Talk:Zoomancer Guide

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Revision as of 22:39, 14 September 2006 by TahiriRocks (talk | contribs)
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Edit Log



  • Clay Golem: added tips on combat-casting.
  • Revive: Added note on using elemental revives to kill unbreakable PIs.
  • Amplify Damage: Split off into its own sub-heading, and added info on desirable radius.
  • Confuse and Attract: Added tips on using attract with its un-overwritable nature.
  • Everything Else: Added section on Terror


  • Energy: adjusted advice to call for lower or no energy if using an insight, and no energy at all in hardcore.


  • Added information on main focus options for equipment in addition to MF.
  • Added many specific equipment suggestions
  • Added info that extra skeletons gained from +skills die when you weapon swap.
  • Advised the use of charms in hardcore.


  • Added section on gloams.

-- TahiriRocks 22:16, 14 Sep 2006 (EST)