Dead Pool

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Revision as of 23:33, 17 December 2007 by Jayling (talk | contribs)
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Dead Pool
Optional Quest

Quest giver: Mag
Station: Temple Station
Previous quest: Errands for Feeble
Next quest: none?

Experience: 1060
Palladium: 120
Standing: +100 with Temple Station
Other: none

Travel to Cannon Street

Speak with Messenger



  • Experience: 1060
  • Palladium: 120
  • Standing: +100 Standing with the people of Temple Station


Mag: Hullo. Would you mind lending this old lady another hand?
Mag: It's so hard to find good help these days.
Mag: Some of my assistants have ventured out to investigate the boils that have infected this city on Rorke's orders. Disgusting globs... Have you seen them?
Mag: Please travel to Cannon Street and speak with my Sept on my behalf.
Mag: I wouldn't mind getting my research data back as well...

  • Speak with Messenger