Big Sister's Song

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Big Sister's Song
Storyline Quest

Quest giver: The Sister
Station: Portal
Previous quest: Scrub the Deck
Next quest: Helping Hands

Experience: 7700
Palladium: 0
Standing: none
Other: none

Go inside Portal at Angel Passage

Speak to The Sister
Travel to Monument Station
Speak to Arphaun
This Ends Act 3

This Storyline Quest has multiple parts.
The previous quest in the sequence was: Scrub the Deck
The next quest in the sequence is: Helping Hands



  • Experience: 7700
  • Palladium: 0


  • Travel inside Portal from Angel Passage

The Sister: I am your sister, but to you that means little.
The Sister: To the Demon it is fear.
The Sister: And what, do you think, does Evil cower from?
The Sister: For ever and more Demons have brought only everlasting death to life.
The Sister: You kind has stumbled into oblivion wielding might beyond comprehension.
The Sister: You have crushed worlds and scattered galaxies to thwart the Beast, but always you have failed, for none of yours has yet to grasp Truth.
The Sister: I am the Sister, third of five. Will you hear me?

  • Speak with the Sister

The Sister: Our father you've met. Our teacher you've heard. For all things a purpose...
The Sister: I am nothing but the light in eyes. I am little more than the song of leaves, the heart of color, and the laughter of life.
The Sister: I am the small world as it should be -- the world as you made it.
The Sister: Tell me, child and student, would you war to preserve these gifts?
The Sister: If so, what weapon would you wield against Darkness when men beyond you have failed?
The Sister: Us. You shall wield us.
The Sister: Find the others. Use the weapon of balance against the Nameless Fire.
The Sister: Woe to the Dark, for I am the Sister and I still sing.

  • Cinematic
  • Travel to Monument Station
  • Speak to Arphaun

Arphaun: Thank goodness, <playername>. I worried.
Arphaun: When we lost contact with Temple Station I feared the worst.
Arphaun: To see you here gives me great joy.
Arphaun: What word from Rorke, hm? Have his Hunters set their sights upon Truth?
Arphaun: Another Truth already! Hm. Wonderful. And yet disturbing.
Arphaun: When Maxim hears of this...
Arphaun: Already he pushes and pushes and pushes for action.
Arphaun: Our High Lord! Our Seneschal of the Order! A naive fool. Hmph!
Arphaun: Maxim sees only glory -- glory forever beyond reach thanks to the actions of better men long dead.
Arphaun: In Maxim there is little more than a consuming dream to become such a legend.
Arphaun: When he learns of this Sister's words -- of her assurance that we can best the Demon, or at least fight to a balance -- I fear he shall do something truly rash.
Arphaun: Hm. I will need to prepare. See you soon, <playername>.

  • Congratulations! End of Act 3