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"My name? Long ago, such worthless details fell from memory. I know only the lust for glorious battle - for blood, for victory! I seek only the Eye of Tzeentch - his favour, his grace, his Dark Gifts - that through them, I may be remade - reborn! Why do we raid your lands? Why do we burn your homes? Why do we flay your flesh? To serve the Lord of Change and his magnificent designs." - An unknown Chosen of Tzeentch

A Chosen Champion of Tzeentch is a sight to behold - warped by the blessings of the dark gods, these hulking behemoths have the power and size to match even the mightiest of mortal creatures. Their thick Chaos armor can ward off the most punishing of blows, while the fell weapons they wield can cleave the heaviest of defenses. However, these "blessings" come at a price - the Chosen is beholden to Tzeentch, and must constantly strive to earn his favor. For the Chosen of Tzeentch this means more than mere slaughter and death. In order to earn the grace of the Changer of Ways, the Chosen must apply guile and trickery as much as brute force. Only through careful planning and deliberate carnage can a Chosen of Tzeentch truly find the favor of their god.

The Chosen of Tzeentch Specialty

Tzeentch expects his Champions to be both ferocious warriors and cunning tacticians. As a result, Chosen who excel in these areas are granted profane rewards. These Dark Gifts allow the Chosen to manipulate the ruinous power of Chaos itself. While this provides them with ever greater strength, it also continually strips away any remnants of humanity that may still reside in the dark recesses of their memories. These Dark Gifts supplement the warrior’s awesome martial skills, increasing their durability, strength and even allowing them to harness the Winds of Magic.

Playing as the Chosen

Above all else, as a Chosen Champion, you will seek the esteem of Tzeentch. Yours is an arduous path, forever seeking out greater glory in the eyes of the Raven God by playing a crucial role in his terrible schemes and cruel manipulations. Encased in a blasphemous panoply of heavy armor, you will endeavor to place yourself on the front line of every battle, where you will bring to bear the power of your Dark Gifts against your foes. You will also often be called upon to protect the insignificant or the weak, not as an act of compassion, but rather in service to the inscrutable machinations of your treacherous god.

Fighting the Chosen

Only death - either yours or theirs - brings any hope of respite from the fear and confusion that the Chosen inspire and the devastation they wreak on the battlefield. The best choice is almost certainly to do anything and everything you can to eliminate the Chosen from the fight as quickly as possible. They are devious and manipulative, and it is unwise to give them any opportunity to use their Dark Gifts to guide the course of a battle. Since they are most dangerous at close range, wise groups will focus magical and ranged attacks on them early in the fight. Failing that, your only hope is a focused, heavy melee attack – though it will certainly be a race against the dark and creeping terror such close proximity to the monstrous Chosen will instill in you and your allies.

The Look of the Chosen

  • Ornate and brightly adorned heavy armor made of strange, curving components decorated with the colors and marks of Tzeentch.
  • Uses heavy shields bearing the crest and symbols of the Raven God.
  • Wields massive melee weapons that crackle with ruinous power at high levels.

Career Masteries

Do not be mislead by appearances, for they are the first weapon of the Chosen. Covered from head to toe in unholy armor, wielding massive weapons capable of rending enemies limb from limb, the Chosens are hulking figures of dread and terror on the battlefield - but woe to the enemy who dismisses them as simple brutes! Tzeentch's Chosen are cunning warriors who can bring forth a whisper of the Ruinous Powers into this world, dooming their enemies to a fate that is, perhaps, worse than a simple death.

The Chosen have been blessed by Tzeentch with several dark gifts, powers of Chaos which they can grasp and pull into this world through their very bodies. These powers pour forth from within their massive armor, and spill out as profane auras. In addition to causing an immediate effect when they first burst out from the Chosen's grasp, these lingering effects will continue to empower the player for several moments, allowing them to unleash melee attacks fueled by the unholy power of Tzeentch himself.

Core abilitys
Ability Name Rank Cost Cast Time Description
Auto attack 1 30 AP Instant Attack with your melee or ranged weapon
Bulwark repairs a friendly keep door for 5% of it's total health over 15 seconds
Challenge 20 20AP Instant you challenge all opponents in front of you, forcing monsters to attack you. While challenged, your opponents will deal only 70% damage to everyone other than you. This effect will fade after 15 seconds or after your opponent has hit you 3 times
Deflect oil Channeled 10% reduction in damage taken by oil siege engines. You will also protect two other group mates within 30 feet. Only one effect of this type may be on a player at a time
Flee 1 All AP instant you run away from battle in a mad panic. Increasing your eun speed by 30% for 10 seconds. You immediately loose all of your actions points, any career mechanic points, and your moral will begin to drop, and you will not begin to regain action points until 10 seconds have past
Guard 10 None Instant you defend one of your groupmates and try to take attacks mention for them, as long as your within 30 feet of them any damage they suffer will be split evenly between the 2 of you, and 35% of all hate they cause will be redirected to you
Hold The Line 10 20 AP Instant You focus your defenses against enemy fire, increasing your chance to dodge and disrupt by 45% for 12 seconds. you will also defend all allies behind you, up to 40 feed away, increasing their chances to dodge and disrupt by 15% as long as they remain at your back. Allies may have this effect stacked on them up to 3 times this effect will end if you break your concentration , or run out of action points
Juggernaut 18 45 AP Instant You become filled with unstoppable power, removing all snaring, rooting, stunning, and disarming effects.
Modify siege engine Siege targeted buff. Decreases the cool down times of that siege engine by 50% for 30 seconds. Does not work on rams or oil
Petrify 30 30 AP Instant The land around you warps and changes, encasing up to 4 nearby opponents in hardened stone. effected opponents are rooted for 10 seconds and cannot move. Rooted targets have a 50% chance to break free when they suffer any damage.
Sever blessing 22 25 AP instant You sever one Blessing from your enemy and do 10 damage
Taunt 7 20 AP Instant You enrage your opponent, interrupting any currently building abilities and forcing monsters to attack you. While taunted your opponent will take 30% more damage from your attacks. This effect will fade after 15 seconds or after your opponent has hit you 3 times
Throwing axe 1 20 AP 1s A basic throwing attack that inflicts 10 damage. Has a chance to deal 90 damage to a severely wounded target if you are behind them.

Path of Dread

The Path of Dread is focused on directly and brutally crushing your foes. A master of Dread will be likely to favor a Greatweapon instead of a shield, greatly increasing their offensive power at the cost of sacrificing the protections that a shield would otherwise offer. They will be easily capable of picking up a shield when the situation calls for it...but they won't be happy about it.

Dread Abilitys
Ability Name Rank Cost Cast Time Description

Path of Corruption

The Path of Corruption is a cunning Mastery for those who prefer to outlast their enemies, letting their foes beat in futility on a massive shield until they're exhausted, and then crushing them with deliberate and vicious attacks. A specialist in Corruption will be the person who defines where the lines of battle will be drawn, since they -are- the front lines.

Corruption Abilitys
Ability Name Rank Cost Cast Time Description

Path of Discord

The Path of Discord is one that delves more deeply into Tzeentch's gifts, and masters of Discord more fully understand how to manipulate the Chaos forces that swirl within them. They can unleash blasts of magical power, or twist the magical energies to unnaturally enhance their melee attacks. Their understanding of the nature of magic is still relatively shallow, however, and they can not hope to approach the skill or power of a true magus, but even their brief flashes of otherworldly energy are enough to empower them as potent melee combatants.

Discord Abilitys
Ability Name Rank Cost Cast Time Description

Common Builds

PVE: Tanking

So this one is a pure PvE spec and needs little explanation. It combines Oppression and Crippling Strikes to provide a total of 40% extra damage reduction and then slaps on a 25% parry increase from Mixed Defences for 5 seconds after you block. Since in PvE you’ll block all the time, this means it’s constantly active.

Key tactics/abilities

Crippling Strikes – when crit target will deal 25% less damage for 10 seconds

Mixed Defenses – Any time you block an attack you chance to parry in increased by 25% for 5 seconds

Oppression – Increases your armor by 1014 for 20 seconds and reduces damage taken by 15% for 10 seconds

Downfall – 3 second single target knock down

Dreadful Terror – Nobody complains about extra AP in PvE.

PVP/PVE: Dread/Discord

This is probably the single most popular spec for Chosen and for good reason. It combines high damage when using great weapons, increased AoE damage, Quake’s stagger AND turns you into a Crippling Strikes AoE delivery system, which is of great benefit to your fellow Destruction players.

Key tactics/abilities

Quake – CAOE stagger

Crippling Strikes (tactic) – Anyone you crit will do 25% less damage

Oppressing Blows (tactic) – 15% increased crit chance with great weapons

Rending Blade – Every 5 seconds you can do a cone AoE which will most likely crit and apply Crippling Strikes.

note - good additions to this build are dreadful terror and discordant turbulence

PVP: anti-magic

I don’t play this spec very often, but I have tried it, it did work and I know quite a few people use it. The trick to it is combining Tzeentch’s Reflection with Hold the Line and getting your disrupt chance very high (80%+ is easy), since with Tzeentch’s Reflection active every disrupt you do will silence the enemy. Combine that further with Siphoned Energy and you can get a reasonable self heal in some situations, as well as a speed buff. What is important to remember however is because of immunity timers, the silence will not always work. This spec can work very well though as a guard for a bombing Sorcerer.

Key tactics/abilities

Quake – CAOE stagger

Tzeentch’s Reflection – Increased disrupt chance and silence for 3 seconds.

Siphoned Energy – Any time you disrupt a spell you will be healed for 105 hp and your movement speed will increases by 30% for 5 seconds

Crippling Strikes – on crit 15% damage reduction

Dreadful Terror – Draining AP (Action Points) and giving them to your group, which is also nice for those bombing sorcerers.

PVP: sword/board

Nice Solid beginner build, perfect for sub RR60. This build provides great survivability and crowd control capabilities.

Key tactics/abilities

Quake – obviously

Downfall – The extra knockdown is really handy and the ability I miss most when not specced (other than Quake)

Oppression – A personal 15% damage reduction from ALL sources and the armour increase make this better than crippling strikes for YOU, it has no effect on anyone else which is where crippling strikes is better. However in RvR Crippling Strikes works best when combined with Rending Blade and since you’ll nearly always have other Chosen nearby applying Crippling Strikes, it’s not essential for everyone.

MIxed Defenses - adds 15% perry for 5 seconds every time you block

PVP: anti-bomb

Armor Guide

Consignment Sets

These sets are obtained through quests found throughout the world

completing these sets gives the title "Captain of Consignments"


This Set obtained by completing a series of quests located throughout tier 2


Drekka Goblobba rewards the Tracker's Boots from quest 'Ead 'unta in Bonerender's Bash (Orc Chapter 6), in the Marshes of Madness.

First quest: Kill 20 Ironbreakers.

Followup: Kill Surveyor Stonebreak (level 13 Hero) to the north east of Bonerender's Bash, in the Marshes of Madness (he moves around, but approximately 24k,4.5k).


Tarond Frostrage rewards the Tracker's Chest from quest Bladed Whispers in Brokenblade (Dark Elf Chapter 8), in Ellyrion.

First quest: Kill 20 Swordmasters.

Followup: Kill Drielis Windform (level 17 Hero). He is found at the edge of a hill behind some tents around 15k,17k in Ellyrion.


Erikwuf Wrathbound rewards the Tracker's Gloves from quest Good Will in Ostland (Chaos Chapter 7).

First quest: Kill 20 Witch Hunters.

Followup: Kill Wilhelm Von Kleinbach (level 15 Hero) around 61k,36k in Troll Country.


This set is obtained by completing a series of quests located throughout tier 3


Asille Nightreach rewards the Stalker's Gloves from the quest line A Servant's Duel in Jade Coast (Dark Elf Ch12), in Avelorn.

First quest: kill 20 Archmage players.

Followup: kill Kasildir Morningbreeze (level 25 Hero). He can be found at 35k, 32.5khow in Avelorn.


Hallbjorn Frent rewards the Stalker's Shoulders from the quest line Fighting Fire with Fire in Volgen (Chaos Ch12), in Talabecland.

First quest: kill 20 Bright Wizard players.

Followup: kill Felix Magnus (level 25 Hero). He can be found at 43.5k,15k in Talabecland.


Kruggog rewards the Stalker's Boots from the quest line We's Gettin' Shot Up in Gorthug's Chew (Orc Ch13), in Black Fire Pass.

Note: this quest is only available at levels 27+, whereas the others can be picked up much earlier.

First quest: kill 20 Engineer players.

Followup: kill Flinty Copperlock (level 27 Hero). He can be found at 42.3k,6k in Black Fire Pass.


Heric Vartsson rewards the Stalker's Chest from the quest line True Insanity in Bloodmarr (Chaos Ch13), in High Pass.

First quest: kill 20 Knight of the Blazing Sun players.

Followup: kill Jaeger Orzbecker (level 27 Hero). He can be found at 40.8k,24k in High Pass. Razorwing (level 27 Champion Warhawk) spawns very near by.

Dungeon Sets

These sets are gained through doing the games dungeons, These are the Sacellum in IC, Mt. Gunbad in The Badlands, Bastion stair in Chaos wastes, Bloodwrought enclave and Bilerot burrow in IC, and The Lost Vale in Avelorn.

Completing these sets gives the title ???


dropped from wing bosses in the Sacellum.


Keeper's Boots are dropped by Vul the Bloodchosen (level 15 Hero Chosen) and Slorth Thunderbelly (level 17 Hero Ogre) in The Sacellum Dungeon.


Keeper's Body is dropped by Viraxil the Broken (level 20 Hero Hydra) in The Sacellum Dungeon.


Keeper's Gloves are dropped by any of the three end bosses in The Sacellum Dungeon in addition to the other set pieces with roughly a 50% chance.


dropped from wing bosses in Mt. Gunbad.


Redeye Gloves are dropped by Masta Mixa (level 24 Hero), the Alchemy Wing Boss.


Redeye Boots are dropped by Glomp da Squig Masta (level 27 Hero), the Squig Nursery Wing Boss.


Redeye Shoulders are dropped by Wight Lord Solithex (level 30 Hero), the Barracks Wing Boss.


Redeye Body is dropped by 'Ard ta Feed (level 31 Hero), the overall Dungeon Boss.


Redeye Helm is in gold bags from PQs or a random drop from any of the Wing Bosses or the overall Dungeon Boss of Mount Gunbad.


This set gives lessor wards dropped from wing bosses in Bastion Stair


Bloodlord Boots are dropped by Thar'Ignan (level 34 Hero), the Trail of Carnage Wing Boss.


Bloodlord Shoulders are dropped by Lord Slaurith (level 36 Hero), the Path of Fury Wing Boss.


Bloodlord Helm is dropped by Kaarn the Vanquisher (level 40 Hero), the Steps of Ruin Wing Boss.


Bloodlord Body is dropped by Skull Lord Var'Ithrok (level 44 Hero), the overall Dungeon Boss.


Bloodlord Gloves come from mystery loot bags in Bastion Stair PQs.


This set gives grater wards dropped from wing bosses in Bloodwrought enclave and Bilerot Burrow

'The Bilerot Burrow' 'The Bloodwrought Enclave'

Ssrydian Morbidae (Left Wing)


Barakus the Godslayer


Bartholomeus the Sickly (Right Wing)


Korthuk the Raging (Left Wing)


Bilerot Lord (Last boss)


Barakus the Godslayer, Korthuk the Raging, Culius Embervine, Sarloth Bloodtouched or the Gorger Cave.


Maggotfiend Urhil, Ssrydian Morbidae, Bartholomeus the Sickly or Bilerot Lord

Dark Promise

This set gives superior wards

dropped from wing bosses in The Lost Vale


dropped by Dralel the Whitefire Matron


dropped by any of the bosses in the zone


dropped by Sarthain the Worldbearer


dropped by Sechar the Darkpromise Chieftain


dropped by N'Kari, Keeper of Secrets


dropped by any of the bosses in the zone

Public Quest Sets

The pieces of these armor sets are gold bad drops out of there respected Tier PQs, Hard PQs have a greater chance to dropping a gold bag than normal and easy PQs. The PQs listed here have a good chance of dropping a gold bag. PQ listed are from the Chaos/Empire pairing only.

Completion of these sets awards the "Natural Disaster" title


obtained from T1 PQs Suderholm, The wilds of war, Fields of woe.


obtained from T2 PQs Bells of war, Way shrine of Sigmar, Griffin outpost, Plaguewood thicket.


obtained from T3 PQs mudflats, Serpents's Fang Bandits, Bitterspring, Tempest Horn, and Tower of the elves.


obtained from T4 PQs

Chaos Wastes: The Storm is coming, and Fall of Grimclan

Praag: Eastern Breach, and Wings of the Griffin.

Reikland: Dark Retribution, Vulgar Display of Power, and All the Kings Men

RVR Sets

These sets can be bought from venders in IC using RVR currency.

Completing these sets gives the title "The Decioblidevannihilator"


This armor is bought using tokens from Tier 1 open-field RVR

Boots: 2 Recruit's Medallions

Carapace: 7 Recruit's Medallions


This armor is bought using tokens from Tier 2 open-field RVR

Gauntlets: 4 Scout's Medallions

Darkboots: 10 Scout's Medallions

Carapace: 25 Scout's Medallions


This armor is bought using tokens from Tier 3 open-field RVR

Gauntlets: 10 Soldiers Medallions

Darkboots: 25 Soldiers Medallions

Shoulderguards: 35 Soldiers Medallions

Skullcase: 45 Soldiers Medallions

Carapace: 60 Soldiers Medallions


As of patch 1.4.0 Annihilator no longer costs officers medallions

This armor is bought using standard currency

Gauntlets: 66 S 77 C

Darkboots: 65 S 77 C

Shoulderguards: 45 S

Skullcase: 75 S 57 C

Carapace: 83 S 97 C

City Instance Sets

These sets can be bought from venders in IC using RVR currency or from gold bags in the City

Completing these sets gives the title "Urbanite"





Misc sets

These sets were added through patches or game expansions


dropped from bosses in Tomb of the Vulture Lord


drops off Usirian's keeper


High Priest Herakh (2nd)


drops of Boss 6 (akil, tumaini, Jahi)


drops off Vulture Lord


bought from vender for 200 golden scarabs and 3 funerary masks


bought from vender for 200 golden scarabs and 3 funerary masks




Concept Art

