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My Guild Wars characters are set up using a slightly modified version of Big Bad Bob's character census template. Thanks BBB! This user page is under construction.

I am listed in the GW Characters on Wiki page.

YuGiOh is Currently...

An active member of The Amazon Basin's Guild Wars community, and a semi-active member of Dark Age of Camelot when we have the money.

Guild Wars

General account-wide info:


Title Track Level Rank Until next level
Hero (HoH) 2 Fierce Hero 94
Gladiator 0 N/A 11
Commander 0 N/A 123
Gamer 0 N/A 805
Lucky 0 N/A 43,434
Unlucky 0 N/A 4406

Want to contact me?

If you want to contact me ingame, you can add Yugi Helps Revive to your friend list. I am normally on 5 out of 7 days a week.

Characters that are not mine

Occasionally you might see characters online that are not listed here. That's because my whole family uses this account, however I am the one playing the most. My dad (forum name Makofan) has 1 character Makobow Basin who he plays every Thursday night with 2 of his other friends. Don't bother contacting him unless you actually want to talk to Makofan.

My second youngest brother (forum name FootballHead) has 2 characters, Lan Michael and Paragon Reborn. Most of the time I will be the one playing them, however before contacting when these characters are online, please ask whether it's Yugi or FootballHead. :)

My youngest brother (not registered) has 2 characters as well. Minion Master Jamie and Eley Jamie. I will not touch Eley Jamie however from time to time I will play Minion Master Jamie. Again, always ask whether it's Yugi or not.

Any other character is probably my PvP character, I always try to fit Yugi into it's name


Here are my characters in Guild Wars, listed in order they were created.

  • Legend
    • Completed = This character has completed all missions and quests that are required to finish the game.
    • Quests = This character has still needs to complete various quests around the land.
      • Titan Quests = This character has completed all missions and quests except the five quests after the Prophecies campaign concerning the destruction of the Titans.
    • <Mission Name> = This character has completed all missions and quests that are required up to this mission.
      • Side missions = This character has completed all missions and quests that are required to finish the game and now needs to go back and complete the missions that they haven't completed because of their various decisions during gameplay.
    • N/A = This character has not arrived in the continent yet.

Tyrian, Tyrael Thomas, W/*20

Picture Info My first character that has been alive since the beginning of the game. Technically the current Tyrael Thomas was created in May 2005 but that's just because he was remade in pre-searing a lot because I didn't know what I was doing. So he's been around the whole time. :P He began each time as a W/Me, because I loved what happened when you hit Conjure Phantasm and Sever Artery on the same target. Maybe with all the new skills for energy management I should revisit this one...

Tyrael Thomas wears 15k Platemail armor dyed Blue+Green (I think). He also has an extra set of 1.5k Gladiator's. His favourite weapon is the sword and want to get a Fellblade. Occasionally he will use his Dragoncrest Axe.

I have plans to write a fanfic detailing my character's journey through the main storyline.

Storyline Progress

Tyria Cantha Elona GWEN
Completed Completed Completed N/A
Titan Quests Quests Quests
Sorrow's Furnace Side missions


Title Track Level Rank Until next level
Canthan Explorer 97.4% Canthan Master Cartographer 2.6%
Tyrian Explorer 83.4% Tyrian Trailblazer 6.6%
Elonian Explorer 75.7% Elonian Pathfinder 4.3%
Sunspear Rank 8 Sunspear Castellan 5559
Lightbringer Rank 3 Brave Lightbringer 1294


On my warrior I am creating a menagerie of sorts. Each of my heroes is taming a different animal companion to have along. It can not be complete until GWEN comes out because there are currently more pets than heroes, and even then it will not be complete because at the time of writing, it is impossible for a hero to come into the Underworld and charm a Black Widow. However I will not let that daunt me, and here I will keep track of them all!

Hero Pet Pet Nickname Level
Tyrael Thomas Playful Phoenix Falker 15
Koss Crocodile 8
Acolyte Jin Black Moa 20
Acolyte Sousuke Aggressive Lion 16
Tahlkora Flamingo 8
Zhed Shadowhoof Hearty White Tiger 15
Margrid the Sly Jahai Rat 8
Master of Whispers
General Morgan

Canthan, Yugi Helps Revive, Mo/*20

Picture Info Yugi Helps Revive arrived in Shing Jea Monastery for his first day in May 2006. He had heard of one "Yugi Cast Spells"' exploits and was determined to prove he was just as worthy. Starting out as a Mo/Me he quickly rose through the ranks and eventually succeeded in defeating the traitorous Shiro, however, not before seeing his master cut down before him.

Yugi Helps Revive is currently wearing 1.5k Kurzick armor. I have plans to buy him a 15k set sometime after GWEN is released. Yugi Helps Revive also has a set of 1.5k Canthan armor and Ascetic's Star Pattern armor from Droknar's Forge. He occasionally is seen 55'ing.

Storyline Progress

Tyria Cantha Elona GWEN
Abbadon's Mouth Completed Rilohn Refuge N/A
Quests Quests
Sorrow's Furnace


Title Track Level Rank Until next level
Canthan Explorer 76.1% Canthan Trailblazer 3.9%
Tyrian Explorer 40.8% N/A 19.2%
Elonian Explorer 16.5% N/A 43.5%
Sunspear Rank 6 Sunspear Commander 659
Lightbringer Rank 0 N/A 98

Elonian, Nightfallen Yugi, D/W9

Picture Info A sad, sad story of a character. Created the day Nightfall was launched and barely touched since then. I have plans one day to get a second account and play Nightfallen Yugi side by side with my brother's monk, just as they did when the sun shone on Elona the first time, during the Preview Event.

Storyline Progress

Tyria Cantha Elona GWEN
N/A Jokanur Diggings N/A


Not enough progress to mention.

Elonian, Yugi Casts Spells, E/Mo7

(formerly Canthan, Yugi Casts Spells, E/Me20)

Picture Info Ah, there are some memories in this character. Originally created during the Factions Early Access Event, she was there for it all. She made it all the way to Tahnnakai Temple before I decided that at the current time, I wasn't happy with my Ele. During May 2006 with the support of Boo The Hamster Shaman, she vanished on a boat to look for different adventures. A monk named Yugi Helps Revive arrived in Shing Jea Monastery just minutes later.

Yugi Casts Spells landed in Elona, Land of the Golden Sun, where she started anew.

I sometimes wonder if I made the right choice. Should I have just shouldered it and found happiness later? My monk could wait for the next campaign right? If I had known they were going to implement buyable character slots, this character would still be around, nuking monsters with her fire spells. However, I then look at my monk who has achieved so much and decide that it was an even trade-off. Besides, Yugi Casts Spells was able to get a tan in Elona, unlike Kaineng City!

Tyria Cantha Elona GWEN
N/A N/A Jokanur Diggings N/A


Not enough progress to mention.

YuGiOh Used to be...

Part of The Amazon Basin's Diablo 2 community, now retired.