Mage damage gear

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Top end Mage damage Gear for Back
Name Int Sta Spi +Damage Resists Source Notes
Cloak of Consumption 10 - - 28 magic +5 all ZG -
Mageflame Cape - - - 21 fire 10 fire World Drop -
Frostwolf Advisor's Cloak - 11 - 14 magic 5 Frost Alterac Valley Honored reward -
Sapphiron's Drape 17 10 - 14 magic 6 Frost/Arcane Onyxia -
Deep Woodlands Cloak 9 6 - 12 magic - Hinterlands Horde quest Involves Jin'Alor


Top end Mage damage Gear for Chest
Name Int Sta Spi +Damage Resists Source Notes
Freezing Lich Robes - - - 43 frost 15 frost Scholomance, Ras Frsotwhisper -
Robe of the Archmage 12 - - 40 magic - Crafted 1% Crit and mana refresh, Epic
Robe of Winter Night 12 - - 40 frost - Crafted -
Zandalar Illusionist Robe 24 23 - 27 magic - Zul'Gurub revered Mage quest +1% Hit, Epic
Netherwind Robes 33 17 10 19 magic 10 fire
10 nature
Blackwing Lair, Nefarian 1% crit, Epic
Robe of Everlasting Night 12 11 5 27 magic - Dire Maul West, Immol'thor -
Bloodvine Vest 13 - - 27 magic - Crafted +2% to hit with spells
Robe of Combustion 17 - - 26 fire - DM North, guard? green item
Flarecore Robe - 35 - 24 magic 15 fire Crafted -
Frostweave Tunic 11 - - 24 frost - Crafted -
Robe of Volatile Power 15 10 10 23 magic - Molten Core Epic
Flowing Ritual Robes 23 15 24 22 magic - Zul'Gurub, Mar'li Epic
Alanna's Embrace 20 20 20 20 magic - Scholomance, Ras Frostwhisper Epic
Dreamweave Chest 9 - 14 18 magic - Crafted -
Arcanist Robes 33 19 14 16 magic 10 fire Molten Core Epic


Top end Mage damage Gear for Feet
Name Int Sta Spi +Damage Resists Source Notes
Betrayer's Boots 12 8 12 30 magic - Zul'Gurub, High Priest Thekal Epic
Netherwind Boots 20 13 16 19 magic 10 fire BWL Epic
Bloodvine Boots 16 - - 19 magic - Crafted +1% spell hit
Dragonrider's Boots 16 5 - 18 magic 10 fire UBRS, Rend -
General's Silk Boots 21 21 - 13 magic - PvP reward Epic
Defiler's Cloth Boots 8 16 - 12 magic - Arathi Basin Exhalted reward Epic
Blood Guard's Silk Footwraps 15 16 - 12 magic - PvP reward -
Arcanist Boots 15 13 14 11 frost 10 shadow MC, Lucifron Epic


Top end Mage damage Gear for Finger
Name Int Sta Spi +Damage Resists Source Notes
Ring of Spell Power - - - 33 magic - Molten Core, Various -
Elemental Focus Band 11 8 - 22 magic - Silithius, Quest -
Flaming Band of XX ?? ?? ?? +21 Fire - UBRS, Emberseer -


Top end Mage damage Gear for Hands
Name Int Sta Spi +Damage Resists Source Notes
Inferno Gloves 9 - - 33 fire - Crafted -
Gloves of the Hypnotic Flame 19 18 8 9m, 23 fire - MC, Majordomo Epic
General's Silk Gloves - 16 - 30m - PvP Epic
Sandworm Skin Gloves 5 - 8 27m - Silithius -
Hands of Power 6 - 6 26m - LBRS, Zigris -
Blood Guard's Silk Gloves - 11 - 21m - PvP -
Frostweave Gloves 6 - - 21 frost - Crafted Magic quality
Bloodtinged Gloves 10 10 10 19m - Zul'Gurub, Jin'do the Hexxer +1% spell hit
Dreamweave Gloves 4 - 7 18m - Crafted Magic quality
Shivery Handwraps 12 12 9 17 frost - Scholomance, Ras Frostwhisper -
Netherwind Gloves 17 15 14 15m 10 shadow Blackwing Lair, +1% spell crit
Abyssal Cloth Handwraps of Sorcery 10 11 - 12m - Silithius, Crimson Templar -
Runecloth Gloves 9 - - 9m - Crafted Magic Quality
Atal'ai Gloves of the Eagle 12 12 - 9m - Sunken Temple -


Top end Mage damage Gear for Head
Name Int Sta Spi +Damage Resists Source Notes
The Hexxer's Cover 10 10 - 41m - Zul'Gurub, Jin'do the Hexxer -
Crimson Felt Hat 8 8 8 30m - Stratholme, Magister -
Netherwind Crown 32 14 12 26m 10 frost
10 Shadow
Onyxia Epic
Arcanist Crown 35 14 8 15frost 10 fire Molten Core, Garr Epic
Eye of Flame 10 - 10 43Fire 15 fire World Drop Epic
Frost Runed Headdress 10 10 - 41 frost - Alterac Valley No longer drops
Green Lens of XXX Wrath - 10 - 34frost/fire - Crafted -


Top end Mage damage Gear for Legs
Name Int Sta Spi +Damage Resists Source Notes
Flarecore Leggings - 23 - 43 magic 16 fire Crafted Epic
Bloodvine Leggings 6 - - 37 magic - Crafted +1% to hit with spells
Skyshroud Leggings 8 8 - 34 magic - LBRS, Omokk -
Netherwind Pants 17 27 16 30 magic 10 fire, 10 shadow Molten Core, Ragnaros Epic
Leggings of Arcane Supremacy 24 14 14 25 arcane 10 frost 10 arcane Azuregos Epic
General's Silk Trousers 16 23 19 28 magic - PvP reward Epic
Bloodtinged Kilt 20 20 - 28 magic - Zul'Gurub, Bloodlord Mand'okir -
Legionnaire's Silk Pants 13 16 16 19 magic - PvP reward -
Sacred Cloth Leggings 19 12 12 14 magic - Stratholme, various -
Arcanist Leggings 24 23 13 14 ?? 10 shadow Molten Core Epic


Top end Mage damage Gear for Neck
Name Int Sta Spi +Damage Resists Source Notes
Choker of the Fire Lord 7 7 - 34 magic - Molten Core, Ragnaros Epic
Orb of Darkmoon - 11 8 22 magic - Darkmoon Faire, 1200? tickets Epic
Jeklik's Opaline Talisman - - - 22 magic - Zul'Gurub, Jek'lik 3mana/5seconds
Choker of Enlightenment 10 9 10 18 magic - Molten Core, Lucifron Epic
Arcane Crystal Pendant 6 - - 16 - Level 50 Mage quest -
Jewel of Kajaro 13 8 8 9 magic - Exhalted ZG reward -2 second cooldown for Counterspell, Epic
Pebble of Kajaro 13 8 8 9 magic - Revered ZG reward -
Pebble of Kajaro 10 7 6 7 magic - Honored ZG reward -
Pebble of Kajaro 10 7 - 7 magic - Friendly ZG reward Magic


Top end Mage damage Gear for Shoulder
Name Int Sta Spi +Damage Resists Source Notes


Top end Mage damage Gear for Trinket
Name Int Sta Spi +Damage Resists Source Notes


Top end Mage damage Gear for Waist
Name Int Sta Spi +Damage Resists Source Notes


Top end Mage damage Gear for Wrist
Name Int Sta Spi +Damage Resists Source Notes

Weapon Main Hand

Top end Mage damage Gear for Main hand
Name Int Sta Spi +Damage Resists Source Notes

Off hand

Top end Mage damage Gear for off hand
Name Int Sta Spi +Damage Resists Source Notes

Weapon Staff

Top end Mage damage Gear for Staff
Name Int Sta Spi +Damage Resists Source Notes

Goto Mage