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The Priest class is the master of healing, crowd control, and hate control. Other classes such as the Shaman, Druid, and Paladin can heal, but not as well as the Priest. The Priest can also resurrect dead players along with the Shaman and Paladin. The Warlock also has the ability to resurrect, through the use of soul stones. The Priest has some buffs that can help party members. The Priest can even take control of humanoid monsters at higher character levels.

Priest Spells

Level 1

Lesser Heal (Rank 1)
35 Mana
1.5 second cast
40 yard range
Heal your target for 43 to 53.

Holy Smite (Rank 1)
25 Mana
1.5 second cast
30 yard range
Smite an enemy for 13 to 17 holy damage.

Power Word: Fortitude (Rank 1)
Cost: 10c
60 Mana
Instant cast
30 yard range
Holy power infuses the target, increasing their Stamina by 3 for 30 minutes.

Level 4

Lesser Heal (Rank 2)
Cost: 50c
50 Mana
2 second cast
40 yard range
Heal your target for 66 to 80.

Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 1)
Cost: 50c
25 Mana
Instant cast
30 yard range
A word of darkness that causes 30 damage over 18 seconds.

Level 6

Holy Smite (Rank 2)
Cost: 1s
35 Mana
2 second cast
30 yard range
Smite an enemy for 24 to 28 holy damage.

Power Word: Shield (Rank 1)
45 Mana
Instant cast
40 yard range
4 second cooldown
Instantly shields the target, absorbing 44 damage. Lasts 1 minute. While the shield holds, spells will not be interrupted by physical attacks. The target becomes afflicted with a weakned soul preventing further shielding for 30 seconds.

Level 8

Renew (Rank 1)
Cost: 2s
35 Mana
Instant cast
40 yard range
Heals the target for 50 damage over 15 seconds.

Fade (Rank 1)
Cost: 2s
40 Mana
Instant cast
30 second cooldown
Fade out, reducing the caster's threat level on all enemies by a small amount for 10 seconds.

Level 10

Lesser Heal (Rank 3)
Cost: 3s
95 Mana
2.5 second cast
40 yard range
Heal your target for 142 to 166.

Resurrection (Rank 1)
Cost: 3s
150 Mana
10 second cast
40 yard range
Brings a dead player back to life with 15% of their health and mana. They are afflicted by ressurection sickeness reducing their stats by 75% for the next 2 minutes.

Mind Blast (Rank 1)
Cost: 3s
50 Mana
Instant cast
8 second cooldown
30 yard range
Blasts the target for 39 to 43 shadow damage, but causes a high amount of threat.

Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 2)
Cost: 3s
50 Mana
Instant cast
30 yard range
A word of darkness that causes 66 damage over 18 seconds.

Level 12

Power Word: Fortitude (Rank 2)
Cost: 8s
155 Mana
Instant cast
30 yard range
Holy power infuses the target, increasing their Stamina by 8 for 30 minutes.

Power Word: Shield (Rank 2)
Cost: 8s
75 Mana
Instant cast
40 yard range
4 second cooldown
Instantly shields the target, absorbing 82 damage. Lasts 1 minute. While the shield holds, spells will not be interrupted by physical attacks. The target becomes afflicted with a weakned soul preventing further shielding for 30 seconds.

Inner Fire (Rank 1)
Cost: 8s
20 Mana
Instant cast
A burst of Holy energy fills the caster, increasing his or her attack power by 20 and armor by 60 for 3 minutes.

Level 14

Holy Smite (Rank 3)
Cost: 9s
65 Mana
2 second cast
30 yard range
Smite an enemy for 54 to 62 holy damage.

Cure Disease
Cost: 9s
60 Mana
Instant cast
30 yard range
Removes 1 disease from friendly target.

Renew (Rank 2)
Cost: 9s
55 Mana
Instant cast
40 yard range
Heals the target for 85 damage over 15 seconds.

Psychic Scream (Rank 1)
Cost: 9s
100 Mana
Instant cast
30 second cooldown
The caster lets out a psychic scream, causing 2 nearby enemies to flee for 8 seconds.

Level 16

Heal (Rank 1)
Cost: 18s
150 Mana
3.5 second cast
40 yard range
Heal your target for 247 to 285.

Mind Blast (Rank 2)
Cost: 18s
80 Mana
Instant cast
8 second cooldown
30 yard range
Blasts the target for 72 to 78 shadow damage, but causes a high amount of threat.

Level 18

Dispel Magic (Rank 1)
Cost: 29s
75 Mana
Instant cast
30 yard range
Dispels magic on the target, removing 1 harmful spell from a friend or 1 beneficial spell from an enemy.

Power Word: Shield (Rank 3)
Cost: 29s
110 Mana
Instant cast
40 yard range
4 second cooldown
Instantly shields the target, absorbing 134 damage. Lasts 1 minute. While the shield holds, spells will not be interrupted by physical attacks. The target becomes afflicted with a weakned soul preventing further shielding for 30 seconds.

Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 3)
Cost: 29s
95 Mana
Instant cast
30 yard range
A word of darkness that causes 132 damage over 18 seconds.

Level 20

Flash Heal (Rank 1)
Cost: 23s
110 Mana
1.5 second cast
40 yard range
Heals a friendly target for 170 to 208.

Inner Fire (Rank 2)
Cost: 23s
45 Mana
Instant cast
A burst of Holy energy fills the caster, increasing his or her attack power by 35 and armor by 100 for 3 minutes.

Renew (Rank 3)
Cost: 23s
90 Mana
Instant cast
40 yard range
Heals the target for 150 damage over 15 seconds.

Shackle Undead (Rank 1)
Cost: 23s
90 Mana
1.5 second cast
30 yard range
Shackles the target undead enemy for up to 30 seconds. Any damage caused will release the target. Only one target can be shackled at a time.

Fade (Rank 2)
Cost: 23s
75 Mana
Instant cast
30 second cooldown
Fade out, reducing the caster's threat level on all enemies by a medium amount for 10 seconds.

Mind Soothe (Rank 1)
Cost: 23s
50 Mana
2 second cast
40 yard range
Soothes the target, reducing the range at which it will attack you by 10 yards. Only affects targets level 40 or lower. Lasts 15 seconds.

Level 22

Heal (Rank 2)
Cost: 42s
23 Mana
3.5 second cast
40 yard range
Heal your target for 421 to 481.

Holy Smite (Rank 4)
Cost: 42s
105 Mana
2 second cast
30 yard range
Smite an enemy for 96 to 110 holy damage.

Mind Blast (Rank 3)
Cost: 42s
110 Mana
Instant cast
40 yard range
8 second cooldown
Blasts the target for 112 to 120 shadow damage, but causes a high amount of threat.

Mind Vision (Rank 1)
Cost: 42s
65 Mana
Instant cast
100 yard range
1 minute cooldown
Allows the caster to see through the target's eyes for 1 minute.

Level 24

Power Word: Fortitude (Rank 3)
Cost: 71s
400 Mana
Instant cast
30 yard range
Holy power infuses the target, increasing their Stamina by 18 for 30 minutes.

Power Word: Shield (Rank 4)
Cost: 71s
145 Mana
Instant cast
40 yard range
4 second cooldown
Instantly shields the target, absorbing 194 damage. Lasts 1 minute. While the shield holds, spells will not be interrupted by physical attacks. The target becomes afflicted with a weakned soul preventing further shielding for 30 seconds.

Mana Burn (Rank 1)
Cost: 71s
95 Mana
3 second cast
30 yard range
Drains 191 to 203 mana from a target. For each mana drained in this way, the target takes 0.5 damage.

Holy Fire (Rank 2)
Cost: 18s
135 Mana
5 sec cast
30 yd range
1 min cooldown
Consumes the enemy in flames that causes 120 to 154 Fire damage and an additional 36 Fire damage over 8 sec.

Level 26

Flash Heal (Rank 2)
Cost: 67s
135 Mana
1.5 second cast
40 yard range
Heals a friendly target for 226 to 274.

Renew (Rank 4)
Cost: 67s
120 Mana
Instant cast
40 yard range
Heals the target for 210 damage over 15 seconds.

Resurrection (Rank 2)
Cost: 2.2g
250 Mana
10 second cast
40 yard range
Brings a dead player back to life with 30% of their health and mana.

Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 4)
Cost: 67s
155 Mana
Instant cast
30 yard range
A word of darkness that causes 234 damage over 18 seconds.

Level 28

Heal (Rank 3)
Cost: 81s
350 Mana
4 second cast
40 yard range
Heal your target for 670 to 762.

Mind Blast (Rank 4)
Cost: 81s
150 Mana
Instant cast
8 second cooldown
Blasts the target for 167 to 177 shadow damage, but causes a high amount of threat.

Psychic Scream (Rank 2)
Cost: 81s
140 Mana
Instant cast
30 second cooldown
The caster lets out a psychic scream, causing 3 nearby enemies to flee for 8 seconds.

Mind Flay (Rank 2)
Cost: 21s
70 Mana
Instant cast (Channeling)
20 yd range
Assault the target's mind with Shadow energy, causing 126 damage over 3 sec and slowing the target to 50% of their movement speed.

Level 30

Holy Smite (Rank 5)
Cost: 65s
160 Mana
2 second cast
30 yard range
Smite an enemy for 160 to 182 holy damage.

Power Word: Shield (Rank 5)
Cost: 65s
205 Mana
Instant cast
40 yard range
4 second cooldown
Instantly shields the target, absorbing 294 damage. Lasts 1 minute. While the shield holds, spells will not be interrupted by physical attacks. The target becomes afflicted with a weakned soul preventing further shielding for 30 seconds.

Inner Fire (Rank 3)
Cost: 65s
75 Mana
Instant cast
A burst of Holy energy fills the caster, increasing his or her attack power by 50 and armor by 140 for 3 minutes.

Prayer of Healing (Rank 1)
Cost: 65s
400 Mana
3 second cast
A powerful prayer heals nearby party members for 293 to 313.

Fade (Rank 3)
Cost: 65s
125 Mana
Instant cast
30 second cooldown
Fade out, reducing the caster's threat level on all enemies by a high amount for 10 seconds.

Mind Control (Rank 1)
Cost: 65s
350 Mana
3 second cast
20 yard range
Controls a humanoid mind up to level 32, but slows its attack speed by 20%. Lasts 1 minute, but the target gets a chance to break free every 5 seconds.

Shadow Protection (Rank 1)
Cost: 65s
250 Mana
Instant cast
30 yard range
Increases the target's resistance to Shadow spells by 50 for 10 minutes.