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Revision as of 02:24, 17 December 2007

This is a Storyline Quest.
The previous quest in the sequence was: The Sigil
The next quest in the sequence is: Test of Leadership



  • Experience: 3,650


The Sage: Welcome, [Name].
The Sage: You have learned much and so have earned the right of trial.
The Sage: This is the Test of Knowledge. To access this Sigil point, you must pass. There can be no failure.
The Sage: The universe is bound by rules that level and equal. The ones that govern this place will be simple to follow.
The Sage: One... There will be two sides: that of Light and that of Dark.
The Sage: Two... In the center of this arena, there will be a book.
The Sage: The book is a symbol, River, as all things are. It represents wisdom.
The Sage: You must possess the book; you must possess wisdom.
The Sage: When you hold the book, take it to the goal on th efar side of the arena and you will gain access to this Sigil point.
The Sage: Three... Demons can grab the book as well. If they reach their own goal with the book before you, the trial will conclude and you will have failed.
The Sage: Anyone or anything holding the book can be...killed.
The Sage: If killed, the dead will drop the book where they fall. It may be recovered from there.
The Sage: Four... If you are killed, you will incur a penalty and restart in the arena. No death here is permanent.
The Sage: The endless war shall rage until one side - Light or Dark - strikes a balance.
The Sage: I am the Sage. This is my test.