Guide to leading raids
Guide to leading raids
by Grimthor 22:03, 24 Mar 2005 (Eastern Standard Time)
This guide is not intended to be a definitive "How To", but rather an introduction to some of my thoughts on leading and participating in raids. Please treat this in the spirit it is offered - it is intended to provide a framework to encourage you to think about raids and raiding, and how to lead and participate in raids. And of course this has a natural slant towards raiding in a Basin context.
What the heck do I know about it?
Well, I led the Amazon Basin's EverQuest guild for a bit over a year, which included running raids, and was also part of a fairly hardcore raid guild in EverQuest for 18 months or so, raiding very high-end content 4-5 evenings a week. I've also been playing WoW since April 2004, so I know WoW reasonably well too. Oh, and I've been in the Amazon Basin for about 5 years too.
What is a raid?
When I talk about raids, I mean any activity in a MMORPG that is undertaken by more than a single group. In WoW the definition broadens to include any one-group instance run, and most PvP activities that are not just one-on-one skirmishes. It's a somewhat nebulous definition, and I apologise for that, but it kinda needs to be!