Hotkey Efficiency & The Tank

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Revision as of 03:10, 23 October 2004 by Drake (talk | contribs)
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While the MMORPG is generally devoid of the infamous "twitch," there is an unfortunate misconception that skills are not required for play. This is simply not the case; good group play is definitely something one has to work towards. Much like RTS games, hotkey customization, speed, and efficiency are a good place to start trying to hone your skills.

As a Protection minded Warrior you are often placed in a primary leading role for your party, and while no class is necessarily expendable, lets assume as fact out of my personal bias the warrior is definitely not.:) Below is a rundown of a reasonably efficient hotkey setup I've come to use... obviously as the game continues to change here in beta things may need to be re-prioritized. That is pretty much the key to any hotkey setup... priorities, which you'll see below.

(Before I get going, lets assume its a given that you have Cosmos installed, or whatever similar UI:Mod may be around at the time. I'm running on the assumption that at the very least you have a second action bar above your first, which is hotkey compatible)
