Tich FR

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This lists the unbuffed fire resist of Tichondrius raiders. Please note that it is your responsibility to keep this up to date if you wish to be considered for raids. If you are not on the list, feel free to add yourself, but please keep it in alphabetical order within your class.


Deorwine - 162
Gann - 105
Jini - 107 healer / not so much otherwise
Kaelan - 126
Ladybug - 172
Megrimlock - 125
Micola - 231 healer / 221 tank
Olond - 154 healer / 214 DPS / 228 tank
Pastala - 96
Phlo - 37
Reegan - 128
Shearing - 123
Yume - 107
Zeddybear - 114
Mizstompa - 71
Dagros - 85
Isson - 15


Aloura - 97
Antamykk - 171
Ayo - 151
Beergoggles - 141
Breeanne - 163
Cairina - 90
Elyerith - 103
Grok - 151
Jehrendil - 243 with max 248 unbuffed
Marru - 134
Orwind - 151
Pococurante - 100
Riva - 102
Sheria - 99
Sjur - 174
Vlo - 154


Aethra - 169
Alectra - 141
Chromidus - 237
Darkfirenova - 147
Datrious - 126
Divayth - 160
FalconFSX - 170
Fliggin - 190
Furync - 15 (got to start somewhere)
Grathnyz - 196
Makevelli - 200+
Morguen - 169
Ririin - 122
Ryusen - 64
Solaeris - 189
Thebrent - 228
Toe - 91
Uhoh - 94
Ultraspank - 204
Zarana - 107
Symog - 82


Aereon - 130
Anlenie - 186
Aradel - 161 max, 156 typical
Avatre - 159
Azlea - 105
Century - 171
Errutu - 58
Failz - 198 max, 153 typical
Felgrave - 58
Glassjaw - 67
Gajj - 167
Kevisa - 146
Malphul - 181
Marcotte - 166
Radella - 141
Scyndar - 89
ydnam - 118


Beliall - 183
Beren - 105
Blackavar - 183
Chrysoprase - 236
Deathreign - 45
Dochop - 107
Draugdur - 40
Dungeons - 197
Eeson - 228
Geisha - 233 [Optimised], 248 [Maximum]
Gravely - 264
Issis - 80
Izual - 100
Jakther - 243
Jefe - 120
Lunaticss - 150
Sarcasm - 132
Scyllin - 93
Shivamor - 112
Staark - 198
Tempting - 35
Thugz - 266
Tin - 223
Todt - 195
Valles - 60
xhogan - 200


Azerous - 99
Caapi - 122
Camelot - 127
Delcannan - 224
Doomsong - 98
Fangar - 176
Grimthor - 156
Healfdene - 171
Lelu - 186
Limper - 108
Mandrake - 135
Matrixboarda - 121
Mooncalf - 222 "Fire retardant Cow"
Mojokii - 121
Redhorn - 72
Rescorla - 100
Sacredtruth - 124
Sgonged - 167
Slora - 103
Slugari - 140
Stormstrider - 134
Tongar - 160
VinnieJones - 156
Wankel - 149


Alita - 105
Arnath - 114
Cillys - 146
Darkfenix - 126
DeathFalcon - 80
Diest - 112
Kurushimeru - 169
Lith - 117
Malyss - 208
Rottin - 154
Sard - 169


Asta - 201
Asumai - 274
Bissi - 287
Boutros - 275 with Sulfuras, 255 with shield
Champain - 263
Danguinary - 211
Diobovinius - 125 (and climbing!)
Drust - 287
Felkior - 75
Grogg - 122 (132 w/shield)
Iceler - 50
Kedid - 228
Kristoc - 108
Leafeater - 57(67)
Medine - 138
Nvts - 153
Olona - 290 (317 with improved MoTW)
Poinsettia - 177 (187 with shield)
Puny - 200 (210 with shield)
Ravox - 104
Razzauren - 183 (193 with shield)
Rokksaur - 40
Shovah - 75
Stamper - 211
Trasher - 244
UASteele - 183