Main Page

From Basin Wiki
Revision as of 19:03, 27 December 2007 by Xibalba (talk | contribs) (fixed up the other rows)
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The Basin's Guild Wikis
Diablo II DAoC Star Wars Galaxies World of Warcraft Guild Wars Hellgate: London EVE Online Warhammer Online Miscellaneous Games
Experiment at our Wiki Playpen
ABCON VII Main Page for information about this years (2007) ABCON.


Welcome to The Amazon Basin's Wiki page. The Basin's motto is "A community of friends playing games". We are a group of gamers interested in playing fair and respecting each other.

Our community consists of several guilds organized around the games in which we participate. Please feel free to explore the information we have available here and enjoy your time with the Amazon Basin.

Our wiki currently holds 2,275 pages contributed by our members!


This is a test for creating a new page called Basin News.

I've just merged the "Unofficial WoW Wiki" with the wiki database here. This was a very hairy process, but I'm pretty sure we didn't lose any data (all is backed up elsewhere if we did). WoW users will need to reregister. Please give a helping hand in getting the new wiki together. The WoW wiki can be accessed via the left nav or via Main Page WoW --Malphigian 17:11, 21 Feb 2005 (Eastern Standard Time)

The DAoC branch is working on their Main Page.

Wiki moved over from TPJ's server to the main Basin server. All the Basin resources are now hosted on the Basin server. Sorry for the downtime, but it was something that needed to be done. Back to Wiki'ing. (NLX3647)

You have to be logged in to make changes now. This is to prevent trolls and spammers from making changes and putting links up here that we don't want.

Interested in helping out and don't know where to start? Try the Wanted Pages for those pages that are linked to, but not yet created.