Khalim's Will
Never forget that your ultimate purpose here in Kurast is to destroy Mephisto. The ancient Horadrim imprisoned the Lord of Hatred inside the Guardian Tower that is located within the Temple City of Travincal. Know this, friend. The only way to gain entry to Mephisto's prison is to destroy the artifact known as the Compelling Orb. Mephisto used this device to control the Zakarum Priests and their followers. The Orb can only be destroyed with an ancient flail imbued with the spirit of the one incorruptible priest. Soon after his imprisonment, Mephisto worked his evil corruption on the Zakarum priesthood. All were turned to his dark ways, save one - Khalim, the Que-Hegan of the High Council. Mephisto directed the other Council priests to slay and dismember Khalim and then scatter his remains across the Kingdom. The Priest Sankekur succeeded Khalim as Que-Hegan, eventually becoming the embodiment of Mephisto here on the mortal plane. The corrupted High Council fashioned an Orb to control the rest of the Zakarum faithful and used their powers to hide the lair of their master from mortals. Your task is to collect the scattered relics of Khalim - his Heart, his Brain, and his Eye. Then, using the Horadric Cube, transmute Khalim's Flail with his relics. Once this is accomplished, you must destroy the Compelling Orb with Khalim's Will to open the way into the corrupt sanctum of Mephisto - Deckard Cain
Khalim's EyeKhalim's Eye can be found in Spider Cavern in Spider Forest.
Place the Eye in the Horadric Cube along with Khalim's other relics - the Heart, the Brain, and the Flail. Khalim's HeartKhalim's Heart can be found in Flayer Dungeon Level 3 in Flayer Jungle. It may be possible to enter Flayer Jungle directly from Spider Forest without going through Great Marsh, so Spider Forest should be searched thoroughly before entering Great Marsh.
Place it in the Horadric Cube along with Khalim's other relics - the Eye, the Heart, and the Flail. Khalim's BrainKhalim's Brain can be found in Sewers Level 2, beneath Kurast Bazaar and Upper Kurast. Follow river through Flayer Jungle to entrance to Lower Kurast in northeast.
![]() Stormtree is an Extra Fast Lightning Enchanted Super Unique Thrasher guarding entrance to Lower Kurast. Accompanied by four minions in Normal, five in Nightmare and six in Hell, all are Immune to Cold (140%) in Hell. Lure minions away or retreat to bridge over river to reduce number of attackers.
Place it in the Horadric Cube along with Khalim's other relics - the Eye, the Brain, and the Flail. Khalim's FlailKhalim's Flail is always dropped by first Super Unique Council Member killed when completing the Blackened Temple quest in Travincal. If player does not have Horadric Cube, one will be dropped by second Super Unique Council Member killed.
![]() Kurast Causeway and Travincal always have same layout, with waypoint to left of Causeway and Blackened Temple containing Compelling Orb guarded by High Council at opposite end.
Place it into the Horadric Cube along with Khalim's relics - his Heart, his Brain, and his Eye. Then, transmute them to carry out Khalim's Will. Khalim's WillPlace all Khalim's relics alone together in Horadric Cube to transmute Khalim's Will.
May the true Light guide your way.
RewardDestruction of Compelling Orb causes stairs by back wall to lower to reveal entrance to Durance of Hate Level 1. Freed from compulsion, Zakarum Zealots will now flee upon sight of character. |