Resist Lightning

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Template:DA Even the elements of nature must yield before the glory of the Light. When a knight of Zakarum has manifested this aura, he and his allies undergo a lessening of their body's natural conductivity, protecting them from attacks empowered by electricity.


Level 1-60 stats

Stat Value
Radius (Yards) (28+(4*slvl))/3
Lightning Resist +% min(35+[115*[(110*slvl)/(slvl+6)]/100],150)
+% Maximum Lightning Resist (Active) blvl
+% Maximum Lightning Resist (Passive) [blvl/2]

  • Passive bonus to Paladin does not apply when aura is active: base level 10 will apply +5% to Paladin when inactive, and +10% to Paladin and allies within radius when active.


Skill bonus

  • +(1-3) Resist Lightning (Paladin Only) can spawn on ilvl >11 scepters.

Value Source Min Rlvl Ladder
+(3-5) Stormeye War Scepter 30 No

Levels 1-60 stats


Stat Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Radius (Yards) 10 2/3 12 13 1/3 14 2/3 16 17 1/3 18 2/3 20 21 1/3 22 2/3
Lightning Resist +% 52 66 76 85 92 98 102 106 110 113

Stat Level
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Radius (Yards) 24 25 1/3 26 2/3 28 29 1/3 30 2/3 32 33 1/3 34 2/3 36
Lightning Resist +% 116 118 121 123 124 127 128 129 130 131

Stat Level
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Radius (Yards) 37 1/3 38 2/3 40 41 1/3 42 2/3 44 45 1/3 46 2/3 48 49 1/3
Lightning Resist +% 132 133 135 136 136 137 138 138 139 139

Stat Level
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Radius (Yards) 50 2/3 52 53 1/3 54 2/3 56 57 1/3 58 2/3 60 61 1/3 62 2/3
Lightning Resist +% 140 140 141 141 141 143 143 144 144 144

Stat Level
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Radius (Yards) 64 65 1/3 66 2/3 68 69 1/3 70 2/3 72 73 1/3 74 2/3 76
Lightning Resist +% 144 145 145 145 146 146 146 146 147 147

Stat Level
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Radius (Yards) 77 1/3 78 2/3 80 81 1/3 82 2/3 84 85 1/3 86 2/3 88 89 1/3
Lightning Resist +% 147 147 147 148 148 148 148 148 148 150
