian Skills
All Skills (Marksman)
Skirmisher's +1 to All Marksman Skills
All Skills (Summoner)
?? +1 to All Summoner Skills
Guarded +9-17 to Armor
Protected +16-25 to Armor
Solid +13 to Armor
Resolute +35-44 to Armor
Secure +37-60 to Armor
Impregnable +51-93 to Armor


Charged Bolts When Hit
Charged +2% Chance to Release Charged Bolts When Hit
Critical Chance Bonus
Vindicator's +1-2% Critical Chance Bonus
Punisher's +2-4% Critical Chance Bonus
Avenger's +5-6% Critical Chance Bonus
Critical Chance Multiplier
Equalized +21% Critical Chance Multiplier
Balanced +24% Critical Chance Multiplier
Critical Chance Multiplier (Beasts)
Beastblight +32-74% Critical Chance Multiplier (Beasts)
Beastscourge +61-104% Critical Chance Multiplier (Beasts)
Beastbane +121-131% Critical Chance Multiplier (Beasts)
Critical Chance Multiplier (Demons)
Demonblight +32-74% Critical Chance Multiplier (Demons)
Demonscourge +61-104% Critical Chance Multiplier (Demons)
Demonbane +121-131% Critical Chance Multiplier (Demons)
Critical Chance Multiplier (Necros)
Necroblight +32-74% Critical Chance Multiplier (Necros)
Necroscourge +61-104% Critical Chance Multiplier (Necros)
Necrobane +121-131% Critical Chance Multiplier (Necros)
Critical Chance Multiplier (Spectrals)
Spectralblight +32-74% Critical Chance Multiplier (Spectrals)
Spectralscourge +61-104% Critical Chance Multiplier (Spectrals)
Spectralbane +121-131% Critical Chance Multiplier (Spectrals)
Critical Damage Bonus
Crusher's +25-57% Critical Damage Bonus
Compensated +60-65% Critical Damage Bonus
Vanquisher +86-87% Critical Damage Bonus
Regulated +92-101% Critical Damage Bonus
Annihilator +105-113% Critical Damage Bonus
Harmonized +121-135% Critical Damage Bonus
Critical Damage Bonus (Beasts)
Beast Lasher's +124-133% Critical Damage Bonus (Beasts)
Beast Mauler's +205-208% Critical Damage Bonus (Beasts)
Beast Slayer's +242-263% Critical Damage Bonus (Beasts)
Critical Damage Bonus (Demons)
Demon Lasher's +124-133% Critical Damage Bonus (Demons)
Demon Mauler's +205-208% Critical Damage Bonus (Demons)
Demon Slayer's +242-263% Critical Damage Bonus (Demons)
Critical Damage Bonus (Necros)
Necro Lasher's +124-133% Critical Damage Bonus (Necros)
Necro Mauler's +205-208% Critical Damage Bonus (Necros)
Necro Slayer's +242-263% Critical Damage Bonus (Necros)
Critical Damage Bonus (Spectrals)
Spectral Lasher's +124-133% Critical Damage Bonus (Spectrals)
Spectral Mauler's +205-208% Critical Damage Bonus (Spectrals)
Spectral Slayer's +242-263% Critical Damage Bonus (Spectrals)


Blessed +12-20% Damage
Sacred +18-22% Damage
Divine +21-27% Damage
Damage To Beasts
Beast Seeker's +12-29% Damage To Beasts
Beast Tracker's +27-41% Damage To Beasts
Beast Hunter's +48-54% Damage To Beasts
Damage To Demons
Demon Seeker's +12-29% Damage To Demons
Demon Tracker's +27-41% Damage To Demons
Demon Hunter's +48-54% Damage To Demons
Damage To Necros
Necro Seeker's +12-29% Damage To Necros
Necro Tracker's +27-41% Damage To Necros
Necro Hunter's +48-54% Damage To Necros
Damage to Spectrals
Spectral Seeker's +12-29% Damage to Spectrals
Spectral Tracker's +27-41% Damage to Spectrals
Spectral Hunter's +48-54% Damage to Spectrals
Decrease Power Cost of Combat Skills
Decrease Power Cost of Evocation Skills
Avaricious +4-10% Decreased Power Cost of Evocation Skills
Rapacious +12-14% Decreased Power Cost of Evocation Skills
Expeditious +16-17% Decreased Power Cost of Evocation Skills
Decrease Power Cost of Swordsmanship Skills
Moderate +4-10% Decreased Power Cost of Swordsmanship Skills
Practical +12-14% Decreased Power Cost of Swordsmanship Skills
Miserly +16-17% Decreased Power Cost of Swordsmanship Skills
Decrease Power Cost of Tactical Skills
Sparing +4-10% Decreased Power Cost of Tactical Skills
Efficient +12-14% Decreased Power Cost of Tactical Skills
Spartan +16-17% Decreased Power Cost of Tactical Skills
Defense Against All Special Damage Effects
Primal +85-130 to Defense Against All Special Damage Effects
Chromatic +?? to Defense Against All Special Damage Effects
Kaleidoscopic +81-259 to Defense Against All Special Damage Effects
Duration of Boost Skills
Continuing +4-7% Duration of Boost Skills
Persisting +8-9% Duration of Boost Skills
Prolonging +12-14% Duration of Boost Skills
Duration of Buff Skills
Stretching +4-7% Duration of Buff Skills
Spanning +8-9% Duration of Buff Skills
Enduring +12-14% Duration of Buff Skills
Duration of Curse Skills
Afflicted +4-7% Duration of Curse Skills
Grievous +8-9% Duration of Curse Skills
Woeful +12-14% Duration of Curse Skills


Electric Discharge On Hit
Thundering +2% Chance to Release Electric Discharge On Hit
Electric Discharge On Kill
Striking +13% Chance to Release Electric Discharge On Kill
Electric Damage
Juiced +11-12% Electric Damage
Galvanized +15-17% Electric Damage
Volted +20-21% Electric Damage
Electric Damage (Thorns)
Powered +1 to Electric Damage (Thorns)
Electrostatic +2 to Electric Damage (Thorns)
Energized +?? to Electric Damage (Thorns)
Energy Consumption
Steady -4 to -7 Energy Consumption
Consistent -9 to -10 Energy Consumption
Faultless -13 Energy Consumption


Fire Damage
Kindled +11% Fire Damage
Inflamed +15% Fire Damage
Volcanic +21% Fire Damage
Fire Damage (Thorns)
Fevered +1 to Fire Damage (Thorns)
Febrile +5 to Fire Damage (Thorns)
Pyretic +11 to Fire Damage (Thorns)
Fire Nova On Kill
Explosive +5% Chance to Cast Fire Nova On Kill
Scaring +19% Chance to Cast Fire Nova On Kill


Health Regeneration
Healing +14-21/min Health Regeneration
Mendicant +31/min Health Regeneration
Panacea +34-73/min Health Regeneration
Hit Point Bonus
Sustaining +5-7% Hit Point Bonus
Restorative +8-11% Hit Point Bonus
Bracing +12-13% Hit Point Bonus
Hit Points
Healthy +7-20 to Hit Points
Bountiful +21-38 to Hit Points
Robust +54 to Hit Points
Vigorous +73 to Hit Points


Ignite Attack Strength
Burning +38-56 to Ignite Attack Strength
Fawke's +52 to Ignite Attack Strength
Igniting +78 to Ignite Attack Strength
Combustible +57-132 to Ignite Attack Strength
Ignite Defense
Extinguishing +240-474 to Ignite Defense
Dousing +603-727 to Ignite Defense
Stifling +591-814 to Ignite Defense
Increase Damage of Combat Skills
Smithed +11% Increased Damage of Combat Skills
Gunsmithed +15-17% Increased Damage of Combat Skills
Sighted +20-22% Increased Damage of Combat Skills
Increase Damage of Swordsmanship Skills
Increase Damage of Tactical Skills
Increase Range
Aligned +5-7% Increased Range
Ranged +9% Increased Range
Telescopic +12-13% Increased Range
Increase Splash Damage Radius
Extracircumferential +10% Increased Splash Damage Radius
Supercircumferential +17% Increased Splash Damage Radius
Megacircumferential +21% Increased Splash Damage Radius


Lucky +15-32 to Luck
Fortunate +45-50 to Luck
Prosperous +60-65 to Luck


Minion Armor
Reinforcing +36-43% Minion Armor
Buttressing +45-54% Minion Armor
Minion Damage
Acerbic +20% Minion Damage
Slashing +18-25% Minion Damage
Scathing +19-30% Minion Damage
Minion Health
Agreeable +15% Minion Health
Commodious +20-27% Minion Health
Beneficial +31-36% Minion Health
Movement Speed Bonus
Spry +9-10% Movement Speed Bonus
Nimble +11-15% Movement Speed Bonus
Quicksilver +16-20% Movement Speed Bonus


Phase Attack Strength
Spirited +52-56 Phase Attack Strength
Hallowed +78-111 Phase Attack Strength
Phase Defense
Synchronized +271-621 Phase Defense
Harmonic +606-694 Phase Defense
Concordant +432-529 Phase Defense
Physical Damage
Hammering +5% Physical Damage
Pounding +10% Physical Damage
Bashing +15-17% Physical Damage
Pummeling +20-21% Physical Damage
Physical Damage (Thorns)
Barbed +2-3 Physical Damage (Thorns)
Asperous +?? Physical Damage (Thorns)
Thorned +11 Physical Damage (Thorns)
Poison Attack Strength
Contaminated +39-58 Poison Attack Strength
Polluted +109-116 Poison Attack Strength
Poison Defense
Vaccinating +225-523 Poison Defense
Immunizing +244-377 Poison Defense
Inoculating +578-658 Poison Defense
Power Points
Energizing +5-9 to Power Points
Invigorating +11-22 to Power Points
Supercharged +26-29 to Power Points
Hypercharged +38 to Power Points
Power Regeneration
Recharging +12-16/min Power Regeneration
Reviving +23-25/min Power Regeneration
Ameliorating +34-54 Power Regeneration


Rebounder Bolts On Hit
Bouncing +1% Chance to Release Rebounder Bolts On Hit
Reflecting +5% Chance to Release Rebounder Bolts On Hit
Ricochet +18% Chance to Release Rebounder Bolts On Hit


Shield Overload
Disrupting +27-57% Shield Overload
Subverting +83% Shield Overload
Demolishing +91-99% Shield Overload
Shield Penetration
Perforating +21-39% Shield Penetration
Piercing +49-53% Shield Penetration
Penetrating +65-66% Shield Penetration
Buffering +6-16 to Shields
Barricading +17-30 to Shields
Absorbing +23 to Shields
Assimilating +19-44 to Shields
Redirecting +20-52 to Shields
Ablative +50-88 to Shields
Shock Attack Strength
Stunning +55-64 Shock Attack Strength
?? +?? Shock Attack Strength
Staggering +?? Shock Attack Strength
Shock Defense
Resistant +312-603 Shock Defense
Grounded +345-690 Shock Defense
Shielded +297-725 Shock Defense
Shrapnel (On Hit / When Attacking)
Crippling +2% Chance to Release Shrapnel On Hit
Enervating +5% Chance to Release Shrapnel On Hit
Debilitating +10% Chance to Release Shrapnel (On Hit / When Attacking)
Skill (Random)
Skillful +1 to Random Skill
Proficient +2 to Random Skill
Masterful +3 to Random Skill
Skill (Sprint)
Swift +1-2 to Sprint
Spectral Damage
Eerie +11-12% Spectral Damage
Lucent +15-17% Spectral Damage
Radiant +20-21% Spectral Damage
Spectral Damage (Thorns)
Ethereal +1-3 to Spectral Damage (Thorns)
Empyrean +?? to Spectral Damage (Thorns)
Celestial +?? to Spectral Damage (Thorns)
Spectral Nova On Hit
Diminishing +3% Chance to Cast Spectral Nova On Hit
Spectral Nova On Kill
Rotfinger +15% Chance to Cast Spectral Nova On Kill
Spectral Nova When Attacking
Weakening +8% Chance to Cast Spectral Nova When Attacking
Spectral Nova When Hit
Tempering +1-2% Chance to Cast Spectral Nova When Hit
Diminishing +??% Chance to Cast Spectral Nova When Hit
?? +??% Chance to Cast Spectral Nova When Hit
Mammoth's +1-5 to Stamina
Titan's +6-10 to Stamina
Juggernaut's +11-15 to Stamina
Leviathan's +16-20 to Stamina
Burly +1-5 to Strength
Hound's +6-10 to Strength
Tiger's +11-15 to Strength
Lionheart +16-20 to Strength
Stun Attack Strength
Forceful +39-40 Stun Attack Strength
Compelling +?? Stun Attack Strength
Roundhouse +156 Stun Attack Strength
Stun Defense
Stabilizing +345-590 Stun Defense
Braced +416-584 Stun Defense
Steadied +517-915 Stun Defense


Total Armor Value Increase
Statuesque +3-5% Total Armor Value Increase
Monolithic +7-8% Total Armor Value Increase
Colossal +9-10% Total Armor Value Increase
Toxic Damage
Poisonous +5-7% Toxic Damage
Noxious +11-12% Toxic Damage
Loathsome +15-17% Toxic Damage
Tainted +20% Toxic Damage
Toxic Damage (Thorns)
Rotted +?? to Toxic Damage (Thorns)
Decomposing +5 to Toxic Damage (Thorns)
Corroded +10-11 to Toxic Damage (Thorns)
Toxic Nova When Hit
Viperous +1% Chance to Cast Toxic Nova When Hit
Virulent +??% Chance to Cast Toxic Nova When Hit
Venomous +??% Chance to Cast Toxic Nova When Hit


Use Rate of Combat Skills
?? +??% Use Rate of Combat Skills
?? +??% Use Rate of Combat Skills
?? +??% Use Rate of Combat Skills
Use Rate of Evocation Skills
?? +4-10% Use Rate of Evocation Skills
Ardent +12-13% Use Rate of Evocation Skills
?? +??% Use Rate of Evocation Skills
Use Rate of Swordsmanship Skills
Glorified +4-10% Use Rate of Swordsmanship Skills
?? +12-13% Use Rate of Swordsmanship Skills
Zealous +??% Use Rate of Swordsmanship Skills
Use Rate of Tactical Skills
Triggered +4-10% Use Rate of Tactical Skills
Quickdrawn +12-13% Use Rate of Tactical Skills
Snapshot +18% Use Rate of Tactical Skills


Clever +2-5 to Willpower
Friar's +6-10 to Willpower
Bishop's +11-15 to Willpower
Archbishop's +17-20 to Willpower