The Barrens

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The Barrens is a Horde home zone on the Western Continent.

Key Facts

Level range: 10-20

Instances in this zone: Wailing Caverns, Razorfen Kraul, Razorfen Downs

Connects to zones: Durotor, Mulgore, Thousand Needles, Stonetalon Mountains, Ashenvale

Horde flight path: Located at the Crossroads in the center of the zone.

Alliance flight path: None

Bank: Ratchet

Quests in this zone: lots and lots.

Zone Guide

The Barrens is the second zone that non-undead Horde characters usually encounter. Orcs and Trolls will move here from Durotor to the East and Tauren from Mulgore to the West.

For all races, the first task is to travel to the Crossroads to obtain the flightpath. From Durotor, the road from Razor Hill continues westward into The Barrens, intersecting with the Gold Road. From this intersection the South Gold Road leads to the Crossroads. From Mulgore the road leads through Camp Taurajo and intersects with the Gold Road. From this intersection the North Gold Road leads to the Crossroads.

The Crossroads is a convenient bind point for many levels, providing a convenient flight origin for many destinations beyond the Barrens itself.