Volvo Group Journal
The Volvo group had its first outing on Wednesday, January 5th.
Kevr... was busy levelling up to catch up to the rest of the group in Elwynn forest.
Skidder, Elliwyn and Jinian headed to Stormwind to do a quest for their mentors to obtain . It turned out that Dwarves have to do their own quest line. Skidder and Jinian ran off to do their version in Elwynn while Elliwyn went to Ironforge and did hers.
After the three members finished their quests they met in Westfall at Sentinel Hill to talk to the guards there and get their assignments. The group killed the requisite numbers of Defias, and completed the cooking quests. To close out the night the gnolls had to pay, with their paws. The intrepid band headed south to the highest level Gnolls who apparantly have the least birth defects.
The name the 'Volvo group' comes from an observation of Skidder's that we were like Volvos: Boxy but safe.
We found that we could handle pulls of 4-5 gnolls approximately 2 levels above the party's level with quite a bit of effort. If the gnolls were a bit higher or more numerous we would often lose a few members. We rarely (once?) completely wiped. This bodes well for the Volvo group once there are five.
At the end of the night everyone had all the gnolls paws they needed. We all agreed to level to 16 for next week's session.
More to come...