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This Storyline Quest has multiple parts.
The previous quest in the sequence was: The Infection
The next quest in the sequence is: needs updated



  • Experience: 2450
  • Palladium: 200


Ser Sing: This Demon boil holds no secrets from me, poppet.
Ser Sing: I have seen to the core of it.
Ser Sing: It is... primitive. But quite effective.
Ser Sing: Go now, take this item to Rorke. It will allow him to complete his tracking device. Then you shall find what you seek.
Ser Sing: And poppet, do kill the boil's progenitor for me.
Ser Sing: I have no desire to embrace that particular flavor of evil again.
Ser Sing: I wish it burnt and broken.
Ser Sing: You would not see me disappointed, would you?

Rorke Pherral: Sweet! I knew the witch would do us right... What?
Rorke Pherral: She's a witch. That's what she is. Don't look at me that way, <playername>.
Rorke Pherral: It's not wrong to call ducks, ducks.
Rorke Pherral: Anyway, Sing's magic did nicely. I just have to attach this here... Plug that there... Power up this little bit...
Rorke Pherral: Tracker online!
Rorke Pherral: This is what I'm talking about.
Rorke Pherral: Hot damn, I've been waiting for this a long time, kid.
Rorke Pherral: You wanna help us blow the hell out of some toxic egg-laying Demon?
Rorke Pherral: Yeah. I thought so.
Rorke Pherral: Take this tracking device.
Rorke Pherral: I'll send troops to Barge House. You meet 'em and they'll follow your lead.
Rorke Pherral: If they give you flak, I'll shoot them.
Rorke Pherral: Like I said, kid, I owe Arphaun... A lot. If he believes in you, so do I.
Rorke Pherral: Have a great time, you hear?
Rorke Pherral: Give that thing a kiss for me before you kill the hell out of it, okay?

(At the Barge House): Lieutenant Gray: Did Rorke send you, <playername>?
Lieutenant Gray: Wow...
Lieutenant Gray: Wow...
Lieutenant Gray: I don't think you know exactly what that means.
Lieutenant Gray: Pherral may seem like a friendly Yank, but he's as stone-hard as they come and twice as sharp.
Lieutenant Gray: The real best of the best, that one. And no karate about it.
Lieutenant Gray: Thankfully, he's on our side.
Lieutenant Gray: If Rorke puts faith in you... Well, you gotta be something. And I'm not stupid enough to doubt that.
Lieutenant Gray: At least not out loud, anyway.
Lieutenant Gray: Oh, we'll follow, all right. Wherever you go, we'll follow.
Lieutenant Gray: Rorke's nod is good enough for me.
Lieutenant Gray: We have your back, <playername>.
Lieutenant Gray: Personally, I can't wait to kick this thing's ass.
Lieutenant Gray: Just you whip that tracker out and lead on, yeah?