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This page still very under construction.

Who Am I? Long time Diablo II player, short time Guild Wars player. Basiner.

That said, I've mostly stopped playing D2, with the exception of a weekly group game. I have no current ladder characters. In these kinds of games, I really enjoy planning build ideas, and can still be found tweaking barbarian and sorceress builds on The Amazon Basin D2 Forums. I'm also the senior (by which I mean less useful) moderator of the Barbarian Room. I play only hardcore PvE characters, mainly Paladins, Barbarians, Sorceresses, and Assassins.

In Guild Wars, I've found a new friend and slipped into what feels like an old family. I'm still learning the nuances of the game -- execution, observation, and anticipation are much more intense in Guild Wars, while planning and selection are less so. I've finished my goal of finishing each chapter with a native toon -- an ellie/mesmer through Prophecies, a necro/* through Factions, and a dervish/* through Nightfall. Lyne, Ceolstan, and others forced me to try my hand at PvP, and I've had a blast doing it. At the moment, GvG has me enthralled, and I'm slowly coming to understand the tactics and skills necessary (even if my execution of those are less than spectacular). Lately I've been leading a Team-Based GvG Event that has done very well. I'm also moderating the PvP forums, along with Eddietheman.

Want to be my friend?

  • On Guild Wars, my main character is Morello Le Rouge.
  • On Diablo II, my main account is *CoonerTheRed2.

Select Characters

A smattering of my favorite toons... (Note to Arena-Net... while "Coon" may be (at times) a racial slur, it's also a last name! Hence no GW CoonerTheReds... grrr at censorship.)

Guild Wars

Morello Le Rouge

Elonian Dervish (PvE) Photo 1 Morello, namesake of several old Diablo toons, is a Dervish of Dazzling Deeds. My first Guild Wars character, I chose the profession because it promised the best looking armor and the coolest weapon. A big fan of the two-hand barbarian, a whirling dervish seemed the best fit... not the world's best tank, but she can put out some serious damage. She also serves the role of runner and farmer -- the real breadwinner of my GW family.

Photos of Morello show her in Elite Sunspear Leggings, Istani Top, and Sunspear Shoes/Gloves. She is saving up for GW:EN's armor selection...



  • Protector of Elona
  • Spearmarshal (9/10, Sunspear)
  • Mighty Lightbringer (4/10, Lightbringer)

Common Builds:

  • Avatar of Balthazar Tank: test template
A standard tank with good damage... not as unkillable as a stance tank, but pretty tough.
  • Avatar of Lyssa Damage:
Some of the highest damage numbers I've ever seen come from this build... based upon Lyssa's added damage and fast-attack skills.
  • Dynamic Duo Burnin' Dervish:
Coupled with a Mark of Rodgort/SF Ellie (Zhed does well) for a Dynamic Duo
  • 130 Farmer:
Morello likes to shop. Staying at the height of fashion gets expensive...
  • Runner:
Stolen shamelessly from Alphabet, this runner does quite nicely.
  • Hammer Dervish:
Sometimes a gal just wants to lay down a little smacking.

Morello Le Vert

Elonian Dervish (PvP) The PvP version of the above toon, Morello Le Vert is a bit bigger, a bit stronger, but not quite so bright as her older sister (she uses fewer builds...). She swings a mean scythe in her role of Defender of Basin Guild Halls, and heaven help the warrior who thinks they will get a free shot at Basin monks.


Common Builds:

  • Avatar of Melandru Damage: test template
A standard meta-game GvG Dervish, this build spews out deep wound and AoE melee pressure rather impressively. Take Distracting Blow or a self-heal make good substitutions for Wild Blow as needed.
  • Assassin of Melandru:
Great for pickup chaos games, this dervish is a blast to play. Not as reliable at the flagstand, but great for taking out archers and surprising backliners.

Anja Le Rouge

Elonian Monk (PvP) Anja Description

And some others...

Elonian Dervish Morello Description

Diablo II


Grendel's Armory

