Molten Core

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The Molten Core is a 40 man raid instance located in Blackrock Mountain. You can access it via the green portal in Blackrock Depths just between the 7 Dwarves and Lyceum or you can do a quest from an elf on the way to BRD to attune you to the core. Once attuned you jump through the window into the lava next to the elf. You must be in a raid for the portal to work.


Trash Mobs

Molten Giant
These are big slow time wasting fights. You have a pair (they always come with another Giant or Destroyer) of big giants that you need to tank and slowly burn down. We like to keep 1 tank on each giant and 2-3 priests on each tank. If you are a priest and do not know who to heal ask in /basinpriest or you frequently heal the warrior that is on the same side of the raid tab as yourself. For example if the Maintank is in Group 1 and the Offtank is in Group 2 then the healers for the MT are in groups 1,3,5,7 and for the OT are in groups 2,4,6,8. Shamans and druids can keep the dps alive since the giants have a melee area aoe. When pulling we assign each offtank a hunter that pulls the giant right to him so he can taunt it off. Once the warrior has aggro on the giant the hunter can FD and change to dps gear if needed. DPS classes just need to wait for their dps call and assist for the right target. These are always a static spawn with a very long respawn timer, at least 8 hours long.

Lava Annihilator
This is your basic melee mob with a twist. It uses the random target system to determine who to attack. Basically it means its just about impossible to tank and will target new people constantly. To minimize the need to chase it all over the place everyone should pile onto it in melee range and just heal who needs healing. Tanks should feel free to taunt whenever it is up just so they can eat a few hits before it switches again. These are Always a static spawn and have a 2 hour respawn timer. Any Annihilator has a chance to spawn as a Firelord and vice versa. Like other rock elementals in MC it is susceptible to Banish and Freezing Trap.

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Lava Spawn
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Lava Surger
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Ancient Core Hound
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Flame Imp
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Core Hound
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Molten Destroyer
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Lava Elemental
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Lava Reaver
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Baron Geddon
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Core Rager
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Garr spawned add

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Flamewaker Elite
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Flamewaker Healer
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Flamewaker Priest
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Flamewaker Protector
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Golemagg the Incinerator
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Majordomo Executus
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Son of Flame
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Sulfuron Harbinger
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Zone Guide

Good Camps:


Key Quests in this zone: