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Previous City of Heroes and Star Wars Galaxies player, been playing World of Warcraft on Stormrage server for a couple of years, initially with Carpe Aurum guild, and then with Emeritus.

World of Warcraft: Stormrage

Cusimanse -- Draenei Shaman, level 70 -- 375 leatherworking, 380 jewelcrafting, 375 first aid, 375 cooking

Chrysopelia -- Human Mage, level 70, 375 tailor, 375 enchanter, 375 first aid, 375 cooking

Kaerwyn -- Night Elf Druid, level 70, 375 alchemist, 375 herbalist, 375 first aid, 375 cooking

Macklott -- Dwarf Warrior, level 70, 361 armorsmith, 375 miner, 375 first aid, 375 cooking