Wonder Times 5000

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Revision as of 17:47, 17 December 2007 by Jayling (talk | contribs)
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Wonder Times 5000
Optional Quest

Quest giver: Pratch
Station: Temple Station
Previous quest: The World Gun
Next quest: -

Experience: 2550
Palladium: 200
Standing: +100 with Temple Station
Other: Enhanced Torso Armor

Travel to New Bridge
Take 8 Demon Claws from Burning Dead


  • Travel to New Bridge
  • Take 8 Demon Claws from Burning Dead in New Bridge


  • Experience: 2550
  • Palladium: 200
  • Standing: +100 Standing with the people of Temple Station
  • Item: Enhanced Torso Armor


  • Tavel to New Bridge

Pratch: I have good news and bad news.
Pratch: The data you brought was damaged and I was unable to get all the information I needed to properly finish my super weapon.
Pratch: That's bad.
Pratch: However, I'm a brilliant man and have managed to decipher all codes whilst unmasking every technological mystery held...uh, within!
Pratch: That's good.
Pratch: Impressed?
Pratch: Of course you are.
Pratch: Now the, um, badder news...
Pratch: This weapon to-be is complex and requires unique components to work properly.
Pratch: We will need 8 Demon Claws, which are only available from the Burning Dead in New Bridge.
Pratch: So... Be careful out there! It's not exactly a safe place for anyone who is, well...alive.

  • Take 8 Demon Claws from Burning Dead in New Bridge
  • Return to Pratch

Pratch: Excellent work, <playername>.
Pratch: This should be just what I need to complete the old weapon of mass death.
Pratch: I shall call it the Wonderpratch 5000.
Pratch: Slick, eh?
Pratch: Has you terrified and stumbling around in awe... I can tell.