Dagger guide

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Levels 10-19

There are an additional 11 daggers listed for levels 16-19. In this range we start to see the first blue items.

Superior Daggers level 10-19
Name DPS Speed Avg Dmg Stat bonus proc Source Notes
Blade of Cunning 6.7 - - +1 Subtlety - The appropriate quest can be obtained from the Rogue Trainer in the race specific level 1-10 areas. Gnome rogue spoiler
Slicer Blade 8.7 - - - - Westfall -
Scrimshaw Dagger 8.9 - - - - Quest -
Harpy Skinner 9.6 - - 3 Agi - Horde quest -
Venom Web Fang 9.7 - - - 1 DPS poison drops in Duskwood -
Buzzer Blade - - - - - Boss Sneed in The Deadmines -
Relic Blade 10 - - 3 Sta - Alliance quest in Darkshore -
Big Bronze Knife 10 - - 3 Sta - Crafted aka BBK
Hook dagger of <stat> 10 - - 3 X - - hook daggers in DM
Spikelash 11.1 - - 2 Agi
2 Str
- - -
Tail Spike 11.1 - - 2 Agi
2 Str
- - -
Pearl-handled Dagger 11.5 - - 2 Agi
2 Sta
- Crafted -
Evocator's Blade 15.3 - - 4 Int
2 Spi
- - Caster blade
Assassin's Blade 15.5 - - +4 Agi
+3 Str
- Drops from Archmage Arugal in Shadowfang keep -

Levels 20-24

Superior Daggers level 20-24
Name DPS Speed Max Damage Stat bonus proc Source Notes
Deadly Bronze Poniard 12.8 1.8 - 4 Agility - crafted -
Battle Knife of <stat> 13.4 1.6 - random - random world drop -
Wyvern Tailspike 13.6 1.8 - - 2 DPS poison Pridewing Patriarch in the Stonetalon Mountains -
Naraxis Fang 13.7 1.6 - - 2DPS poison Naraxis in eastern Duskwood -
Cross Dagger of <stat> 14.6 1.30 - random - random world drop -
Flesh Piercer 15.2 2.0 - - 1DPS bleed Hillsbrad Foothills -
Blackfang 16.3 1.5 - - - random world drop -
Doomspike 16.3 1.5 - - - unknown -
Prison Shank 16.7 1.8 - - - Bruegal Ironknuckle in the Stockades Rare Spawn mob
Talon of Vultros 16.7 2.0 - - - named rare spawn Vulture in Westfall -
Bite of Serra'kis 17.7 1.3 - - - Old Serra'kis in Blackfathom Deeps -
Meteor Shard 18.3 1.8 - - Firebolt Archmage Arugal in ShadowFang Keep -
Blackvenom Blade 18.9 1.8 - - - Rohh the Silent in eastern Redridge Mountains Rohn may be hard to find

Levels 25-29

Past level 25 the number of useful daggers starts to drop off. There are 6 useful daggers in the 25-29 range.

Superior Daggers level 25-29
Name DPS Speed Max Damage Stat bonus proc Source Notes
Honed Stilettos of <stat> 15.7 1.4 - random - random world drop -
Broad Bladed Knife 16.7 2.0 44 5 Stamina - Vendor in Duskwood/Hillsbrad 2 Gold 83 Silver 71 Copper
Daring Dirk 17.5 1.6 37 5 Agi - Vendor in Dustwallow Marsh / Stranglethorn Vale 2 Gold 88 Silver 25 Copper
3 Gold 20 Silver 28 Copper
Claw of the Shadowmancer 20.5 1.9 - 2 Int 35 damage shadobolt rare world drop -
Toxic Revenger 20.5 1.9 - - 5 second 5DPS PBAoE Vicious Fallout in Gnomeregan Unique
Torturing Poker 21.2 1.7 - - +5-7 fire damage per hit Interrogator Vishas in the Scarlet Monastery -

Levels 30-39

Superior Daggers level 30-39
Name DPS Speed Avg Damage Stat bonus proc Source Notes
Swinetusk Shank 23 1.50 34 6 Sta
4 Spi
- Agathelos the Raging in Razorfen Kraul -
Howling Blade 23.9 1.40 33.5 - Reduces targets' attack power by 30 for 30 seconds Skhowl, a random spawn Yeti in Alterac -
Stonevault Shiv 24 1.50 36 7 Agi
3 Sta
- Various mobs in Uldaman -
Sliverblade 25 1.40 35 - 45 frost damage various mobs in Scarlet Monastery -
The Ziggler 26.5 1.70 45 - 10-20 Nature damage Random world drop -
Hypnotic Blade 26.8 1.40 37.5 8 Int
3 Spi
- Arcanist Doan in the Library section of the Scarlet Monastery A nice caster weapon, don't be greedy :)
Black Menace 29.7 1.50 44.5 - 30 Shadow Damage Quest reward from In the Name of the Light quest in Scarlet Monastery No reason not to get this one
Coldrage Dagger 29.7 1.50 44.5 - 20-30 Frost damage with 5 second 50% snare Drops from Amnennar the Coldbringer in Razorfen Downs -

Levels 40-49

Superior+ Daggers level 40-49
Name DPS Speed Avg Dmg Stat bonus proc Source Notes
Widowmaker 31.6 1.90 60 8 Agi
7 Str
- random world drop Nice slow dagger - Unique
Gutwrencher 31.6 1.60 50.5 - bleed for 80 damage over 30 sec unknown Unique
Stealthblade 32.9 1.40 46 - Each hit reduces threat on all enemies Random drop in The Temple of Atal'Hakkar Unique
Satyr's Lash 33.2 1.70 56.5 - 55 to 85 Shadow damage Drops from Lord Vyletongue in Maraudon Unique
Gut Ripper 33.9 1.80 61 - Wounds for 95 - 121 Random world drop? Epic
Searing Needle 33.9 1.80 61 - 60 Fire damage and increase future fire damage by 10 Random drop in Blackrock Depths Would be fun to use with a fire mage around
Hookfang Shanker 35.7 1.40 50 - 7 Nature damage every 3 sec and lowers target's armor by 50 for 30 sec Hedrum the Creeper in Blackrock Depths Unique
Lifeforce Dirk 35.9 1.60 57.5 11 Sta - Quest reward from The God Hakkar quest in The Temple of Atal'Hakkar Get this if you are still using the Black Menace
Charstone Dirk 35.9 1.60 57.5 11 Int Restores 2 mana every 5 seconds Drops from Princess Theradras in Maraudon Caster weapon
Shadowblade 38.9 1.40 54.5 - 110 - 140 shadow damage Random world drop Unique Epic

Levels 50-59

Superior+ Daggers level 50-59 for Main hand use
Name DPS Speed Avg Damage Stat bonus proc Source Notes
Barman Shanker 36.5 2.00 73 - Target bleeds for 100 damage over 30 sec Dropped by Plugger Spazzring in Blackrock Depths Best Ambush/Backstab dagger. Can solo Plugger after obtaining Shadowforge key.
Keris of Zul'Serak 39.4 1.80 71 - 10 Nature damage every 2 sec and slows target's attack speed by 10% for 10 sec Dropped by War Master Voone in Blackrock Spire -
Specter's Blade 40.8 1.8 73.5 - +45 Attack Power vs. Undead Death Knight Darkreaver in Scholomance The Death Knight is part of the Paladin mount quest
Finkle's Skinner 41.2 1.30 53.5 - Skinning +10. +45 Attack Power when fighting Beasts. Dropped by The Beast in Blackrock Spire Main hand only
Heartseeker 41.5 1.7 75.5 4 Strength Equip: Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 1%. Crafted -
Glacial Blade 42.5 1.8 76.5 10 Agi 45 Frost(Horde)/Nature(Alliance) Damage Faction Vendor from Alterac Requires revered reputation
Felstriker 45.6 1.7 77.5 - Chance on hit: All attacks are guaranteed to land and will be critical strikes for the next 3 sec Rend Blackhand in UBRS WoW! Epic (Deathstriker prior to 1.3 patch)
The Lobotomizer 47.2 1.8 85 - Wounds the target for 200 to 300 damage and lowers Intellect of target by -25 for 30 seconds. Faction Vendor from Alterac Requires exalted reputation
Grand Marshal's Dirk 49.8 2.0 99.5 6 Sta +1% crit
+12 Atk Pow
Honor Vendor Buyable with Grand Marshal Rank
Gutgore Ripper 50.6 1.80 91 - 75 Shadow damage and lowering all stats by 25 Garr in Molten Core Epic
Perdition's Blade 58.3 1.80 105 - 40-56 fire damage Drops from Ragnaros in Molten Core This thing is just plain silly.

Superior+ Daggers level 50-59 for offhand use
Name DPS Speed Avg Damage Stat bonus proc Source Notes
Julie's Dagger 36.5 1.30 47.5 - Heals wielder of 78 damage over 12 sec Random drop, either world or in Blackrock Spire Fast attack speed = more poison procs
Dire Nail of the XXX 36.7 1.50 55 +7-8 for two stats, +5 shadow resist - Drops from the Shade of Eranikus in The Temple of Atal'Hakkar Unique
Bonescraper 40.7 1.40 57 - Equip: +30 Attack Power. Dropped by Baron Rivendare in Stratholme -
Distracting Dagger 40.8 1.3 53 - Dagger skill+6 Prince Tortheldrin in Dire Maul
Darrowspike 41.3 1.5 62 - Blasts a target for 90 Frost damage The Lich, Ras Frostwhisper This quest can be obtained at level 60 and is the 6th in a quest line.
Alcor's Sunrazor 45.4 1.3 59 +10 Fire Resistance Chance on hit: Blasts a target for 75 to 105 Fire damage. Drop -