Blade's Edge Mountains

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Revision as of 23:50, 17 November 2006 by Nvts (talk | contribs)
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Thunderlord Stronghold - Horde Ruuan Weald - Cenarion Expedition
regents, repair, moonwell, ammo. Town seems unfinished.
Mok'Nathal - Horde Inn, ammo, some food/drink


Thunderlord stronghold

The Bladespire Threat - kill orges
The encroaching Wilderness - kill bloodletter
Felling an Ancient Tree - Wanted... Kill Stronglimb


Thunderlord Clan Artifacts - quest from a drop off a bladespire ogre. collect a couple items, take them to town.
They Stole Me Hookah and Me Brews! npc is in the south side of the ravine west of town. the brews are in barrels, the hookah is just outside the cave. 10250 exp

  • Bladespire Kegger - get the ogres drunk. :) 10250 exp
  • Grimnok and Koraah, I Am For You! - Kill um. 10600 exp
  • A Curse Upon Both of Your Clan! - curse 7 buildings.