Warrior Talent Templates

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There are tons of possible talent builds for a warrior, but you can categorize a little by generalizing to the keystone talents.

The Default: Arms/Fury Damage build
31 Arms / 20 Fury.
Key Talents:

  • Arms: Deflection, Tactical Mastery (not necessarily maxed), Deep Wounds, Imp. Overpower, Sweeping Strikes, Mortal Strike.
  • Fury: Cruelty, Piercing Howl, Enrage (or 3 Enrage + 2 Imp. Execute)


  • Maximize damage output. Good for Soloing, PvP, and still able to tank if played well.

Why not?

  • Cookie Cutter Phobia. Primary interest in tanking.

The Alternate Default: Fury/Arms Damage build
30 Fury / 21 Arms.
Key Talents:

  • Fury: Cruelty, Piercing Howl, Unbridled Wrath (if dual wield), Enrage, Death Wish, Flurry.
  • Arms: Deflection, Tactical Mastery, Deep Wounds, Imp. Overpower, Sweeping Strikes.


  • Similar damage output to default build. More reliance on passive abilities potentially makes tanking slightly easier than primary default.

Why not?

  • Lack of MS. Dislike of dual wield's miss rate. Primary interest in tanking.

The Arms Heavy Build.
35-40 Arms / 11-16 Fury and/or Prot
Key Talents:

  • Arms: All but the most sucky ones (probably just one specific weapon specialization).
  • Fury: Cruelty, maybe Pericing Howl.
  • Protection: Up to Imp Shield block (1), or just anticipation / toughness.


  • Likes the tree and wants to be a true master of a weapon type. Heavy solo emphasis.

Why not?

  • Lack of Enrage (significantly less dmg when tanking), danger of committing to weapon just to find a beter one in different category.

The Fury Heavy Build.
33-40 Fury / 11-18 Arms and/or Prot
Key Talents:

  • Fury: Most of 'em, but especially Imp. Beserker Rage and Bloodthirst.
  • Arms: Deflection and Tactical Mastery, maybe Imp. Overpower / Deep wounds.
  • Prot: Probably just Shield Specialization or Anticipation.


  • Strong point is rapid killing of somewhat weak targets in quick succession (i.e. making good use of Bloodthirst).

Why not?

  • Lack of Sweeping Strikes weakens this build against multiple mobs. Not the most efficient tank unless group moves very fast and has great healing.

The MS Tank Build.
31 Arms / 15 Prot / 5 Fury
Key Talents:

  • Arms: Deflection, Tactical Mastery (not necessarily maxed), Deep Wounds, Imp. Overpower, Sweeping Strikes, Mortal Strike.
  • Prot: Last Stand, Imp. Shield Block (1), Imp Revenge (3).
  • Fury: Cruelty.


  • Gets the majority of protection's mitigation ability while still dealing good damage. Little easier to tank.

Why Not?

  • Slightly slower solo play and some weaknesses PvP. No Piercing Howl.

The Flurry Light Tank Build.
30 Fury / 14 Prot / 7 Arms
Key Talents:

  • Fury: Cruelty, Piercing Howl, Unbridled Wrath (if dual wield), Enrage, Death Wish, Flurry.
  • Prot: Imp. Bloodrage, Sheild block (1), Imp Revenge (3).
  • Arms: Deflection, Tactical Mastery (2)


  • Gets the majority of protection's mitigation while still dealing good damage. With passive dmg output from flurry, tanks reasonably well (esp. good at rage generation / holding aggro).

Why Not?

  • Less Tactical Mastery than one might like - no MS obviously. Slightly slower solo play and some PvP weaknesses.

The Tactical/Howl Medium Tank Build.
29 Prot / 11 Arms / 11 Fury
Key Talents:

  • Fury: Cruelty, Piercing Howl.
  • Prot: Toughness, Shield block (1), Imp Revenge (3), Concussion blow, Imp. Shield Bash, 1H mastery (4)
  • Arms: Deflection, Tactical Mastery, Anger Management


  • Gets the low lying utility talents from both arms/fury while relying on 1H mastery for a consistent damage boost. Given tanking gear with high skill defense and low crit %, potentially better damage aggro than enrage/flurry (which rely on enemy crits and player crits).

Why Not?

  • Slightly slower solo play and lack of heavy burst PvP damage.

[nb: this is the original author's current build]

The Flurry Concussion Build.
30 Fury / 21 Prot
Key Talents:

  • Fury: Cruelty, Piercing Howl, Unbridled Wrath (if dual wield), Enrage, Death Wish, Flurry.
  • Prot: Imp. Bloodrage, Shield block (1), Imp Revenge (3), Concussion blow.


  • Two high tree keystone talents - good damage and good stuns. Tanks fairly well.

Why not?

  • No Tactical Mastery, no Deflection, no MS. In a rough spot for using quick intercept in PvP.

The Sweeping Strikes Concussion Build.
21-30 Arms / 21 Prot / 0-9 Fury.
Key Talents:

  • Arms: Deflection, Tactical Mastery (not necessarily maxed), Deep Wounds, Imp. Overpower, Sweeping Strikes.
  • Prot: Imp. Bloodrage, Shield block (1), Imp Revenge (3), Concussion blow.
  • Fury: Cruelty.


  • Two high tree keystone talents - good damage and good stuns. Tanks fairly well.

Why not?

  • No Piercing Howl. No enrage reduces damage potential when tanking. No MS.

The Enraged Tank Build.
21 Fury / 21 Prot / 9 Arms
Key Talents:

  • Fury: Cruelty, Piercing Howl, Unbridled Wrath (4), Enrage, Death Wish.
  • Prot: Imp. Bloodrage, Shield block (1), Imp Revenge (3), Imp Sunder (3) + Imp Taunt (2) *OR* Defiance (5), Concussion Blow (1).
  • Arms: Deflection, Tactical Mastery (4)


  • Gets many key protection mitigation and aggro holding talents. Uses tanking role as a means to get a crit to trigger Enrage.

Why Not?

  • The better you tank and the more you stun the less likely you are to be critted, so this somewhat works against itself.

[thanks for the addition Craziel]

The Jack of All Trades Build.
16 Arms / 14 Prot / 20 Fury (among other mixes - hard to categorize)
Key Talents:

  • Arms: Deflection, Tactical Mastery (not necessarily maxed), Deep Wounds, Imp. Overpower.
  • Prot: Imp. Bloodrage, Shield block (1), Imp Revenge (3).
  • Fury: Cruelty, Piercing Howl, Unbridled Wrath (if dual wield), Enrage.


  • Grab all the tasty good talents at the bottom of the trees. Relatively versalite.

Why not?

  • No high end keystone talents (Sweeping, MS, Conc. Blow, Flurry).

The Mostly Protection Build.
31 Prot / 7-15 Arms / 5-13 Fury
Key Talents:

  • Prot: Imp. Bloodrage, Shield block (1), Imp Revenge (3), Concussion blow, Imp. Shield Bash, 1H mastery, Shield Specialization.
  • Arms: Deflection, Tactical Mastery (not necessarily maxed) - maybe Imp Overpower or Deep wounds.
  • Fury: Cruelty - maybe Piercing Howl.


  • Heavy tanking emphasis while retaining a few of the goodies from other trees.

Why not?

  • Slower soloing, possible PvP weaknesses due to lower total damage.

The Heavy Protection Build.
33-44 Prot / 7-18 Arms and/or Fury
Key Talents:

  • Prot: Most of the tree.
  • Arms: Deflection, Tactical Mastery, maybe Anger Management.
  • Fury: Probably just Cruelty.


  • Desire to be a brick wall.

Why not?

  • Not terribly useful outside a raid or hard instance. Weakness in 5-man easier intance team is low damage contribution.

The Control Freak.
26 Arms / 25 Fury
Key Talents:

  • Arms: Imp. Charge, Tactical Mastery, Anger Management, Wep Spec of Choice, Imp. Hamstring.
  • Fury: Cruelty, Piercing Howl, Imp Execute, Imp Intercept, Deathwish.


  • Focus on controlling the range/movement of others (charge/hamstring/intercept/PH) while retaining control of own movement (Death Wish). Pretty much a specialized design for intercepting flag carriers in CTF Battlegrounds. If opting for mace spec, can also be a high stun % build (complementing the control theme).

Why not?

  • No damage enhancing talents except for cruelty and perhaps 2H/Weapon spec leaves the DPS lower than an MS or Flurry build. The theory is staying in melee range for longer amounts of time will compensate, but in practice that may not be the case. Very little in the way of tanking support talents.

Feel free to comment / add more templates if you can think of ones that significantly vary from these. Please attribute your edits.
--Olon97 22:52, 3 Feb 2005 (MST)