Euro Karazhan

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Revision as of 11:20, 30 April 2007 by Elyvin (talk | contribs)
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Next Karazhan session will be Sat 28 April at 1pm Server Time (9pm UK, 10pm CET), with a follow up on Sun 29 April at 10am Server Time (6pm UK, 7pm CET). Targets are:

Saturday pharmin' session: Moroes, Opera, Curator (circle back for Attumen/Maiden if time permits) Sunday progression session: Chess, Aran attempts, onwards and upwards!

Loot rules

Loot will be set to group, blue threshold. Please pass on all roll-boxes. Loot will then be discussed, nd rolled with /random 100 on a need before greed basis. There shouldn't be too many incidents where stuff if contested, but if it is, and you have already had something out of the instance, please try to be nice and considerate. Probably helps if you reseach the loot of the zone and make yourself a shopping list.

Basically, normal Basin niceness.

Shards from melting unwanted loot will be collected until we have 10 and then distributed to the group, one each. Sjur will be acting as shard bank.

I call dibs on Attumens mount! First!


The Roster

Core Roster

The core roster consists of:

ForumID Character Class
Bissi Bissi Warrior Offtank
Spankk Spankk Warrior Main tank
Enocssa Enocssa Priest
fortuna Aphaea Priest
Elyvin Nerfling Paladin
Cosmeg Caapi Shaman
Grimthor Hypothesis Rogue
Tharn Divayth Mage
Agunea Manka Warlock
Sjur Sjur Hunter

The Bench

The bench consists of people who have filled in with us (or indicated a willingness to do so), and who will get preference for fill-in spots in the future.

ForumID Character Name Class Key status
Riva Irongrip Riva Hunter Keyed
Ultraspank Ultraspank Mage Keyed
Ultraspank Lifebringer Priest Keyed
Seerinox Seerinox Shaman Keyed
Spankk Spankk Warrior Keyed


Please indicate your availability over the next couple of months (you won't be held to this as a strict signup, but if you are going to be on holiday or something, indicate it here so we can plan accordingly please.


If you can't come, please try to organise a substitute (the identity of whom you should enter in the table below please). If you have tried to, and can't find anyone, let the group know.

Date Bissi Elyvin Cosmeg Sjur Grimthor Enocssa Tharn Agunea Aphaea Spankk
Sat 5 May Y Y Y Y Y
Sun 6 May Y Y Y Y Y
Sat 12 May Y Y
Sun 13 May Y Y
Sat 19 May Y Y
Sun 20 May Y Y
Sat 26 May Y Y
Sun 27 May Y Y


These are the strategies that we will be using. Any tweaks to them, noted within each section on the wiki.


Guide One-shot victory on 10 March 2007. Go us!


Guide Our first kill was 14 April 2007.

Maiden of Virtue

Guide First attempt, one-shot victory on 14 April 2007.

Opera House events

Romulo and Julianne Beat it Sat 21 April 2007

Big Bad Wolf

Wizard of Oz Beat it Sun 15 April 2007 using the following kill order: Dorothee, Tito, Strawman (fire mez), Tinhead (tanked), Roar (chain feared)

The Curator

Guide First kill Sun 22 April 2007

Shade of Aran


Suggest that everybody downloads and installs the following add-ins for this fight: TWAran and TWInterruptWatch.

Note that due to our raid composition, we will most likely have to use the option to let him Sheep+AoE Pyro before 40% (when the elementals come out).

Chess event

Didn't need a guide to pwnz0rate it first time.

Prince Malchezaar





Progress to date

This section holds details of our sessions, what we have achieved, what we have learned, what dropped, who got it, and all that stuff etc

Sun, 25 Feb 2007

Initial roster formed

Sat, 10 March 2007

Attendees: Olond, Rb, Nurofen, Caapi, Sjur/Dagros, Hypothesis, Blastus, Divayth, Manka, {Rescorla}/{Zeddie}

Attumen down on first attempt (two pieces of melt loot - 4 shards). Moroes causing some difficulty (best attempt 40% ish).

Weekend of 14/15 April 2007

Saturday Attendees: Riva (playing Bissi), Elyvin, Caapi, Mikulus, Grimthor, Aphaea, Manka, Enocssa, Divayth, Sjur

Attumen - one shot (2 shards, Gloves of Saintly Blessings [Aphaea])

Moroes - down on 4th try (Boots of Valiance [Nerfling], Emerald Ripper [Hypothesis])

Maiden of Virtue - one shot (Shard of the Virtuous [Enocssa], Bracers of Maliciousness [Hypothesis])

Sunday Attendees: Bissi, Elyvin, Caapi, Mikulus, Grimthor, Aphaea, Manka, Enocssa, Divayth, Sjur

Looted off trash: Belt of the Tracker [Sjur]

Wizard of Oz: Down on 2nd non-bugged attempt (Ruby Slippers [Manka], Libram of Souls Redeemed [Nerfling])

Curator: Couple of attempts - best was around 52%

Weekend of 22/23 April 2007

Saturday Attendees: Spankk, Elyvin, Caapi, Mikulus, Grimthor, Aphaea, Manka, Seerinox, Divayth, Sjur

Attumen: Gloves of Saintly Blessings [Seerinox], Stalker's War Bands [Sjur]

Trash: Pattern: Soulcloth Shoulders [Aphaea]

Moroes: Brooch of Unquenchable Fury [Divayth], Nethershard Girdle [Manka]

Opera House: Romeo & Juliet - 3rd try. Masquerade Gown [Aphaea], Trial-Fire Trousers [Manka]

Sunday Attendees: Spankk, Seerinox, Olond, Sjur, Grimthor, Aphaea, Manka, Caapi, Divayth, Riva

Curator: Down on third attempt of the day.( Gloves of the Fallen Defender [Aphaea], Wrynn Dynasty Greaves [Spankk])

Chess Event: Down first try Mithril Chain of Heroism [Olond], Heart-Flame Leggings [Seerinox]

Weekend of 22/23 April 2007

Saturday attendees:Spankk, Caapi, Mikulus, Grimthor, Aphaea, Seerinox, Manka, Divayth, Sjur, Ultraspank

Trash: The Bringer of Death [To be AHed]

We sucked too much to kill Moroes. Or Attumen. Or indeed anything at all.

Saturday attendees: Spankk, Caapi, Grimthor, Aphaea, Seerinox, Manka, Divayth, Sjur (on druid to tank), Ultraspank, Myca (Shaihulud's Pally)

Attumen: Spectral Band of Innervation [Caapi], Bracers of the White Stag [Dagros], Schematic: Stabilized Eternium Scope [Hypothesis]

Trash: Pattern: Soulcloth Vest [Aphaea]

Moroes: Emerald Ripper [Caapi], Crimson Girdle of the Indomitable [Spankk]

Maiden: Totem of Healing Rains [Seerinox], Bands of Nefarious Deeds [Ultraspank]

Opera (Oz): Libram of Souls Redeemed [1 Shard], Ruby Slippers [Aphaea]


Champ's excellent guide on the forums.