Zoomancer Guide

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The Zoomancer is a Necromancer build that specializes in the use of the summoning tree for its offense and defense.


The Zoomancer is one of THE easiest builds to create and play. Starting at level one and through the rest of the game, a Zoomancer can be very effective, and offers a break from the traditional clickfest that is Diablo. Relying on only two core skills, it allows for a great deal of customization for your favored play style.


  • Safety. A Zoomancer must kill his first monster completely alone. Once he's dirtied his wand for hopefully the last time, he may never intentionally get close to another enemy ever again. He will have potentially dozens of minions, all happy to waltz into harm's way so that their master doesn't have to.
  • Versatility. Most characters will eventually need help versus the immunes of Hell difficulty. This builds damage is primarily physical, but physical immunities can almost always be broken by the use of Amplify Damage. Later on when unbreakable physical immunes are encountered, they can usually be dispatched with your secondary skills. A summoner can go anywhere in the game and kill anything. And the Zoomancer can do all of this naked or with magic find gear.


  • Personal Weakness. Without you, your skeleton army is useless. Without your skeleton army, YOU are useless. Starting out a new game, especially in Hell difficulty, can be dangerous, and you will usually rely on your mercenary or Iron Golem to make the first kill. In addition, you may have low resistances, low hit points, a low defense rating, and negligible blocking.
  • Choke points. Doors and bridges are your enemies. The Maggot Lair and Arcane Sanctuary will make you utter curses more frequently than your character. Your explosion skills can take advantage of these situations, but they are still a nuisance.


The core skills for this build are Raise Skeleton and Skeleton Mastery. After you've made that 40 point investment, you will be "Hell viable". You could go ahead and max out Summon Resist, Weaken, and Bone Armor if you wanted. But for the love of Trang-Oul and all that is unholy, DON'T!


Raise Skeleton

Max it first. It will be the first spell you ever cast, and raising an army at the start of the game will become ritual to you.

Skeleton Mastery

Max it second. If you aren't using Skeleton Mages, you should initially build up your character with a 3:1 Raise Skeleton to Skeleton Mastery point allocation ratio. If you're using mages or revives, you may want to opt for a 2:1 ratio instead.

Clay Golem

1 point suggested. The basic clay golem has enough hit points to stay alive most of the time, and can be simply recast when it dies or needs to be repositioned. It has an extremely useful "slows enemies" effect that is particularly of note versus bosses.

Skeletal Mage

0-20 points. These guys have two main purposes: broadening your damage, and defending your flank. Their damage output is rather low, but will sometimes chill monsters and prevent their healing, and can harm those physical immunes that refuse to die even after you've reduced the corpses around them to chunky kibbles. Also, a monster will sometimes sneak up behind you or around your front lines. This is particularly frequent when facing blowgun fetish and demon imps. Your mages will hang out in back with you, and you can hide amongst them instead of having to frantically block with your clay golem.

Golem Mastery and Summon Resist

1 point wonders. With +skills items, they get as high as they need to be. More, however, is generally a waste. Summon Resist suffers major diminishing returns, but your minions do not suffer the same resistance penalties that you and your mercenary do in Hell difficulty.

Blood Golem and Iron Golem

1 point each as prerequisites. A blood golem is a liability, one that is made unnecessary by the use of healing potions. An Iron Golem is immune to poison and returns damage to melee attackers, so it has its uses.

Fire Golem

0-1 point. It attracts enemies with its fire aura, which can help keep the heat off you. It has a tendency to pull extra monsters, but Zoomancers are seldom afraid of a large crowd, especially if they have....


0-10 points. With the exception of NASTY monsters like Urdars and Frenzytaurs, their damage output is not helpful, but for those three minutes you have them, they are practically indestructible. In addition to these two, you may want to bring along the following...

Poison & Bone






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