Volvo Backup Tank

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Role: Backup Tank
Aura: Resistance
Blessing: Might
This paladin is usually another melee damage fighter but can play tank in a pinch.

Holy Talents (6 points)
Spiritual Focus - 4/5 points
Improved Lay on Hands - 2/2 points

Protection Talents (15 points)
Redoubt - 5/5 points
Toughness - 5/5 points
Shield Specialization - 5/5 points

Retribution Talents (30 points)
Improved Blessing of Might - 5/5 points
Benediction - 1/5 point
Two-Handed Weapon Specialization - 5/5 points
Vengeance - 5/5 points
Deflection - 5/5 points
Precision - 3/3 points
Consecration - 1/1 point
Conviction - 5/5 points

Talent Build Plan:
Obtain Imp Blessing of Might 5/5 at level 14. After that, who knows. The point in Benedition might be much better spent in Seal of Command given the bug fix being applied to Seal of the Crusader.