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Character list

Name Primary class Currently Doing Pvp/PvE
Grim Shade Warrior Vanquishing Elona 31/34 PvE
Elusive Temptation Mesmer Vanquishing Tyria PvE
Kyria Hitokiri Assassin Leveling Hero's PvE
Tsul Kalu Ranger Echovale Forest PvE
Sareal As-Saber Dervish Bermuta PvE
Raijin no ku Elementalist Cabo San Lucos PvE
Legendary Shade Monk Hawaii PvE
Edith Sam-El Paragon Noob Island PvE
Wakana Opa Paragon Fort Aspenwood Pvp
Shades Lady Necromancer RA Pvp

Account Titles

Title track Level Actual title Progress
Faction Allegiance 2 Friend of Kurzick 370,000
Lucky 2 Lucky 219,270
Unlucky 2 unlucky 13,311
Gamer 1 Skillz 1499
Commander 0 none 116
Gladiator 0 none 11

Character descriptions

Grim Shade

Picture Synopsis

Grim Hails from Tyria, and was created during the beta tests of Prophecies. He is my name sake and is the charicter I identify with the most. He sports plate armor and is a swordsman.

Completed all Three campains
Kind of a Big Deal - 6

Current Project Progress
Vanquisher of Elona 32/34
GMC Elona 99.9%
Legendary Cartographer 2/3

Elusive Temptation

Do the same again.

Kyra Hitokiri

And again.

Sarial es Sabir


This is a work in progress, please don't edit. Not that there is much to edit.