Profession Leveling

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Quick reference for leveling professions

Level Requirements

Primary professions require you be certain level before you can train further.

Secondary professions only require you to be at least level 35 to do the Artisan level quests.

Level From To
Apprentice 5 0 75
Journeyman 10 50 150
Expert 20 125 225
Artisan 35 200 300
Master 50 275? 375

Primary Professions - Crafting








Primary Tradeskills - Gathering


Skill What to do
Apprentice 1 Train
1 Peacebloom
15 Earthroot
Journeyman 50-75 Train
50 Mageroyal
70 Briarthorn
100 Bruiseweed
115 Wild Steelbloom
120 Grave Moss
125 Kingsblood
Expert 125-150 Train
150 Liferoot
160 Fadeleaf
170 Goldthorn
185 Khadgar's Whisker
195 Wintersbite
205 Firebloom
210 Purple Lotus
Artisan 200-225 Train
230 Sungrass
235 Blindweed
245 Ghost Mushroom
250 Gromsblood
Master 275-300 Train
1 Pick Flowers


Smelting Copper ore will help you get to 65 so you can mine Tin. Smelt Tin ore then smelt Bronze. Smelt Gold and Truesilver ore.

Skill What to do Quest Ore
Apprentice 1 Copper
65 Tin Incendite - Dun Algaz
Journeyman 50-75 Train
75 Silver Lesser Bloodstone - Drywhisker Gorge
Expert 125-150 Train
125 Iron
150 Indurium - Uldaman
155 Gold
175 Mithril
Artisan 200-225 Train
230 Truesilver
250 Small Thorium
275 Rich Thorium
Master 275-300 Train
300 Fel Iron
325 Adamantite
350 Rich Adamantite
375 Khorium


Secondary Professions


There are no level requirements for learning Apprentice or Journeyman cooking.

There are no level requirements for reading the Expert or Master cook books.

  • Expert Book vendor
    • Horde - Wulan, Shadowprey Village, Desolace
    • Alliance - Shandrina, Silverwing Refuge, Ashenvale
  • Artisian Quest NPC for Clamlette Surprise quest
    • both factions - Dirge Quikcleave, Gadgetzan, Tanaris
  • Master Book vendor
    • Horde - Baxter, Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula
    • Alliance - Gaston, Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula
    • both factions - Naka, Cenarion Refuge, Zangamarsh
Skill What to Do Note
Apprentice 1-35 Spice Bread Trainer - major city
10 Spiced Wolf Meat Trainer - major city
50 Boiled Clams or Coyote Steak Trainer - major city
Journeyman 50-75 Train Trainer - major city
75 Crab Cake Trainer - major city
Expert 125-150 Read book Expert Cookbook
Artesian 225 Do Cooking Quest You must be at least level 35 and have exactly 225 Cooking
Master 300 Read book Master Cookbook
350 Fisherman's Feast Shattrath City: Kylene

First Aid

There are no level requirements for learning Apprentice or Journeyman First Aid.

There are no level requirements for reading the Expert or Master First Aid books.

  • Expert book vendor
    • Alliance - Deneb Walker, Stromgarde Keep, Arathi Highlands
    • Horde - Balai Lok'Wein, Brackenwall Village, Dustwallow Marsh
  • Artisian quest NPC for Triage quest
    • Alliance - Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen, Theramore, Dustwallow Marsh
    • Horde - Doctor Gregory Victor, Hammerfall, Arathi Highlands
  • Master book vendor
    • Alliance - Burko, Temple of Telhamat, Hellfire Peninsula
    • Horde - Aresella, Falcon Watch, Hellfire Peninsula
Skill What to Do Note
Apprentice 1 Linen Trainer - major city
40 Heavy Linen Trainer - major city
Journeyman 50-75 Train Trainer - major city
80 Wool Trainer - major city
115 Heavy Wool Trainer - major city
Expert 125-150 Read book Expert First Aid - Under Wraps
150 Silk Trainer - major city
180 Heavy Silk Manual: Heavy Silk Bandage
210 Mageweave Manual: Mageweave Bandage
Artisan 225 Do Triage Quest You must be at least level 35 and have exactly 225 First Aid
240 Heavy Mageweave Quest NPC
260 Runecloth bandages Quest NPC
290 Heavy Runecloth Quest NPC
Master 300 Read book Master First Aid - Doctor in the House
330 Netherweave Manual: Netherweave Bandage
360 Heavy Netherweave Manual: Heavy Netherweave Bandage


  • The Expert level fishing book currently requires level 20, but 2.4 may drop this requirement.
Skill Level Required What to do Who Notes
Apprentice 1 1 Train Fishing trainer
Journeyman 50-75 1 Train Fishing trainer
Expert 125-150 20 Read Expert Fishing - The Bass and You Old Man Heming, Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale
Artisan 225 35 Do Fishing Quest Nat Pagle, Tidefury Cove, Dustwallow Marsh You need to be at least level 35 and have exactly 225 Fishing skill
Master 275-300 45 Read Master Fishing - The Art of Angling Juno Dufrain, Cenarion Refuge, Zangarmarsh