Say Bye to Bookie

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Say Bye to Bookie
Optional Quest

Quest giver: Claire
Station: Temple Station
Previous quest: Even-Steven
Next quest: none?

Experience: 1650
Palladium: 127
Standing: +100 with Monument Station
Other: Legendary Weapon

Travel to Monument Station

Speak with Jons



  • Experience: 1650
  • Palladium: 127
  • Standing: +100 Standing with the people of Monument Station
  • Item: Legendary Weapon


Claire: I hear you're leaving this lovely station.
Claire: Aw, and I was just getting used to seeing your ugly mug.
Claire: I wrote a letter of recommendation to my friend, Jons in Monument Station.
Claire: Don't get emotional. You deserve it.
Claire: Jons will help if you need anything.
Claire: Bah, don't look at me like that. You're making me blush.
Claire: Get out of here.

  • Speak with Jons