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Revision as of 17:22, 11 September 2006 by Jini (talk | contribs) (→‎To do)
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Jini is a Tauren Druid. After levelling Grathnyz to level 40 I parked him at Warsong Gulch for a time. So I started an alt to play when Warsong wasn't up. This is that alt. Now I'm back to levelling Grathnyz and Jini is parked at WSG. Grathnyz is pretty much levelled up and stuck in the 40mans so out comes Jini again.

Exalted in AV on 4/20! Wahoo!

Revered with the Defilers on 6/10/2006. Revered with Warsong around the end of June. Exalted with the Defilers on 8/27.06. Exalted with the the Outriders on 9/4/06. Done with the BGs.

Next up is to grind AD rep to Revered at least.

So far I've gotten Omen of Clarity at level 20, followed by 5 points in Furor and 5 points in Nature's Focus at level 30. Omen of Clarity is mainly for solo levelling. Furor gives me instant rage to throw around when going into bear form. Nature's Focus allows me to cast through taking damage. OoC has proven to be completely underwhelming when using shapeshifted forms. It is a pain to shift in and out every 5 min just to renew this buff.

As of 12/29/05 Jini is level 35 and a 300 Alchemist. He can make Greater Arcane, Shadow, Nature and Frost Protection potions, Greater Arcane Elixir.

Levelled to 40 on 2/19/06. Still 1k rep short of Honored in WSG but starting the AB rep grind as well now. Respec incoming as soon as I can decide between 1/x/21 and 1+/24+/x.

Hit honored in WSG on 2/25/06. Respecced to 0/x/21. I really miss OoC. Hit level 46 on 3/1/06. AB games are few and far between as the Alliance frequently gets rolled.

Hit honored in AV in mid-march. Hit level 55 on 3/16/06, so I didn't buy the gear till then. Still debating picking up the cloth AV belt for healing.

No updates for a bit. As of 4/15/06 am level 60, revered (almost exalted) in AV. 2/3 through honored in Warsong and about 1/2 through friendly in AB.

Talent Plan

Current Plan

Feral Combat Talents - 30 points

Ferocity - rank 5/5
5 less rage/energy for the most used skills. Can't pass this one up.
Feral Instinct - rank 5/5
MoD and Increased bear aggro!
Brutal Impact - rank 2/2
1 second longer stuns
Feline Swiftness - rank 2/2
30% faster cat and 4% more dodge in catform
Feral Charge - rank 1/1
In combat charge/stun!
Sharpened Claws - rank 3/3
6% more crits! Predatory Strikes - rank 3/3
+90 more attack power, and it gets me HotW!
Blood Frenzy - rank 2/2
More combo points!
Savage Fury - rank 2/2
20% more damage from claw/swipe/maul!

Heart of the Wild - rank 5/5
Best Talent in the tree, 20% more Int in caster form, 20% more Stamina in Bear form and 20% more Strength in Cat form.

Restoration Talents - 21 points


Improved Healing Touch

Nature's Focus


Insect Swarm

Improved Rejuvenation

Nature's Swiftness
The reason for the tree.

Tanking Plan

To do

AD Revered - Shoulder enchant
ZG friendly - Bracers, Enchants
+25 agi enchant on Warden's Staff - 10 LBS, 6 GEE, 14 Illusion Dust, 4 Essence of Air
Healing Power on SR Bracer (24 Healing) 2 LBS, 20 Illusion Dust, 4 GEE, 6 Living Ess
Fire Resist enchant on Head - have libram
Exalted with CC for epic mace
Corehound Belt - ?00 gold?

Threat Enchant on Gloves of the Hidden Temple - 4 Nexus, 6 LBS, 8 Larval Acid
Healing Power on SR gloves - 3 Nexus, 8 LBS, 1 Righteous Orb
Greater Stats on MBB - 4 LBS, 15 Illusion Dust, 10 GEE

Total Enchanting costs
10 Nexus Crystals
38 Large Brilliant Shards
18 Greater Eternal Essence
49 Illusion Dust
4 Essence of Air
8 Guardian Stones
8 Larval Acid
1 Righteous Orb
6 Living Essence

Levelling gear game plan

Level 49 gear


  • Woven Ivy - Hinterland quest (level 51) - 10 Sta, 6 Str, 9 Agi


  • √ Rune of - WSG (Friendly) - 7 Sta, -20 to target's magic resists (Druids can't get the melee version :()
  • √ Defiler's Talisman - AB Friendly - Use: Absorb 392-478 damage

End game gear plan


  • √ Elementium Threaded Cloak
  • Cloak of Warding
  • Earthweave Cloak - 44armor, 14Agi, +1 hit - Silithius, Friendly CC
  • Deathguard Cloak - 50armor, 11 Sta, 5 Agi, 34AP - Exalted AB
  • √ Hide of the Wild - 48armor, 8 Sta, 10int, 42 Healing


  • Malfurion's Blessed Bulwark - BWL (tank/cat)
  • √ Interlaced Shadow Jerkin - BWL (tank)
  • √ Warbear Harness - Crafted (tank)
  • √ Cenarion Chest - MC (heal)
  • √ PvP Rank 8 Chest - PvP (cat)
  • √ Primal Batskin Jerkin - Crafted (cat)


  • √ (tank/cat) Boots of the Shadow Flame - BWL, Nef
  • √ (tank) Defiler's Lizardhide/Leather Boots - AB Revered
  • (heal) Cenarion Boots - MC
  • (heal) Animist's Boots - ZG
  • √ (heal) Waterspout Boots - 114armor, 6int/spi, 25magic
  • √ (heal) Abyssal Leather Boots of Restoration
  • √ (hybrid) Dragonhide Boots - Rank 7
  • (cat) Cadaverous Walkers - 118armor, 20armor, 24AP


  • (tank) Heavy Dark Iron Ring, MC
  • √ (tank) Ring of Protection - EPL, Darrowshire line.
  • √ (tank) Thrall's Resolve - BRD, Princess line
  • Primalist's set - ZG
  • √ (heal) Ring of Demonic Guile - DM East 10 Int, 6 mana/5
  • √ (heal) Fordring's band
  • √ (cat) Don Julio's Ring - AV exalted


  • (heal) Wasphide Gloves - AQ40, Huhu
  • (heal) Stormrage Gloves - BWL, Drakes
  • √ (heal) Taut Dragonhide Gauntlets - BWL, Chromaggus
  • (tank) Gloves of the Hidden Temple - AQ40, twin emp
  • √ (tank) Toughened Silithid Hide Gloves
  • √ (hybrid/PvP) Dragonhide Gauntlets - PvP Rank 7
  • √ (cat) Devilsaur Gauntlets
  • √ (cat) Blooddrenched Grips - ZG


  • (tank) Guise of the Devourer - AQ40, Vem
  • *** (tank)Bone Ring Helm - Scholo, Rattlegore
  • (heal) Stormrage Cover - Onyxia
  • √ (heal/tank) Cenarion Helm
  • (hybrid) Dragonhide Helm - PvP Rank 10
  • (cat) Foror's Headpatch - ZG
  • √ (cat) Eye of Rend - UBRS


  • (tank) Outrider's Leather Leggings - Warsong, Exalted
  • √ (tank/hybrid/cat) Dragonhide Leggings - PvP Rank 8
  • (heal)Stormrage Legguards - MC, Ragnaros
  • √ (heal) Salamander Scale Pants - MC, Domo
  • √ (cat) Devilsaur Leggings - Crafted
  • √ Abyssal Leather Leggings of Striking - Silithius


  • (heal) Stormrage Pauldrons - BWL, chromaggus
  • (heal) Wild Growth Spaulders - MC, Domo
  • (heal) Cenarion Spaulders - MC,
  • (heal) Animist's Spaulders
  • √ (heal) Wildheart Shoulders
  • (tank/cat) Defilers Leather/Lizardhide Shoulders - AB Exalted
  • (tank/cat)Atal'ai Spaulders of Defense/Bear/Monkey
  • (tank/cat) Abyssal Leather Shoulders - Silithius, Whirlaxis
  • √ (tank) Golden Mantle of the Dawn - crafted
  • (tank/cat)Flamescarred Shoulders


  • √ (tank) Lava Belt - Crafted, MC
  • √ (tank) Defiler's Leather/Lizardhide Girdle
  • (heal) Stormrage Belt - BWL
  • (heal) Corehound Belt - MC crafted
  • (heal) Cenarion Belt - MC, BoE
  • √ (heal) Whipvine Cord
  • √ (heal) Eyestalk Cord - DM-W, Immolthar
  • √ (cat) Belt of Preserved Heads - ZG quest


  • (heal) Shadow Wing Focus Staff - BWL, Ebonroc
  • (heal) Jin'do's Hexxer
  • (heal) Will of Arlokk
  • √ (heal) Hammer of the Grand Crusader
  • √ (tank) Warden's Staff
  • (cat) Mace of Unending Life
  • √ (cat) The Unstoppable Force


  • (heal) Stormrage Bracers - BWL, Razorgore
  • (heal) ZG Bracers
  • √ (heal) Cenarion Bracers - MC, Various
  • (cat/tank) Forest Stalkers Bracers - WSG, Exalted
  • (tank/cat) Abyssal Leather Bracers of Striking - Silithius
  • (tank) Malefic Bracers - World drop
  • √ (tank) S Sgt wrist
  • ***(cat) Primal Batskin - ZG crafted
  • √ (cat) Feralheart wrists


  • (tank) Master Dragonslayer's Medallion - Nef head
  • (tank) Pendant of the Shifting Sands
  • √ (tank) Medallion of Steadfast Might
  • √ (tank) Sgt's Necklace
  • (heal) Angelista's Charm - 13 Sta, 14 Int, 31 Heal, 6mana/5s - AQ40, Vem
  • √ (heal) Pendant of the Fallen Dragon - 9 Sta, 12 Int, 9 mana/5s - BWL, Vael
  • √ (heal) Tooth of Gnarr
  • (cat) Onyxia Tooth Pendant - Onyxia
  • (cat) Amulet of Darkmoon
* Progress: 606 tickets, 1200-606 = 594, 594/20 = 30 turn ins, 
* (1200-x)*32/400 = 48 stacks of dense stone needed
  • √ (cat) Woven Ivy - Hinterlands
  • √ (cat) Scout's Medallion - WSG - Not sure about this one


  • √ (tank) Mark of Tyrrany
  • √ (tank) Smoking Heart of the Mountain - Crafted
  • √ (tank) AV Trinket
  • (heal) Rejuventating Gem - BWL
  • √ (heal) DM Trinket
  • √ (heal) Darkmoon Card: Blue Dragon
  • (heal) Mindtap Talisman - DM:W
  • √ (cat) Darkmoon Card: Maelstrom
  • √ (cat/tank) Hand of Justice
  • √ (hybrid) Rune of Perfection - 7 Sta - WSG, friendly