User:TacoSupreme/Shaman Group

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Jotting stuff down for an all shaman group.

Skills: Nukes: [01] Lightning Bolt - Casting time nuke [04] Earth Shock - Interrupt Casting [10] Flame Shock - Good Mana Effeciency, dot [20] Frost Shock - Snare [32] Chain Lightning - Casting time AoE nuke

Heals: [01] Healing Wave - basic heal [12] Ancestral Spirit - Ressurection [16] Cure Poison - Cures 1 poison [20] Lesser Healing Wave - fast heal [22] Cure Disease - Cures 1 disease

Earth Totems: [04] Stoneskin - Reduces Melee Damage [06] Earthbind - Slows Movement [08] Stoneclaw - Target Dummy (stackable) [10] Strength of Earth - Group Strength Buff [18] Tremor - Removes fear, charm and sleep effects

Fire Totems: [12] Fire Nova - AoE damage after 4 seconds (stackable) [10] Searing - Fire nuke (stackable) [24] Frost Resistance - Increase group frost resist [26] Magma Totem - AoE fire dot (stackable?) [28] Flametongue - Gives group flametongue weapon (useless for shaman group)

Water Totems: [20] Healing Stream - Regen health slowly (stackable) [22] Poison Cleansing - Removes poisons from group for 90 seconds [26] Mana Spring - Regen mana slowly for party (stackable) [28] Fire resistance - Increase group fire resist [38] Disease Cleansing - Removes diseases from group for 90 seconds [40] Mana Tide - Regen mana quickly for party, talent (stackable?)

Air Totems: [30] Nature Resist - Increase group nature resist [30] Grounding - Redirect harmfull spells to this totem [32] Windfury - Gives group windfury weapon (useless for shaman group) [34] Sentry - Totem that grants sight to it's location [36] Windwall - Reduces ranged damage [42] Grace of Air - Group agility buff

Weapon Buffs: [01] Rockbite - Increaser attack power and aggro [10] Flametongue - Add fire damage [20] Frostbrand - Damage and snare proc [30] Windfury - Extra attack proc

Misc Spells: [09] Lightning Shield - Damage Shield for tank [12] Purge - Removes 1 or 2 magic effects from a hostile target [20] Ghost Wolf - Travel Form [22] Water Breathing - No drowning, takes fish scales [26] Far Sight - Never used, see stuff far away? [28] Water Walking - Walk on water, takes fish oil [30] Reincarnation - Come back from the dead, requires ankh [30] Astral Recall - Teleport to your bind point [40] Mail - Wear mail armor