Earendil's Lone monk (UW soloer and more)

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First - I dont claim to be fully original with this setup. I got many useful information from Delbert of Danley. My contribution was the adding of shield of judgement as one of the main offensive skills and the intensive testing.

This is a crazy build. It can solo the UW to a large extent. 1 man smiter runs in about 30 minutes. 3 quests. Its also rather effective in FoW when correctly played. I got near the forge master with him. As for regular encounters....tanking a pack of 15 mahgo hydras (they stand no chance) or cleaning the south half of talus chute in 20 minutes.

Class - Mo/anything - I use necro but there could be many variations

Attributes rather variable.

Divine favor at 4+3 (for a blessed at 13)

Healing at 9+3 - 12 (put it at 13 at start for a +4 mending then you can refund 1-2 points)

Protection - 16+1 at start (for a level 17 prot bond) then refund.

Smite - maxed at 16 after protective bond and mending are up.


Any armor pieces with 5 superior runes for 5*75 = - 375 hps A quest reward item with -50 hps A +1 protective skills icon - Wintun the black south of ascalon settlement. Another one is in the maguma jungle I heard.


- put a lvl 17 prot bond on yourself (icon on switch, might take a few tries. Check the left upper icon in your corner till it says 1 energy cost) - put a +4 mending on yourself - then balth spirit and essence bond. Refund and raise smiting to 16 (optional) - switch to -50 HP gear (I use a personalised smiting rod from the collector in Drocknar as weapon)


For protection: prot bond/essence/spirit/mending/signet

For damage - shield of judgement and balthazar aura

Last slot is optional. If you want to kill terrorwebs - you need watchful spirit or, better, healing breeze. If you only plan a smite run .... go symbol of wrath for faster kills. Other options are obviously possible, especially with a companion and various secondaries.

Its safer to tank 2 aatxes (3 are doable) and up to 5-6 darknesses. The darkness interrupt and drain are a pain - sometimes you have to rod kill them. Do a shield right before aggroing them then (try) a balth aura - should be enough to kill them.
