Prison of Ice
There is a matter which I hesitate to share, but I believe you are the only one who can help me now. Anya, the young alchemist and daughter to one of our slain Elders, has been missing for some time. She is a strong, crafty woman with a spirit like no other. One night, just before your arrival, I overheard her and Nihlathak arguing about her father's death. The next morning she was gone. Nihlathak has his own talk as to where she went and why. Don't believe him! I fear he is at the root of her disappearance. Please, if you can, search for Anya and bring her back to us. She'll know what to do about Nihlathak. - Malah
Well, I'll tell you what really happened. Anya came to me for guidance, after receiving a vision that her mother and younger brother were trapped in the lands beyond the Ice Caves. She had decided to go rescue them. I told her that her quest was a foolish one and that she would be safer staying within the city walls. However, she is a willful girl and would not listen to me. The next morning, she was gone. No one is more distraught than I over losing her. However, if you feel the need to be Malah's errand child, I won't try to stop you. - Nihlathak
Entry to Arreat Plateau is at opposite end to waypoint in Frigid Highlands.
![]() Eyeback the Unleashed is an Extra Strong Extra Fast Super Unique Death Mauler guarding exit from Frigid Highlands to Arreat Plateau. It is accompanied by two minions in Normal, three in Nightmare and four in Hell. All are Immune to Lightning (100%) in Hell.
![]() Thresh Socket is a Cursed Super Unique Blood Bringer guarding entrance to Crystalline Passage. It has no minions, although Demon Gremlins may spawn in vicinity. It is always Immune to Cold (120%) in Hell.
ObjectiveOnce down in Frozen River, Anya can normally be found most quickly by following right wall from entrance.
![]() Frozenstein is a Cold Enchanted Mana Burn Super Unique Frozen Abyss guarding Frozen Anya. It has six minions in Normal, seven in Nightmare and eight in Hell. It is always Immune to Cold (150% even in Normal), while its minions are always Immune to Cold (210%) in Hell. Use bridges across water to reduce number of attackers, or attack from across water.
If you've come to help me, my only hope lies with Malah. Please...Tell her you've found me... - Anya
Here. Take this potion to Anya and give it to her. That should release her. - Malah
RewardThank you so much for bringing Anya back to us. I have devised this spell to increase your resistances as a token of my thanks. I know it isn't much, but I hope you find it helpful. Please go talk to Anya. She has urgent news concerning Nihlathak. - Malah
To show my personal gratitude, I give you this. I had it custom-made for you by Larzuk. - Anya