Volvo DPS

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Role: DPS Fighter
Aura: Retribution - Sanctity in 1.9+
Blessing: Kings - Might in 1.9+
This guy is just there to do damage and provide the extra auras and blessings. Like any paladin he can tank or heal if needed.

Behold the new DPS Paladin build:

Talent Build

Holy Talents - 26 points

Divine Strength - rank 5/5

Divine Intellect - rank 5/5

Spiritual Focus - rank 5/5

Healing Light - rank 3/3

Consecration - rank 1/1

Illumination - rank 5/5

Divine Favor - rank 1/1

Holy Thingy - rank 1/5

Retribution Talents - 25 points

Improved Blessing of Might - rank 5/5

Benediction - rank 5/5

Improved Judgement - rank 2/2

Vindication - rank 3/3

Conviction - rank 5/5

Seal of Command - rank 1/1

Two-Handed Weapon Specialization - rank 3/3

Sanctity Aura - rank 1/1

More Holy than Retribution. This Paladin is responsible for Blessing of Might, Sanctity Aura and Judged Commands. This build is set up to maximize 2 handed damage dealing with increased mana for more Judgements.

Pre 1.9 Talent Build Plan:
At level 51 I have invested 11 points into the Holy tree. I picked up 4 in Spiritual Focus, 1 in Imp Holy Light, 5 in Illumination and 1 in Divine Favor. Next up, the decision to get Precision or improve the Holy tree a bit more.

At level 40, I got Blessing of Kings, right on schedule. After that, points go into Spiritual Focus, then Imp Hoy Light, Illumination, then Divine Favor at level 51. After that I can choose whether to improve Retribution or Healing.

Put points into Retribution to get Blessing of Kings at level 40. At level 32 I have Benediction, Two-Handed Weapon Spec, 5 points in Vengeace, Seal of Command completed, 5 points in Imp Retribution Aura and Consecration!

Next up is 3 points of Deflection then 5 points of Conviction before finally g etting Blessing of Kings!

I'll probably dive into Holy before finishing out Deflection/Precision but who knows.

Desired Equipment List


  • Cape of the Black Baron
  • Stoneskin Gargoyle Cloak
  • √ Stormpike Soldier's Cloak


  • Soulforge Breastplate
  • Lamellar Breastplate - PvP Rank 8
  • √ Ogre Forged Hauberk
  • √ Deathdealer Breastplate


  • Soulforge Boots - Tier .5 step 3
  • Lamellar Sabatons - PvP rank 7
  • Backusarian Gauntlets
  • Crystal Lined Greaves - Silithius
  • Savage Gladiator Greaves
  • √ Sapphiron's Scale Boots


  • Don Julio's
  • Band of Earthen Might -
  • √ Tarnished Elven Ringx2


  • Soulforge Gauntlets - Tier .5
  • Chromatic gloves -
  • √ Voone's Vice Grips
  • Reiver Gloves - LBRS, Wyrm
  • Backusarian Gauntlets - LBRS


  • Lionheart
  • Soulforge Helm
  • Helm of the Executioner - Strat, Baron
  • √ Backwood Helm
  • Helm of the Holy Avenger


  • Abyssal Plate Leggings of Striking
  • √ Eldritch Reinforced Legplates
  • Lameller Leggings - PvP rank 8
  • Lightforge Legplates
  • Abyssal Plate Leggings Restoration


  • Darkmoon Neck


  • Soulforge Spaulders
  • Lightforge Spaulders
  • Bile Etched Spaulders


  • Blackhand's breadth - UBRS quest
  • Counterattack Lodestone
  • Hand of Justice - BRD Emperor


  • ZG belt
  • Highlander's Belt - AB honored
  • √ Warpwood Bindings
  • Belt of the Ordained
  • Soulforge Belt


  • ZG Armguards
  • √ Soulforge Bracer

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