Mage Talent Ratings

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This page is formatted with Mage talents listed by skill and tier. Comments follow talents in italics.


Tier 1 - Arcane Subtlety/Arcane Focus/Improved Arcane Missiles

Arcane Subtlety
Reduces the threat generated by your offensive arcane spells by 10% plus 10% per point.
Limited use. Threat can be managed without threat reduction Talents. The late changes to Taunt may make these more useful but they are strictly for PvE.

Arcane Focus
Reduces the chance that the opponent can resist your arcane spells by 2% per point.
Limited use. Resists are not an issue in AvH play. May prove to be of marginal value in top end play.

Improved Arcane Missiles
Gives you a 20% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while channeling Arcane Missiles.
Makes your most used AvH spell uninterruptible. Almost a must have. Also makes a good entry tier Talent.

Tier 2 - Wand Specialization/Arcane Concentration

Wand Specialization
Prereq: 5 points Arcane

Increases your damage with Wands by 5% per point.
Virtually useless. Wands have sub-optimal DPS due to a lack of autofire. Improving a sub-optimal ability is not so useful.

Arcane Concentration
Prereq: 5 points Arcane

Gives you a 2% per point chance of entering a Clearcasting state after any damage spell hits a target. The Clearcasting state reduces the mana cost of your next damage spell by 100%.
This works out to about a 10% mana reduction for your spell casting in combat. Very nice to have.

Tier 3 - Evocation/Improved Arcane Explosion/Improved Dampen Magic

Prereq: 10 points Arcane

While channeling this spell, your mana regeneration is active and increased by 1500%. Lasts 8 seconds.
This is a great ability to have for any Mage. It is basically a full mana heal. Keeps you going during long fights.

Improved Arcane Explosion
Prereq: 10 points Arcane

Reduces the casting time of your Arcane Explosion by 0.3 seconds per point.
5 points in this makes Arcane Explosion an instant cast spell. This is a great Talent to have.

Improved Dampen Magic
Prereq: 10 points Arcane

Increases the effect of your Dampen Magic spell by 25% per point.
This is useful if you are going to face a large number of offensive casters. In the grand scheme it is a moderately useful Talent.

Tier 4 - Improved Counterspell/Improved Mana Shield/Arcane Meditation

Improved Counterspell
Prereq: 15 points Arcane

Gives your Counterspell a 50% per point chance to silence the target for 4 seconds.
This is a great ability for fighting casters. A must have for an Arcane build.

Improved Mana Shield
Prereq: 15 points Arcane

Increases the damage absorbed by your Mana Shield by 50% per point.
Limited usefulness. You can already instantly recast Mana Shield at will this only lengthens the duration between casts it does not improve the efficiency of the skill.

Arcane Meditation
Prereq: 15 points Arcane, 1 point Evocation

Allows 3% per point of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting.
Maximum 15% of your mana regen rate during combat. This would make an Arcane Mage require slightly less down time. At level 60 this could be 15 mana per second when the Mage has around 7000 total mana. You do the math.

Tier 5 - Presence of Mind/Arcane Mind

Presence of Mind
Prereq: 20 points Arcane

When activated, your next Mage spell with a casting time less than 10 seconds becomes an instant cast spell.
This is a great Talent. Hard to get with comprehensive Fire or Frost builds however.

Arcane Mind
Increases your maximum Mana by 2% per point.
Prereq: 20 points Arcane, 1 point Evocation

Always nice to have more mana. Hard to get this far into the Arcane Tree for any but an Arcane Mage. At level 60 for a mage with 7000 mana this is can be a 560 mana boost.

Tier 6 - Arcane Instability

Arcane Instability
Prereq: 25 points Arcane, 1 point Presence of Mind

Increases your spell damage and critical strike chance by 1% per point.
Damage is a Mage's key attribute. More is good.

Tier 7 - Arcane Power

Arcane Power
Prereq: 30 points Arcane, 3 points Arcane Instability

When activated, your spells deal 35% more damage while costing 35% more mana to cast. This effect lasts 15 seconds.
More damage!

Frost Talents

Tier 1 - Requires 0 points in Frost

Improved Frostbolt
Reduces the casting time of your Frostbolt spell by 0.1 seconds per point.
Increases the DPS of your most used spell as a Frost Mage.

Increases the duration of your chill effects by 1 second per point.
Limited use as you will be rechilling before the original chill wears off in most cases.

Tier 2 - Requires 5 points in Frost

Ice Shards
Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Frost spells by 20% per point.
Nice to see the big numbers. Increases your overall damage by about 1% per point invested.

Winter's Chill
Increases the power of your chill effects by slowing the target's movement by an additional 10%.
Very useful. The slower they move the longer you and your group mates live.

Improved Frost Nova
Reduces the cooldown of your Frost Nova spell by 2 seconds.
Improved CC. Moderate usefulness to a Frost mage as your target(s) will already be moving slowly and should be easily avoided.

Tier 3 - Requires 10 points in Frost

Piercing Ice
Increases the damage done by your frost spells by 2%.
More damage

Cold Snap
When activated, this spell finishes the cooldown on all of your cold spells.
Very useful. CoC, Frost Nova, Blizzard, Cold Snap, CoC, Frost Nova, Blizzard.

Improved Blizzard
Adds a chill effect to your Blizzard spell. This effect lowers the target's movement speed to 55% +5% per point of normal. Lasts 8.50 seconds.
Very nice Talent. Turns your AoE damage spell into an AoE damage/snare.

Tier 4 - Requires 15 points in Frost

Arctic Reach
Increases the range of your Frostbolt spell and the radius of your Frost Nova and Cone of Cold spells by 10% per point.
This is a nice to have Talent.

Frost Channeling
Reduces the mana cost of your frost spells by 5% per point.
Less mana cost means less downtime. Frost is about efficiency and this Talent helps your efficiency.

Improved Frost Ward
50% of the damage absorbed by your Frost Ward is added to your mana.
This is a low priority Talent. Limited experience with it as there always seem to be better places to put the points.

Increases the critical strike chance of your frost spells against frozen targets by 10% per point.
This is a nice to have Talent. Remember it only affects frozen targets so should be paired up with Frostbite.

Tier 5 - Requires 20 points in Frost

Ice Block
You become encased in a block of ice, protecting you from all physical attacks and spells for 10 seconds, but during that time you cannot attack, move, or cast spells.
Defense. Pure defense.

Improved Cone of Cold
Increases the damage dealt by your Cone of Cold spell by 5% + 10% per point.
35% increased damage for an AoE spell. Nice. Get a crit with this and Ice Shards and you'll see some really big numbers. The only drawback to this is that it only affects one spell. It is a big boost tho.

Tier 6 - Requires 25 points in Frost

Gives your chill effects a 3% chance per point to freeze the target for 5 seconds.
More CC. Blizzard matched with this = lots of foes dead in their tracks.

Tier 7 - Requires 30 points in Frost

Ice Barrier
Instantly shields you, absorbing 455 damage. Lasts 1 minute. While the shield holds, spells will not be interrupted.
Very nice to have. Very expensive to obtain.

Fire Talents

Tier 1 - Requires 0 points in Fire

Improved Fireball
Reduces the casting time of your Fireball by 0.1 seconds per point.
Increase the DPS of your most used spell by 2.5% per point. A must have Talent for a Fire Mage.

Gives your fire spells a 2% chance to stun the target per point for 2 seconds.
Adding a stun component to all of your spells! Awesome.

Tier 2 - Requires 5 points in Fire

Your critical strikes from fire damage spells cause the target to burn for an additional 8% of your spell's damage per point over 4 seconds.
More damage!

Improved Fire Blast
Reduces the cooldown of your Fire Blast spell by 0.5 seconds.
More frequent Fire Blasts are nice. Medium priority Talent.

Flame Throwing
Increases the range of your fire spells by 3 yards.
Nice to have since you have limited CC as a Fire Mage.

Tier 3 - Requires 10 points in Fire

Increases the critical strike chance of your Fire Blast and Scorch spells by 2% per point.
If you plan to use Scorch it can be quite useful. If you are more of a Fireball user you can give this one a pass.

Hurls an immense fiery boulder that causes 148 to 195 fire damage and an additional 56 damage over 12 seconds.
Very very useful to have this spell as an opener.

Improved Flamestrike
Increases the critical strike chance of your Flamestrike spell by 5% per point. Nice to have Talent.

Burning Soul
Gives your fire spells a 25% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage. Very useful when you play up close and personal. Very useful in AvH.

Tier 4 - Requires 15 points in Fire

Improved Scorch
Burns the target for an additional 5% of your Scorch spell damage over 4 seconds.
Limited use. You chain cast Scorch spells once per 1.5 seconds. If you are chain casting you lose most of the benefits of this Talent. If you are not chain casting Scorch you lose the benefit of casting Scorch.

Improved Fire Ward
Causes your fire ward to reflect 20% per point of the damage absorbed back to the caster.
Useful against enemies that use Fire spells.

Tier 5 - Requires 20 points in Fire

Critical Mass
Increases the critical strike chance of your fire spells by 2% per point.
3% boost in average spell damage. Very nice to have.

Blast Wave
A wave of flame radiates outward from the caster, damaging all enemies caught within the blast for 160 to 192 fire damage, and dazing them for 6 seconds.
Great AoE spell. Big damage plus snare. With this you have Fire Storm, Blastwave, Cone of Cold, Blizzard and Arcane Explosion all available.

Tier 6 - Requires 25 points in Fire

Fire Power
Increases the damage done by your fire spells by 2% per point.
10% more damage! Must have for a Fire Mage.

Tier 7 - Requires 30 points in Fire

When activated, this spell gives your next fire damage spell a 100% critical strike chance.
Ability to force a Critical strike. Great Talent.